Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1403: perfect

? It is not the same as the previous battle of mosquitoes in Wanjushan.

Where in order to maintain combat effectiveness, so the blood **** son of differentiation is not much.

But today, the differentiation of the blood **** son is only for cultivation, and it may collapse at any time, so it is no longer required to cultivate, but instead, Han Xin sent troops to do more good.

The first step of these avatars is to practice the heavenly sermons to the mixed Yuan chapter.

Then began to try to cultivate Fang Qingshan's just-completed immortal.

Although there have been experiences in creating mortal articles, Jinxian articles, Daluo articles, and mixed Yuan articles.

Although the framework has been set up, it is based on Wanjie.

Although there is still the Storm Sword Emperor preaching, it is constantly improving.

But apparently, the Immortal at this moment is just an experimental article. So it needs to be adjusted by clinical experiments.

Since it is an experimental product, it is inevitable that there will be such accidents.

Therefore, from time to time, you can see the avatars or they explode directly, or freeze into a ball, or spontaneously ignite without wind, or ... in the end, there is only a little spirituality left, which turns into a glimmer of light. To Fang Qingshan's mind.

Obviously, something went wrong during the cultivation process, and the fire went into magic.

However, although it is a fire-fighting phenomenon, it also has reference significance. The so-called failure is the mother of success. Success is based on the summary of countless failures.

In that spiritual light, he took his full understanding of the immortal chapters he had cultivated before.

Let Fang Qingshan himself feel as if he had practiced it once, it was very wonderful and clear.

Every trace of the feelings in it naturally flowed in his mind, and then turned into adjusting the material of the immortal chapter, helping him to constantly improve his exercises to become perfect.

It is with the existence of the avatar that Fang Qingshan can perfect the immortal chapter in the shortest time.

For a while, the milky brilliance on the back of Fang Qingshan's brain appeared.

It seems that I have seen all the books that Fang Qingshan has read in the Dadao Palace, and even said that since the birth of Fang Qingshan, all the civilizations that have been seen. In the meantime, one by one, the great Confucianist Hao Hao had the poorest classics.

This is not the side, it is the aura of wisdom.

A little spark ignites, but it is the fire of wisdom.

Take yourself as the furnace, wisdom as the charcoal, immortal pieces as copper, and Storm Sword Emperor as the work.

Take countless avenues of immortal exercises as nourishment, take the essence, and melt it into one furnace.

Although it was difficult, Fang Qingshan had already prepared in advance, and the sermon of the Storm Sword Emperor coincided with it, and everything became orderly.

At each moment, the immortal chapter of the decree of the heavens will be perfected a little, and Fang Qingshan will unswervingly take the most stable step forward.

As the storm sword emperor's sermon continued to deepen, Fang Qingshan and others gradually felt struggling.

Others may still try their best to realize that they will not let go of the slightest.

But Fang Qingshan gave up at this time.

Because he knows how much rice is in a large bowl, and he will definitely support it if he eats too much.

Immortality is his limit, the Emperor of God, and even the Emperor of God, even if he listened, he just listened to heavenly books. Even if you comprehend it forcibly, you won't be bitten by the avenue.

It is yours that is yours, and what is not yours is not yours.

The most important thing is that Fang Qingshan's greatest purpose here is to create immortal articles.

In addition, he also has the eternal sky boat and the chess board that can be burned. Even if he doesn't listen now, he can review it when he returns. Although the effect may not be so good, it is enough.

Therefore, immediately after the Storm Sword Emperor spoke deeper and deeper, Fang Qingshan and others thoroughly sunk into the perfection of the Immortal.

As for the preaching of the Storm Sword Emperor, he was regarded as a linden tree, mixed with Yuanyuan sacred fluid, and awakening tea, etc., to accelerate the completion of the Immortal.

For a time, but I saw other people, either drowsy, or a blank face, or ecstatic, or frowning, all sentient beings.

Only Fang Qingshan is still the old god, and has always been happy. After all, the immortality is perfecting every moment. It's as if Xiuwei has made little progress but he has made progress every moment.

Individual avatars were differentiated, then cultivated, then exploded, then returned, and then re-differentiated. However, Fang Qingshan can get more and more insights, more and more detailed, more and more refined, and the heavens and sermons are never more immortal.

Although the previous immortal chapter has a rough frame, it is like a child's graffiti. Many places are not only blank, but also very vague, inappropriately used, and turned upside down.

But at this moment, it looks like a essay for high school students, totally different.

Three or five thousand words rise up into the air. The characters are as big as buckets, purple qi, and octagonal draped over them, such as the sun, moon, and sky, and rivers and rivers.

With the improvement of the immortal chapter, Fang Qingshan is also unknowingly transforming the body's working methods in the body. A more powerful force flows slowly in the body, which is an immortal force. The mighty, the power is even more amazing.

Although Fang Qingshan has not yet broken through the realm, Mana Yuan Shen's physical body has taken the lead in one step towards immortality.

Fang Qingshan knew nothing about this.

He is now immersed in the perfection of the immortal.

After all, opportunities are rare, and opportunities are never lost.

It is natural to seize every minute, and waste is shameful.

Moreover, all the minds are immersed in the comprehension of the Tao.

The preaching of the Storm Sword Emperor is really worth the money. No wonder there are so many people who want to come to hear the sermon.

Fang Qingshan has made a lot of money this time, not only the immortal chapters have been perfected, but also the avenues recorded in the chess board and the eternal tianzhou. farther.

Of course, Fang Qingshan's harvest is not small, and others have also harvested a lot.

Everyone is immersed in the words of the Storm Sword Emperor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ plunged into various situations.

Maybe learn about the past or look into the future.

Either he has perfected the exercises like Fang Qingshan, or he has achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, or he has comprehended a mysterious magical method, or ...

Every trace is different, but all mysterious, surrounded by everyone.

Especially the three **** emperors previously predicted by the Storm Sword Emperor, at this moment the repair actually has a hint of emperor's coercion.

Obviously, as long as you go back and retreat for a while, the breakthrough is only a matter of course.

Although Hunyuan, because of repair, distance, has the least benefit.

But progress is the most obvious.

After going out, most of the hybrids here will smoothly break through the immortal realm, and will also lay a solid foundation for the future.

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