Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1384: Cooperative operations

For the mosquitoes and the world tree clone, Wanjushan is a treasure everywhere.

For the World Tree clone, those natural treasures are most valued.

After all, he is not just the world tree, the world tree that accommodates thousands of avenues, but also the ancestral tree of heaven and earth, the source of thousands of trees.

In general, there are two ways to promote World Tree avatars.

One is to build the world and use the world to advance. For example, the flood and waste world he opened up to the top can break through the peak of the mixed Yuan and break through the chaotic world to reach the immortal state.

However, this method requires him to understand various laws of the earth and the earth, hundreds or thousands of them. It is not enough to try them out, at least a small part of them needs to be raised to a certain depth.

Another way is actually to take the road of wood and gather the world's spiritual plants, and you can also improve yourself and improve yourself.

This method is simpler than the previous one, but it needs to collect a variety of different types, different levels, and different spiritual plants.

Usually there is no such opportunity, isn't this heaven and earth treasure in the mountains and mountains just the best promotion?

Moreover, these things can not only be used to promote cultivation, but also to enrich the background.

As for the mosquitoes, in fact, it doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter who comes. Whether it is a living being or a dead thing, as long as it contains the power of the origin, as long as it is swallowed, it can be turned into a breakthrough food.

But considering the violent nature, waste and other reasons, those beasts are his food.

After all, if he had swallowed up all the treasures of the heavens and the earth, there would indeed be a sense of injustice and no benefit maximization.

After wandering in the mountains for a while and getting familiar with the environment, the two seemed impatient.

After all, looking at so many good things in front of me, without saying a word, was really sorry for myself.


The mosquito whispered lightly, and for a while, a dark red light rose into the sky, and between the beards, it became a sea of ​​blood.

In a moment, the sky around the whole Wanshou Mountain seemed to dim. Even Jinwu's light seemed to be obscured.

A mosquito-like, non-mosquito-like, cricket-like creature manifested in mid-air, turning into a round of **** crescent moon, and the countless amount of blood poured down, giving a spooky and creepy feeling.

The reflection of the whole world is a layer of shocking blood, no other colors.

Bloody, cold, scary, vast, fierce, ancient.

At this moment, the entire Wanju Mountain seems to be able to smell a vicious atmosphere, and it seems that the killings between heaven and earth are condensed here and turned into substance.

Seems to be able to hear the unknown killings and cry.

Roar Roar! !! !!

It seemed to be startled by the breath of mosquitoes.

The whole beast mountain feels alive. Hundreds of thousands of beasts with one head, two heads, and three heads have released their momentum, manifested a vision, opposed the mosquitoes, and resisted in court.

In response, the mosquito shrugged his shoulders, ignored them, and took care of himself.

But one of them, one, two, three

Numerous seemingly imaginary and real, red blood creatures like mosquitoes have emerged.

These are not Shura, nor are they side by side. They are the blood gods condensed by the natural magical powers of mosquitoes.

It stands to reason that when the mosquitoes did not break through the mixed yuan, they could evolve 480 million blood gods. It should be possible to gather more now.

However, it did not.

Not only did the manifestations become more numerous, but they became fewer.

Looking at it at a glance, the mosquitoes just evolved 981 blood gods.

The reason for this is not that he can't, but because the soldiers are more expensive and less expensive.

The more the Blood God Son evolved, the lower the strength of the Blood God Son itself. If the evolution is 480 million, I am afraid that even the mosquitoes themselves do not have 1% of their strength.

And even the mosquitoes themselves walking in the beast mountain, dare not say that they can sit back and relax, what use is such a blood **** son coming?

Even if they are talented, they may not be able to wear the skins of these mixed monsters.

Therefore, the evolution of nine hundred and eighty-one blood **** sons is just right. Each blood **** son has about five levels of mosquito power, plus his talent for mosquito stings, whether it is alone or group attack. In the late mixed Yuan period, there were no accidents, and there was almost no one enemy.

Not only are mosquitoes in action, the World Tree clone has not stopped.

The mosquitoes manifest the sea of ​​blood and bleed the **** of blood, and the world tree clone is the direct manifestation of the body, which is rooted on the mountain of beasts.

For a time, but I saw an ancient tree standing upright, standing upright and not stingy, giant and not ancient, dragon scale cranes, hanging sideways, tens of millions of lines, and crown like a cover. There is no peak, the leaves are luxuriant, and numerous runes are carved. Looking away, Wan Mu worships, and the dark incense sticks. The wind moved, and there was a faint sound of sky.

Where the Mosquito's blood **** son attacks, the root of the world tree derivation is derived.

And he spawned it, on the one hand, to help the mosquitoes, after all, alone, or the beasts under the mixed Yuan, only the kind of beasts above the mixed Yuan, you need him . The rhizome turns into a tying rope and bundles the fairy rope. Stump, trap opponents, and facilitate mosquito killers.

One side is also to collect all the treasures of that place. The sky is three feet high, and the grass is full of grass.

If it is a head-to-head confrontation, the blood **** son of the mosquitoes may not have any advantage.

But unexpectedly, the lethality is too great. Especially for flesh and blood, it is simply a nemesis.

As long as it is not a fierce beast that has reached the end of the mixed Yuan era, the Blood God Son is almost a hit.

But when I saw a flash of blood, as long as I entered the body, and then the next moment, even the desperate resistance of the existence of the late Yuan Dynasty was still useless, and it couldn't be stopped at all. On the contrary, it was like being trapped in a mud, the more I struggled and died Faster.

Blood gas ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mana, Yuanshen, all are like floods at the start of a flood.

Cultivated as a realm, he fell freely and fell quickly.

Mixed Yuan Realm! !!

Quasi-Holy Land! !!

Golden Wonderland! !!

Mortal realm! !!

It doesn't take a moment or three. As long as they breathe, all those who are hit by the blood **** son are annihilated by the true spirit, and the yuan **** collapses. The whole person seemed to be swept away by the power of time, and experienced a lifetime in an instant, from the heyday of his prime, to the sunset and the mountains. In the end, even the dead corpses became impossible, and turned into a piece of skin, all flesh and blood, and all bones were devoured.

At the same time that the blood **** son killed and swallowed the enemies, the world tree became detached, but the roots of the unknown number were like ants moving, dragging all valuable things into the inner world.

The cooperation between the two was simply seamless.


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