Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1388: To attack

At the time of Fang Qingshan's wanton harvest, the mosquito Taoist and the World Tree clone were steadily heading towards the middle of Wanshou Mountain.

But at this moment the entire periphery is a mess, a dead silence.

Except for the souls who fled to the middle, there is no living creature here. Anything of a little value was taken away by the World Tree avatar.

If people know that they are the Taoist disciples' avatars and spread the word, I am afraid the whole Taoist gate will laugh and be generous.

However, mosquitoes and others didn't care about it.

Not to mention knowing, even if you know it? Compared with the harvest, a little bit of face is obviously insignificant.

At this moment, the beasts in the middle are waiting.

The middle part is so close to the periphery, separated by a wall, how could it be that the mosquitoes and the two people made the movement.

And although the beast is lacking in wisdom, it is just lacking, not without wisdom.

It's just a bit like the Wu tribe. Their true spirits are inherently blinded by evil spirits, and they like to do things directly without thinking.

But this does not mean that they will not use their brains if they cannot do it.

I felt the fierceness of the mosquitoes at a close range, and heard some of the scared refugees who escaped. All the central beasts were ready.

Due to the majesty of the strong, although they dare not take the initiative to provoke, if the mosquitoes and the world tree dare to attack them as if they were outside and want to blood-wash the entire middle, then they must see whether they agree.

After all, the middle is not comparable.

This is reflected in two aspects.

One is strength. Most of the beasts in the periphery are in the early period of the mixed Yuan, and even under many mixed units, only a few are in the middle of the mixed Yuan.

And the central part? There is basically no mixed element, and the initial period of the mixed element only occupies a small part, most of which are in the middle period of the mixed element, and a small part of the later period.

The most important thing is that when the mosquitoes were blood-washed around, they caught the beast by surprise and unexpectedly attacked them.

Now, they have prepared for it, but if there is a little wind and grass, they will gather together, and it is impossible to break them one by one.

On the other hand is the background.

There is yin and yang in the world, and reproduction and mating are normal things. Vicious beasts are no exception.

However, the beasts are also classified into levels, and the resources of the entire Wanju Mountain are limited.

Therefore, the strength is not enough, even relatives cannot live together.

If it is said that the beasts in the periphery are scattered repairs, the beasts in the middle do not say all, but one-third are rooted.

People also have a backing in the core area.

Even if you can't fight the mosquitoes yourself, there are still no ancestors.

They are confident that although the mosquitoes are powerful, their ancestors are definitely not weaker than them. If all the ancestors are united, they can be destroyed.

Therefore, although they were taken in the prestige of the mosquitoes, they were not very afraid.

Unfortunately, they have no idea what kind of goods they will face.

Unless their old ancestors really can't afford mosquitoes, even if their old ancestors can't afford mosquitoes, but as long as the benefits are large, the mosquitoes dare to take risks.

Just like the Void Thieves described previously in the Palace of the Immortal.

As long as it can bring considerable benefits, even if it is against their original intentions, it is enough to make people take risks; if there is a heart-warming interest, even if the risk is great, they dare to know that they cannot do it; if they can see it The prospect of soaring into the sky is to risk death by dying, and even the dangerous moths that will never live in the world to fight the fire. They dare to know that there are tigers in the mountains, and they tend to go to the mountains.

Obviously, these beasts of Wanjushan are still in the range of mosquitoes. Therefore, there is even less scruples.

Therefore, after solving the peripheral issues, the mosquitoes and the world tree avatars tasted the sweetness, and immediately entered the middle without a hitch, and then proceeded in the same way.

Seeing beasts killing beasts, seeing treasures.

The dogs of the mosquitoes were obviously out of expectation of these top existences in Wanjushan.

They originally thought that the mosquitoes were just masters who got a little adventure and suddenly rose up.

According to the practice of sharing the cake among the strong, give him a little sweetness.

But did not expect to intensify.

This is not to divide the cake, this is to go your own way, but also to cut off the way of others, this is to destroy the entire Wanju Mountain.

Although Wanjushan is like a cage for these top-level beings, they always want to escape from difficulties.

But before getting out of trouble, this is also their home.

Especially this person not only wants to destroy their home, but they also want to destroy themselves.

Such extreme terrorists would not want anyone to change their presence.

So, shortly after the reincarnation of the two mosquitoes, all the fierce beasts in the whole beast mountain moved.

Can't let him continue like this.

Especially with the mosquito-path blood-washing the entire periphery, the momentum has changed qualitatively.

Although it is still not worth mentioning in the eyes of many people.

But so much improvement in such a short period of time is shocking enough.

At the same time, they also want to figure out what is going on. If they can do this, wouldn't it be a matter of time to get out of trouble?

Therefore, regardless of whether they are public or private, they must make a shot.

With the shots of these immortal beasts, the scene instantly becomes different.

Rumble! !!

In the middle of a scattered sand battle, the beasts in the core area began to be organized. Disciplined people approached the mosquitoes and the world tree. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For a time, the entire Wanshoushan was amazing. Hear, a loud roar came from the ground. In the sound of trembling, there were horrible growls, and various terrible screams. The ground shook and the mountain shook, a tragic fierce atmosphere sweeping through like a tide.

Feeling this scene, the mosquitoes did not dare to neglect, afraid of being broken one by one, and quickly gathered their own blood **** son back.

After all, although the Blood God Son is only a clone, but one is broken, the deity is also implicated. The damage is much, and it can even be damaged. It is not impossible to kill the deity.

However, the world tree avatars did not have this trouble, but intensified. After the fierce beasts left, they rooted themselves deeper and farther. After fighting for their lives, they generally gathered those natural treasures back, for fear of waiting for battle, I will destroy them. With these things, it's going to hurt my heart.

In the eyes of the World Tree avatar, these things are all their own.

Just when the World Tree clone was so busy that mosquitoes were waiting.

After a while, countless fierce beasts surrounded them in all directions.

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