Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1385: Promote

The world tree is assisted by a lone character, and the blood **** son is responsible for killing.

You don't know when, a vine will be stretched out under the ground to wrap you tightly, and you will not be able to struggle.

And not only sleepy, the world tree can also be poisoned and paralyzed.

After all, let alone say that the world road he practiced contains the Avenue of Poison.

It is said that the law of wood itself is actually toxic.

Regardless of the real poisons, the vitality alone is actually a kind of poison. It's as if the drug is a third reason.

First sleepy, then paralyzed, and then a blood light rushed at you, and even the painful moan was too late to erupt, and the body died instantly.

The movements of the two were very fast, almost half a day, they had pushed the outer half of Wanshoushan.

Where the mosquitoes passed, it was blood flowing into the river, bones into the sea, no, blood and bones were swallowed by him, and there was only a skin that would be weathered by the wind.

As for the place where the world tree avatar passes, it is three feet high, but he will not let go of anything that has a trace of value.

If it weren't for his inadequacy, he would like to take away the entire Wanju Mountain dangerously.

The two men combined their swords, and wherever they went, was really dead.

Not only are there no living beings, they are also potholes, as if they had suffered the disaster of the world.

For a while, the entire periphery of Wanju Mountain fell into a panic.

As a fierce beast, although wisdom is not a strong point, but innate talent, there is still a sense of death crisis.

So, whoever can run, at this moment begins to escape in a panic.

For a while, the entire periphery was messed up, forming two waves of beasts.

A wave fled towards the outer periphery, seeming to want to escape through the barrier of the dangerous land into the infinite void.

A wave headed towards the middle, seemingly seeking asylum, or felt that there was no peripheral danger in the middle.

Then, you can see all kinds of fierce beasts, or animals, or plants, and even mountains and rocks, springs, all standing up, and rushing into a wolf.

It is a pity that it is completely useless.

It ’s okay to run inward. If you ’re lucky, you can live a little more than half an hour. As for bad luck, I ’m not talking about it. It only depends on whether it ’s in the hands of a mosquito or some other beast.

As for the beasts running to the outside, they were absolutely dazed and panicked.

Because this is completely useless, they simply cannot run out.

Dangerous areas and natural disasters are somewhat different.

Natural disasters can be moved, the scope of which is sweeping is uncertain, and the danger areas are basically fixed.

A fixed dangerous place is like an independent world. To break the barriers of the world, you need to have enough power.

For example, if it is a dangerous place at the elementary level, then at least the power of the immortal realm is needed, and then there is a slight possibility that it can break through the shackles and shackles.

This is also the reason why the sun in Wanjushan, the Jinwu has reached the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, and still has not left.

Not that you do n’t want to, but you still ca n’t do it.

If these beasts in dangerous places can come in and out at will, the dangerous degree of dangerous places will be completely different.

These, not to mention, said that although the mosquitoes and the world tree avatars were turned upside down on the periphery, they looked like they had to kill them.

Not to mention the central part, that is, the core area was shocked.

But when he was agitated, he was agitated, just as the mosquitoes manifested the sea of ​​blood. But there is no substantial action.

As a ferocious beast, I believe in it most.

In their opinion, the movement of the periphery today is nothing but the blood and rain that a hegemon must rise through.

What's more, it doesn't matter if you hang high.

The most important thing is that here is the periphery, just the periphery, and the interests are so little. People simply don't look at it. They can't even ridicule the mosquito outbreakers and lose face.

Of course, the most important thing is actually the identity of the mosquito. He is also a member of the beast.

No matter how fierce it is, it's just a matter of breaking your arm and folding it in. It's your own business. It's your own business.

If you try it with another person, don't say what's happening now, even if it's a little bit bigger, say no, it will cause a crowd to attack it.

Otherwise, how do you think the danger level of Manjushan comes from?

Roar! Roar! Roar! !!

Although the ferocious beast does not have much wisdom, but out of fear of death itself, the whole area of ​​Wanshoushan can be described as a mournful moment, which really makes me sad and smell tears.

If you overlook the whole dangerous place of Wanju Mountain, you can find that the whole dangerous place is surrounded by a sea of ​​blood.

And in the sea of ​​blood, just like the undead in the flood and blood in the past, there were all kinds of beasts trapped in the mud and struggling, but could not be relieved.

At this moment these fierce beasts are being driven crazy, and each end exudes a rush of dogs jumping over the wall.

It's a pity that it's useless at all, only to see the light flashing like a star in the night.

Then, you can see that one by one, fierce beasts like wheat are toppled, and a pile of blood and corpses, even the power of the source of luck and fate, are continuously gathered in the sea of ​​blood.

Of course, it's not just the power of these origins, but also comes with a lot of evil spirits and karma.

These things are things that others are afraid to avoid, and they are the same for other beasts. Although they don't care much, once they accumulate more, there may be a day punishment.

However, for mosquitoes, it is not even a disease of mange.

Not to mention that he was born in the sea of ​​blood, can be said to be evil spirits, ferocious beasts born from karma.

Just the red lotus in the eternal sky boat can not only eliminate the disadvantages, but can also be used as food to improve your own foundation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mosquitoes do n’t care what it is now, anyway, there is a help to help them With only one mind running, the power of these passed-through origins, running the true sea of ​​blood, breaking through cultivation.

Dude, that's the way to go up at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. One breath, one change.

But when the body of the mosquito is seen, the black blood mosquito of Hongmeng is spreading out and covering the sky. It seems that it is no smaller than the body of raising an eyebrow.

With the brilliance of the purest source of power, infused into the body of the gods, you will see a black blood on the black body, flashing a dazzling light.

There is also a mysterious, ancient, mysterious texture outlined on it, as if it were born in nature, as if it is the manifestation of the most original source of the avenue, like the meridians in the living body, giving a life-like feeling.

The more devoured, the more hungry and thirsty, the whole body transmitted a breath that could not wait to devour the world at any time.

The breath is naturally stronger and stronger. Although it is not as fast as the eternal blessing, but it is almost a hundred years a day.

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