Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1397: Send

? Chess board!

This is the most important treasure in the hands of Fang Qingshan. None of them is equal to the eternal sky boat.

This is not because he is more powerful than Eternity.

After all, although the heavens chessboard is very good, the eternal sky boat is not bad.

The most important reason is that Fang Qingshan relied on this treasure in the beginning.

Because of him, Fang Qingshan can come to this vast world from the end of the French era. Because of him, Fang Qingshan can meet bad circumstances and become a success. Because of him, Fang Qingshan can grow in the shortest time to now. .

Therefore, although the Chessboards of Heaven seem to be less important than the Eternal Skyboat, they still have a completely different status in Fang Qingshan's heart.

Like the eternal sky boat, this treasure is a comprehensive magic weapon.

The most basic and commonly used function is naturally to travel the world.

As long as you enter it smoothly, you can intercept the power of one side of the world and merge it into the chessboards of the heavens, turning them into chess pieces.

On the one hand, the passage is built to facilitate the next time, and it can be more easily and randomly shuttled. On the other hand, it can be used to evolve the world for offense and defense.

At that time, in the world of eternal life, Tai Huntian shot against the other side, and he relied on this hand to get out smoothly.

With the power of the origin of a chaotic world, isn't it natural to observe the outline of the world?

Therefore, practicing Wanjie is very troublesome for others, but it is even simpler for Fang Qingshan, who has a chessboard in the heavens.

As long as he spends a certain amount of luck to open up chaotic worlds, he can easily observe the outline of the world.

The only thing to consider is the amount of luck.

But compared to being difficult to get started, there are shortcuts to luck, and anyone who wants to come will be ecstatic.

Matching the realms of the heavens with the chessboards of the heavens is simply a powerful addition.

Therefore, although there are only one hundred ten immortal-level exercises, Fang Qingshan also outlines the outline of the immortal chapters of the heavens and the Tao.

Borrowing chickens and laying eggs, based on the framework of Wanjie Jue, Fang Qingshan changed it slightly. It is suitable for the path of the heavens and Taos, and is suitable for you. Then you can incorporate the essence of other exercises.

One door!

Two doors!



Fang Qingshan constantly observes, extracts, refines, integrates, adjusts, and polishes ...

In this process, the immortal chapters of the heavens' demonstrative decisiveness are naturally constantly improved, and Fang Qingshan's insight is even higher.

After all, even if you just master the fur, it will greatly broaden your knowledge, become your own accumulation, and become your foundation.

The Storm Sword Emperor preached.

After a century, a piece of news, a great event, spread with the thunderbolt across the immense void, the heavens and the world.

Countless souls ran for it, talking, some bare chested feet, sighing, some ecstatic, heaven pie, some without words, covered their heads to hurry ...

The location of Fukuhara Mountain was also determined.

This time was a period of good luck for the general public.

Because the place where Fuyuan Mountain appears is not in the remote corner of the horn, nor in any dangerous place, in the natural disaster, but in the immense void in the middle of the heavens and the world.

Unfortunately, even so, except for the creatures in the nearby world, unless other creatures have storm swords, or Damonists, disciples of great influence, they have the means to rush in a short time, otherwise they want to rush over in a short time. It's just delusion.

Because like the opening of the Zixiao Palace, when it is full of 3,000 people, it will be closed.

Fuyuan Mountain is naturally the same. After Fuyuan Mountain manifested, there would only be three years to wait for the scene to open. When the time came, Fuyuan Mountain closed and once again fell into the void.

Do not pass lightly!

Although the Storm Sword Emperor felt the difficulty of being a monk, he wanted to preach all sentient beings, and wanted to take the opportunity to understand the meaning of disaster and blessing, but he also knew a degree.

If it is too easy, it will not be cherished.

Fortunately, these have nothing to do with Fang Qingshan. He holds the Storm Sword, no matter where it is, as long as the power level is not higher than the Storm Sword Emperor, as long as the token is crushed, it can be transmitted to Fuyuan in the first time mountain.

Taoism Gate, Island of Life and Death.

In the back room.

Ding Dong!

A clear and sweet voice sounded, and Fang Qingshan who was intoxicated in the avenue was pleasantly surprised.

But you can see that a quaint token floats in the air and shines brightly.

With a sharp sword, a mountain of God manifested, seemingly false and real, and true and false.

Fang Qingshan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, like a black hole. He looked up for nine days, and then came down to the dim, Zhoutian Vientiane, all in the palm of his hand.

I can only see one side of the six reincarnation roulettes held behind my head. Stars of bright light emerge from it. Thousands of light spots converge together, condensing into golden clouds, gloomy, and glorious. Turning according to a certain mysterious law, the star A little bit of the world is all sides.

"It's a decisive decision, and it really works."

However, this is Fang Qingshan's basic framework of Wanjie Jue, and the reincarnation of the law of destiny, which fills the essence of many immortal-level exercises, and evolves into the immortal outline of the heavens and Taos.

Hurry up, and finally succeed at the last minute.

"it's time."

Fang Qingshan sighed and reached for a move, and the suspended token fell into Fang Qingshan's hands. What is not the Storm Sword?

After the manifestation of Fuyuan Mountain, the Storm Sword immediately sent a message to remind the owner of the news that Fuyuan Mountain opened.

Fang Qingshan made a few adjustments and crushed the token the first time.



The next moment, I saw a phantom that seemed to be the Emperor of the Storm, and opened his mouth to spit out a word, which was as heavy as a mountain, and soon there was a chirping sound of bells, gas blocked in all directions, clouds rolling in all directions. , Fell on Fang Qingshan.

Following ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan suddenly had a kind of dizziness, and even after reincarnation for thousands of years, he was vertigo and stunned. This feeling is more exciting than crossing the wormhole. Almost a ten-thousandth of a second, Fang Qingshan disappeared from the Taoist Gate, and after waking up, he had come to a strange place.

At the same time, not only Fang Qingshan, Jiang Bawang also sacrificed the Storm Sword, and the effort of the two men almost broke away from the chaotic world of Tao.

The power of a **** emperor erupted, completely ignoring the various defenses of the moral gate. The movement is so big, you can imagine.

For a time, the head of the moral door, the elders, the elders were too frightened. I thought that something had happened, Hao Xuan did not move in groups, opened up the strongest defense, and offered four levels of treasure.

Fortunately, they were also very knowledgeable and soon knew what was going on. With a sigh of relief, my heart was instantly filled with joy.


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