Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1396: shortcut

? When the mosquitoes returned to the island of life and death, Fang Qingshan had reached a critical moment.

At this moment, he was sitting in a secret room and meditating. Final efforts are made to improve the general framework of the immortal chapters of the decree of the heavens.

In this century, Fang Qingshan has only done two things.

The first is because watching the general history of the heavens caused chances and torrents of history to break their own limits.

After breaking the limit, naturally there is no longer no progress, but there is a lot of room for improvement.

Therefore, he has been practicing continuously over the years in order to reach the next limit.

However, it is very simple to achieve this, it only takes a little time. After all, his state of mind, what he has done, has reached immortality at the time of eternal blessing.

In other words, the volume of the container has been enlarged. What we have to do now is to meditate continuously, devour resources to cultivate, and fill the volume.

Another nature is to make up for foundation and cognition.

Firstly, I watched most of the books on the first floor of Dadao Palace, and then the second-level mixed-yuan magical skills. Let the heavens reach the limit now.

In the end, naturally, the immortal-level exercises on the third floor.

Over the years, Fang Qingshan has taken away almost all of the incomplete and immortal-level exercises on the third floor, and then used the eternal Tianzhou Yibao Architecture Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to develop and perfect it.

Today, it has been fruitful.

However, it is due to the quality of the Tibetan scripture hall and the consumption of eternal divine power.

The speed of deduction is very slow. Therefore, the harvest is naturally not as much as expected.

Although all the damaged magical powers on the third floor have been taken away, the perfect ones are only one in ten.

Although not as much as under the mixed element and mixed element-level exercises.

But taking into account the two immortal-grade exercises received for free, and about one for one year, the completed exercises, and even the exercises that Fang Qingshan exchanged for Taoist value.

There are more than a hundred articles counted.

Although not many, it is enough for Fang Qingshan.

At least for now, he wasn't obscured by his eyes. The immortal version of the heavens' decree has already had a rough outline in my heart.

Especially one of the exercises is suitable for him, just like rain in time. If this is not the case, even if Fang Qingshan just builds a framework, it is not enough to do more than a hundred exercises.

What he has been doing is hoping to outline this rough outline before preaching.

In this way, when listening to the sermon, you only need to adjust, perfect and add bricks.

Not only is this easier, easier, but it can be improved even more.

Only in this way can the benefits be maximized.

In the back room.

But the inexhaustible air of life and death was seen rising from all sides, sinking, bumping together, condensing into golden bells, fishing drums, cymbals, canopies, Ruyi, treasure umbrellas, windless self-singing, and Xianle bursts. It is mixed with the smoke and smoke in the incense burner, which makes people intoxicated.

Fang Qingshan sat on his knees on the futon in the middle of the cross, and died. The chessboard on the top of the head was manifested, and a piece of chess flickered like a star, thousands of them, shining brightly. This thing is the heavenly board.

Behind the head of a wheel reflects a thousand, sky clouds burst out of countless clouds of light, Qingyun flickering with glorious brilliance, overlapping and unpredictable.

In my mind, one after another, the immortal exercises.

Because these exercises are deduced and perfected by the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

And Fang Qingshan itself can be said to be Fang Qingshan's alternative instrumental spirit.

Therefore, these exercises are equivalent to Fang Qingshan's thousands of hard work and practice, and I have learned how many times, and passed them into my mind, just as I re-started after the reincarnation of Bai Shi. To be transparent, it seems that the old horse knows the way, it is easy.

There is a feeling of irritation. In a very short period of time, it has crossed the door of the first glance. Although it has not yet reached the stage of small accomplishments, it is almost as if it is not.

It is the same as the previous perfect hybrid elementary power method.

Fang Qingshan does not want to fully master these immortal-level exercises, which is not very realistic. After all, every exercise is basically practiced. This is why a person wants to achieve something and find another way. Otherwise, it is difficult to surpass. Seniors, because those who learn from me live, those who are like me die. Of course, Fang Qingshan did not have such concerns, but he did not have that much time.

Therefore, he just needs to judge, and it is enough to extract the part that suits him best.

To this point, Fang Qingshan can be described as practice makes perfect. After all, the heavens and the Tao have been perfected in such a way. After so many times, they are naturally familiar with light cars.

Moreover, it was said earlier that Fang Qingshan encountered a method that suits him well this time, so he saved a lot of trouble, and was able to build the outline of the immortal chapter by relying on hundreds of immortal exercises.

This practice is not a side, it is the decision of all realms.

On the second floor, Fang Qingshan once obtained the incomplete Ten Realms, and his full name was Wanjie, which was a town gate method that surpassed the Taoist gate.

It is difficult to observe the chaotic worlds, but the success of training is naturally infinite.

Unfortunately, with the demise of this martial art, this practice is scattered, and many forces have it, but it is incomplete.

Therefore, on the second floor, he got the sequel of the Ten Realms, and on the third floor, he encountered the sequel of the 100 Realms.

At first, in fact, Fang Qingshan didn't pay attention, just thought it was the same as other exercises, but after perfecting, Fang Qingshan found that when choosing the essence, the other exercises were to choose one or two out of ten, but Baijie was more than two one.

This is Fang Qingshan overjoyed.

After all, 100 Realms is definitely a mature method of practice, and it still has a complete inheritance, not just the 100 Realms, but also the 1000 Realms and the Realms.

Therefore, at this time, Fang Qingshan naturally took advantage of the doctrine.

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The reason why I discovered it now is that I did n’t find it when the Ten Realms were decided. It ’s actually very simple. That ’s because the mixed Yuan chapter has been perfected. The Ten Realms can only be regarded as the icing on the cake. .

The words have come back, the reason why 100 Realms is definitely suitable for Fang Qingshan.

But it is because, first of all, this practice is a superb magic skill, a complete world decision, the core inheritance of the entire Taoist gate is incomparable, that is, it can be ranked in the heavens.

Secondly, the most difficult part of the practice of Wanjie Jue is to observe the heavens and heavens.

For Fang Qingshan, this can not be easier.

Because he has a board of heavens.


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