Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1389: Old tricks

Howling wolf tiger leopard, viper mosquito, dragon and phoenix unicorn, eagle deer monkey, pangolin, fierce bird, giant claw bird, thunder cloud eagle, bifang, chaos, giant, zerg win Lin Maoyu Kun.

Wanjushan is indeed Wanshan, which means not only quantity but also species.

Many beasts cannot even be named by mosquitoes, although he has records of beasts in the palace.

But which records are common.

And the beast is still being updated every moment.

Therefore, incomplete recognition is also normal.

It's just that the tide of beasts, the tide of beasts, and the tide of soldiers that swept away like a tide are really frightening.

The target they are attacking is, without a doubt, towards two people of Mosquito.

Let the two of them feel what it means to go to the sky without a door.

The emitted air machine is even more amazing. All of them are mixed Yuan. Under the mixed Yuan, they have almost been killed by mosquitoes, and the immortal strong are not in the minority.

No less than the case of being hunted on the way back the last time.

In addition to the existence of the late immortal, there are not too many immortal powerhouses, and the number of explosions under the mixed Yuan is the last time. ?

For another person, I'm afraid the legs are already soft, and even breathing seems to stop, and the heart will suddenly stop. ? Even turn around and run away.

But the mosquitoes and the world tree are not separated.

Not only was he not afraid, but he was trembling with excitement, that was exciting.

I have grain in my hand, don't panic at heart, and have strength, naturally I'm not afraid of how many people come, how powerful they are.

It happened that everyone was gathered together, and it saved them a lot of effort to find them one by one. ?


It was awful, and even the voice of the crow that Yuanshen exploded rang across the whole beast mountain.

Then I saw a ball of fire falling in the sky, it seemed like the East China Sea in the bathing day.

Three-legged Jinwu.

As one of the top and most powerful beasts of Wanjushan, he was asleep, but he was awakened unexpectedly by this party.

"Big guts, outsiders, you do n’t even have immortal cultivation. Do n’t you dare to wash my blood in Wanshoushan?”

Others did not see that the three-footed Jinwu had special secrets. At a glance, the two mosquitoes could be regarded as beasts, but they were not native beasts.

As soon as this remark was made, the entire Wanju Mountain rioted.

They said why suddenly a giant owl appeared in the Wanju Mountain. It turned out that it was from the outside world. No wonder it was so unscrupulous that the whole Wanju Mountain would be destroyed.

One by one, they can't wait to rip out the two mosquitoes, shame their blood.

However, because the three-footed Jinwu was present and the fierce beast level was severe, they forcibly pressed.

It is the king of the three-footed Jinwu, the fierce beast. He didn't take the shot right away, not because he didn't want it, but because he felt a strong crisis from the mosquitoes.

This really made him feel a little confused about the second monk, after all, the two mosquitoes were just the cultivation of the late Yuan Dynasty.

"Is there anything they can't do well?"

Three-legged Jinwu thought.

"Do you want to live? It's not up to you to let it go. The surrendered surrendered to me and offered your own collection. Maybe you can save your life, otherwise."

Deeply trapped in the siege, the mosquitoes did not show weakness, but shouted to let the other kneel to surrender.


Don't say that this three-footed Jinwu is a ferocious beast. Ordinary people may not be able to bear a person who is so much weaker than himself.

A trace of anger was condensing, and anger was rising. ? Detonated in the shortest time, three-footed Jinwu fluttered. All beasts, whether mixed or immortal, rushed together.

"Hum, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

The mosquito sneered, waiting for this moment.

A forehead sacrifice the eternal sky boat.

Just like last time, first sacrificed the eternal barracks and released the eternal army.

Huh! !! ?

Then, the beasts of the beasts struck, and the ancient drums sounded. A sound broke into the sky, piercing the sky.

The Wanju Breaking Drum can not only be used as a sonic attack weapon, but also be used as a stimulant, Stormblood, to bless his teammates, and improve their combat effectiveness and morale.

"Battle! Battle! Battle !!!"?

Sure enough, as the beasts broke through the drums, the Dao soldiers seemed to be beaten with chicken blood one by one, and a **** instinct emerged from the blood. Roaring upward, as if there is endless energy in the body.

These eternal Taoists are not used to deal with the beasts below immortality.

There is another person to deal with the beasts below immortality.

They are the existence of sailing units in various places, such as the world of blood, the world of witches, the world of demons and so on.

Although they are not as good as the eternal Taoist soldiers, they also practice the Taoist Taoist soldiers. The most important thing is to win more people.

Then came the array, Zhou Tianxing array and Jiuqu Huanghe array.

Just like last time, the two maps directly suppressed immortality.

The difference is that although this time the immortal beast is not as many as the last time, it also has ten digits.

Fortunately, there is no late immortality, which is relatively easy to cope with.

Therefore, in order to prevent the array from being breached.

The eternal Taoist is naturally used to cooperate with the Zhou Tianxing array to suppress most of the immortal beasts.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Array only needs to trap one, no, not sleepy, but to kill. Although he only needs to deal with one fierce beast, that is, the king of the fierce beast, the three-footed Jinwu can be. But need to destroy the three-footed Jinwu in the shortest time.

The plan of the mosquitoes is as follows. First, let the Jiuqu Yellow River Array roll the three-legged Jinwu into it, and then use the Zhou Tianxing Array to cooperate with the eternal Tao soldiers to trap other immortal beasts. To solve the three-footed Jinwu, come to share.

Although the immortal beasts have long felt the natural ingenuity of mosquitoes, they have not expected such changes.

After all, mosquitoes are just practicing in the later period of the Yuan Dynasty, not even reaching the peak of the Yuan Dynasty.

They are arrogant even if they are purple-colored mixed Yuan Tianjiao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Facing so many immortal powerhouses, especially the three-footed Jinwu, the fierce beast king of the mid-immortal peak, they still occupy a geographical advantage. At that time, why didn't you run away without talking about the wasteland? It shouldn't be the current situation.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky.

They never thought that the mosquitoes would be the masters of the eternal sky boat, and they would also be the eternal sky boat of variation.

The most important thing is that there are actually two maps in the eternal sky boat unit, and all the immortal powerhouses are immediately involved. It is difficult to get out for a while and can only be passively beaten.

And the remaining monsters at the level of Junyuan also have other Taoists to deal with.

Although the most powerful of these Taoist soldiers is only in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, and they are still few. Most of them are under the mixed element, and a few are in the early period.

However, it is completely different when it is equipped with the Dao Ping array, especially the eternal sky boat. From time to time, it launches soul hunting arrows, life killing crossbows and other deck units, and even death sickle units, evanescent lamps, and other **** furnace units. Assisted, the situation was instantly deadlocked.

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