Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1402: Avatar

? Although the eternal sky boat and the chess board can be burned, recorded.

But obviously, both online video teaching and audio tapes are definitely inferior to the professors and live concerts.

After all, the eternal sky boat and the chess board are not omnipotent, and it may inevitably be distorted during the burning process.

At the scene, the reason why the face is precious is because of the rhyme in the sound. Not to mention the recording, even the distant hearing will be affected, let alone the other.

However, there are more than less than enough, and one or two rhymes can be retained more or less. So completely and completely forgotten, naturally, I do n’t know much, I ca n’t ask for more.

Contented, Changle also.

Of course, this is the next strategy, and the best way is to realize it on the spot.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan also used a method, which is not a method, it is to maximize the benefits.

Everyone else came to hear the story, but Fang Qingshan was dragging his mouth.

Although he is a person, he has two avatars, and the avatars of the two avatars are not weak. Even if he stands with him, he does not explain, does not deliberately expose it, and he does not know that he is a different creature.

At the same time, he also manifested the magical power of Sanqing.

This magical power is indeed a bit powerful. It can differentiate into three avatars that are indistinguishable from the deity. This is much better than any other idea.

In addition, there are countless clones all over the mind like the number of Ganges sand.

So, at this moment, if you can enter the sea of ​​knowledge through Fang Qingshan's brain, you can see such a scene.

Qingyun floated, with two treasures, six people and countless clones suspended in between.

Needless to say, the two treasures are the chessboard of heaven and the eternal sky boat. These two treasures are tirelessly recording the sermon of the Storm Sword Emperor, so that Fang Qingshan can check for omissions and learn new things when he returns.

As for six people, they refer to mosquitoes, world tree avatars, Fang Qingshan deity, and three incarnations.

Among the six people, in addition to Fang Qingshan's deity, looking at the current situation, the most realized is actually not the mosquitoes who have broken through the immortality, but the world tree clone.

However, if you think about it, you can understand that after all, the world tree avatar is not high, but the combat effectiveness is not weak. The most important thing is the nature of the world cult that determines everything.

The Storm Sword Emperor preached, although he planned everything according to his destiny, but in order to take care of everyone, the preaching was naturally inviting.

In this way, in the five elements of reincarnation, the world tree avatar is not as comprehensible as the deity Fang Qingshan. In blood and killing, the world tree avatar is not as good as the mosquitoes, but it is worse than them.

Because no matter what Storm Sword Emperor says, he can easily understand one or two.

Several people sat around Fang Qingshan's Yuanshen, and each of them selectively selected the sermon comprehension of the Storm Sword Emperor.

In simple terms, they can fully understand without any loss, but when it is deep, it is obviously impossible.

In the end, their realms, insights, and backgrounds are here, and they are not as good as those of the Emperor.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to distinguish the primary and secondary, some are targeted, there are some choices, willing to be willing, and only willing to have.

Although the world tree avatar understands the Three Thousand Avenues, it should also be understood from his best rules, such as the Wood Avenue.

The mosquito is the same. He first understands the blood, kills, devours the law, and then the other.

Fang Qingshan's three avatars are the five elements, life and death, reincarnation.

As for the deity, it is the overall coordination. He is not bound to any rule, but is based on the immortal chapters of the heavenly sermons that have been constructed, and constantly learns the sermons of the storm sword emperor and the understanding of mosquitoes Come to fill and perfect the immortal.

Except for the treasure, the deity, the mosquitoes, the world tree avatar, and the three-incarnation avatar, the functions of countless other avatars are actually equivalent to experiments.

Researching a new drug, and conducting clinical trials to create a method, naturally need it even more.

After all, the practice of cultivation is a very dangerous thing.

Why are some exercises clearly powerful, but they are generally put on the shelf? It was because he had not been perfected and tested. It's easy to have trouble when you practice.

Creating a practice is obviously not that simple. He is not eating, drinking, sleeping or traveling. He cannot afford to be negligent. Naturally, it is not easy.

Any method that has been spread has been shaped through a lot of practice. From creation to popularization, it has been continuously cultivated and perfected by countless people from generation to generation, and I don't know how many difficulties they have experienced before they are finally formed.

If a martial art wants to carry forward, it is definitely not those

Although the effect is great, the practice conditions are harsh, and it is even easy to get into the magic, but it can be popularized. Although the former can be powerful, it will never have a moment of great prosperity. indefinite.

For a while, Fang Qingshan's head was manifested like everyone else, and finally fixed on one side of the roulette and one side of the chessboard.

Roulette is naturally the six reincarnation gold plate, which is the manifestation of Fang Qingshan's natal road.

The chessboard is the reflection of the heavenly chessboards, in which a piece of chess pieces is lit, and they are all sides of the world.

Hold the chessboard with the roulette and hold the heavens with the reincarnation.

This is the immortal chapter of Fang Qingshan who realizes that he belongs to himself with the framework of Wanjie Jue.

Because the immortal chapter has not yet been completely set up, this vision is not strong. After a while, it collapses and turns into an incomplete Scripture, scattered thousands of characters, like graffiti in elementary school, filled with large sections Large sections of blank space, just like building a house, have just laid the foundation. If you want to rise flat, you need to add bricks and tiles.

Then, I saw that all the clones began to act in an orderly manner. These clones began to cultivate the immortal articles that had just been perfected. Decided, I feel the changes in every realm of Gongfa.

See if the final match with the immortal is perfect.

This ability is absolutely unimaginable.

Many people, even if they know this approach, are still overwhelmed.

Because the general method of avatar can't do this at all.

The 480 million blood gods of mosquitoes are unique.

Mosquitoes know, Fang Qingshan naturally does.

Therefore, every time Fang Qingshan can easily develop and perfect the exercises. Practice is also smooth sailing.

Because the practice before immortality had been practiced by him ten thousand times, any bottlenecks and obstacles were well known.

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