Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1404: Immortal

There is no sun or moon in the mountains, it has been a thousand years in the world.

Wu Dao is the time when the time is least noticeable. For Fang Qingshan and others, it seems that only a moment has passed, but the real time has passed unknowingly for decades.

In the past few decades, there have been fluctuations in the breath of people from time to time. Even if there is no breakthrough, the breath is more solid.

However, more people were rejected by the Storm Sword Emperor.

It is not that they offended Storm Sword Emperor, but because as the Storm Sword Emperor's preaching deepened, they could not hear it at all, forcibly comprehended, and they were all bitten by the Avenue.

Fortunately, the Storm Sword Emperor found them in time and transferred them one by one, otherwise, I am afraid they will not be able to eat and walk around.

Therefore, unconsciously, there are fewer and fewer people listening, one by one, scratching their ears, sitting upset, frowning, especially in the Yuanyuan circle, except for Fang Qingshan and a few people sitting in the golden jade futon Everyone else was transferred out.

These people, like Fang Qingshan, are people with great fortune and great wisdom.

The big luck is that they are all sitting on a golden jade futon and can hear more.

After the great wisdom came, they, like Fang Qingshan, no longer listened wholeheartedly, trying to peep at the avenues that were not in line with their own realms, but instead learned the new avenues and strengthened the avenues they had heard.

Of course, Fang Qingshan didn't know anything about other people and didn't care about it.

At this moment, his mind is completely immersed in the perfection of the immortal.

Originally, Fang Qingshan's original idea was to set up the framework first, and then when he heard the sermon, perfect a five-sixth. As for the later perfection, you can take it slowly, or wait for the next eternal blessing, or borrow the resources of Taoism.

I do n’t want to, I ’m so lucky this time, there is the blessing of the golden jade futon, plus he knows how to choose, is willing, and has lost, and loses the mulberry elm, although he did not listen to the emperor, the emperor road, but let the immortal It's all perfect.

At a certain moment, but when I saw a prosperous article floating in the sky, the sky was instantly shining, and the vastness was thousands of miles. A chessboard is like a reduced version of the infinite void. Each piece of chess turns into a chaotic world of stars. It is dotted with stars and runs according to a certain mysterious trajectory. One side of the roulette, alternating black and white, life and death are intertwined, time and space are intertwined, linking all the worlds, holding up the entire chessboard.

As soon as this work came out, the Storm Sword Emperor couldn't help it.

It's not how amazing this practice is, weep ghosts.

Although the immortal chapter is good, but the magic he has seen is inexhaustible, naturally it will not shake it.

To his astonishment, Fang Qingshan actually created such a magical work that is not weak in all realms of immortality in the realm of mixed Yuan, which is truly a terrible afterlife.

With the complete improvement of the immortal chapter, a mysterious and mysterious breath was bred up in an instant, and then I saw a rush of articles, suddenly shrank into a ball, fell into the heavenly gate, and walked down the sea of ​​knowledge. Twelve-floor building, with five internal organs and six sacrifice, scattered limbs and bones.


Thunder blasted! Fang Qingshan was shocked. A dense layer of red gold inscriptions appeared on the bones, like dragons and snakes, and the atmosphere was magnificent.

The physical body, mana, elemental spirit, law, true spirit, etc. are all transformed into immortal power at this moment.

This is the magic feedback.

The sound of the sky reappeared for a while, the golden lotus was in full bloom, and the fragrant incense.


This time the sermon lasted for a hundred years before ending.

Although it is only a hundred years, it is not enough for everyone to take a nap, but it has been here for a long time, and everyone's gain is not small anyway.

When the voice of the Storm Sword Emperor paused, the sermon ended.

"Everyone is a rich and well-qualified generation. I am just one step ahead. I hope that this trip will be helpful to you. If it is beneficial, it is also a virtue, but I hope But, one day, everyone will be able to sit down and talk with me. "

After the sermon was finished, the Storm Sword Emperor did not leave immediately, his eyes stopped for a while on the three imperial emperors who were about to break through, and he looked at a strange number like Fang Qingshan, and encouraged Tao.

At the end of the speech, this light was in full bloom, and turned into a sword light straight into the sky, as if through the void, the next storm, the sword emperor disappeared.

Although the Storm Sword Emperor disappeared, they did not drive the crowd out of Fuyuan Mountain as soon as possible.

The crowd just hurriedly saluted and then sat cross-legged and immersed themselves in the avenue.

No one wants to leave at this time, and Fang Qingshan is no exception.

For one thing, although the storm sword emperor's preaching is over, here, Fuyuan Mountain is still full of strong road charm.

The second is that just after the sermon was over, the crowd was still immersed in the avenue, still thinking about it and consolidating it. If you leave this way, the result is likely to lose some inspiration.

The Storm Sword Emperor naturally knew this, so he did not send the crowd out the first time.

Instead, they deliberately left them a period of time to allow them to digest well.

While Yu Yun is still there, everyone naturally wants to seize it, continue to comprehend the time, and consolidate the harvest of this sermon. If you can still remember, digest one or two, it is naturally a blessing from heaven.

In a blink of an eye, ten days and a half months passed, and finally, the rhyme around the podium weakened a little, and finally slowly disappeared. Everyone was basically digested, and the indigestion was not yet possible. So, they also sobered up one after another and left for Fuyuan Mountain.

"It's a pity, it's almost, my cultivation can be promoted to another level."

Some people regret it, but it seems that there is a lot of excitement in the words that seem to be regretful.

In one sermon, everyone benefited a lot, saving them at least 10,000 years or even 100,000 years of insight.

Although ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is affected by differences in air transportation, cultivation, knowledge, heritage, Fuyuan, qualifications, etc., the same century of harvest, the level is different, there are high and low.

But even with the least gains, Xiuwei has raised a level, the foundation has been consolidated, and the foundation has been strengthened.

This is basically all about immortality.

The realm of the Emperor of God is not a preaching that can elevate a realm. After all, at their level, the difficulty of breaking through a small realm is definitely above the breakthrough of a big realm.

As for the mixed realm, it seems that the gains are small.

But that's because of the existence of the heavens and the earth and the immortality.

However, it is conceivable that among them, those who could only cross the middle-level thunder robbery will definitely become high-level thunder robbery. Those who cross the high-level thunder robbery will increase the number of robberies, and they may not become top-level thunder robbery.

And once the robbery is successful, I am afraid that repair is not just such a simple matter in the early immortal period.

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