Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1411: Tempering Supernatural Powers

? After the completion of the 19th robbery, the next wave of robberies did not fall immediately.

First, it takes a little time to accumulate and transform power. After all, the power of the 29th and 9th robberies is far above that of the 19th.

Moreover, Fang Qingshan was naturally shocked. I did not expect that the most powerful wave of thunder in the 19th Dao Zang actually left Fang Qingshan intact.

Although Dadao is not a creature, he has the will. The stronger the person who crosses the calamity, the stronger the thunder will be once it is sensed. To put it bluntly, it is often jealous.

Seeing the sky, the thicker and thicker the robbery clouds, the erratic thunder that has not yet fallen, is that the hearts of many inner disciples in the early immortal period seem to be pinched.

However, this time, no one is worried about Fang Qingshan.

Not to care, but to have a sense of his strength.

After all, the flesh actually carried the last wave of thunder in the 19th annihilation, not to mention the early immortal period, unless it is a specialized body or a person with physical talent, many immortal mid-late period may not have this flesh.

Therefore, no matter what happens later, at least these two or nine robbers cannot help Fang Qingshan.

No matter how many people think about it, they say that the thunderstorms in the sky did not allow Fang Qingshan to wait long, or that they did not give the people who had crossed the calamities too many opportunities to breathe.

Less than one and a half moments, the mines were saved.

Good guys, even if they know that the twenty-nine robberies are far above the one or nine robberies, everyone can't help but take a breath.

Although the number and size of the Thunder returned to the state of the first wave of nineteen robberies.

But the quality is completely different.

No one expected that just after the first wave of two or nine robberies, an attribute thunder appeared.

Yes, this thunder is a golden masterpiece, blooming endless sharpness, as if the sky is going to pierce the sky.

Metal Robbery!

Not only that, the thunderbolt became a handle.

The power of the two superimposed is naturally a step higher.


For a while, Jian Yin was as fine as a mosquito at first, and then gradually lifted up, billowing like river water, and in the end, it seemed to come out of its sheath completely, and the sound was clouding.

Suddenly, in the gap between the robbery clouds, there was a sudden release of sword qi, a sharp golden sword qi, and once the sword qi came out, the long swords below the level two treasures trembled extremely. As if surrendering to worship.

"Well, you have to say that for other attributes, I will let you three points, five elements thunder? Hey!"

Fang Qingshan saw the thunder rob falling down from his head, but he was not surprised.

Nowadays, although he has transformed the law of destiny into reincarnation, he started with the five elements, and because it is a reincarnation of the five elements, the reincarnation can also be transformed into the five elements. To understand the five elements, at the same level, he can interact with him. But it is rare.

And when it comes to coping, it is even more difficult to catch.

After all, his destiny five-element bracelet, today's reincarnation circle, is like falling treasure money, seven treasures, five colors of light, diamond bracelets, can be changed, water and fire do not invade, can hit all things, set various magic weapons, infinitely useful. . Especially restrain the treasures and magical powers of the five elements.


Fang Qingshan's two-handed seal changed, and he flickered like thunder. As soon as his heart moved, Tianmen's clouds rose, and mana flowed from his body. The next moment, a colorful alternating ring was revealed.

This object is not only a five-element bracelet, but also a reincarnation circle, which alternates multicolored from time to time, or black and white.

On it, weird textures are engraved, such as mountains, like water, like swords, occasionally roasted by flames, and the world is frozen. Sometimes it seems to be time and space alternation, life and death transformation, but whether it is the heavens and earth and the five elements, or the cycle of life and death, they have organically formed a closed loop, connected together completely without gaps.

If the eyesight is amazing, you can also see on this bracelet that from time to time, there are 989 mirrors, or 7749 swords.

That treasure mirror is naturally the projection of the reincarnation mirror, and the spirit flag is the portrayal of the Five Elements Banner.

The center of the closed loop looks like the heavens and earth return to the market, or the black hole, the wormhole, and the deep and deep, can not be seen at the bottom.


Seeing that Thunder was about to split on Fang Qingshan, but the circle of reincarnation suddenly expanded, and a force that swallowed the sky suddenly appeared. The next moment, I saw the center of the circle, the time and space was distorted, and the Thunder was just sucked into it just after it fell.

For a while, the roaring sound was a masterpiece, the circle mirror was on the treasure mirror, the Lingqi Guanghua masterpiece, and the cycle circle was also large and small, shrinking one by one, it seemed that there was a possibility of bursting at any time.


In this regard, Fang Qingshan did not look at all, but intensified, mana urged, law blessing, urged the greater power of the cycle, and swallowed all the thunder in one breath.

"Swallow, swallow, swallow."

The reincarnation circle is rising, the devouring power is getting stronger and stronger, the Thunder enters into it, the two forces collide with each other, and an unprecedented force erupts. As a result, Fang Qingshan's entire body was shaken violently, and his face was pale as paper.

Not that the Thunder was so powerful that Fang Qingshan was overwhelmed.

Rather, it is the same as the previous nineteen robberies. Fang Qingshan is again tempered by the power of thunder, but the previous time was to train the body, this time to train the supernatural powers.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the Taoist Door couldn't help being speechless.

First quench the body, then quench the magical power, this is to regard Thunder Robber as their own home.

For a time, those who did not dare to survive the calamity had expressed their envy, jealousy and hatred, which really meant different lives.

The thunderstorm in the sky seemed to feel Fang Qingshan's provocation once again.

Everyone else was afraid and afraid of him, at most it was worry-free, but Fang Qingshan repeatedly and repeatedly used his own power to improve his strength.


So, the next moment, the sky regenerates and changes, and in the dark clouds that have been illuminated by gold light, suddenly more and more powerful power, swords, swords, halberds, hooks and forks, eighteen-like weapons, are everything ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Good guys, it seems that all the blades of the world have come together and have not yet started. The sound of weapons arguing makes people feel depressed, and it seems that disaster is coming at any time.


When Fang Qingshan saw this, he snorted coldly, and did not show the slightest fear, and still ran to meet him.

As mentioned earlier, if the thief of other attributes is still cautious, he has three points, and the five-element attribute has no fear at all. If he can't break the magical power at one time, not only can he not hurt Fang Qingshan, but it will also help his progress.

"go with!"

Fang Qingshan stretched out his hand, and the cycle above his head fell into the palm of his hand instantly, making a slight turn and throwing.

The samsara bloomed with colorful rays of light, smashing past the falling thunder in front of the thunder.

The cycle of reincarnation is not only able to receive magical powers from the world, but Lingbao is not weaker than attackers.

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