Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1412: 29 robberies, too!

? Hum!

A loud noise seemed to be breaking the ground and the heavens were shaking.

At the next moment, countless times are blown up, even if they are separated by countless light years.

Moreover, the entire circle-defending formation law was brilliant and full of firepower.

It wasn't Fang Qingshan, or Taoist thought that thunderstorms were too powerful, and just in case, they opened the formation.

It is the world's original will that feels threatened and automatically protects itself.

Hey guys, you know that the world of robberies is a place where the Taoist gates specifically let the disciples cross over to immortal robberies.

From the beginning to the present, there are more than 10 million disciples who have been here to rob, and there are no geniuses who have encountered it.

However, it has never been encountered before, and just after the second thunderstorm, it actually made the entire world feel dangerous, and thus had to automatically start the matrix to avoid being hurt by the aftermath. This shows that.


Regardless of the others, it is said that the cycle of reincarnation and thunder are intertwined, and the chaotic world of most of the Taos is shaking.

Then, it was seen as menacing, like a thunderbolt like a arsenal trembling violently. Most of it was directly torn apart, and worse, it was directly disintegrated into the power of thunder. Better, on the blade, there were cracks. It was spreading at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, shocking.


At the next moment, with Fang Qingshan's cry, the power of whale swallowing the sea once again erupted in the cycle, sweeping away all the power of thunder like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

After a short time, the clouds were raining, the sky was bright, the world was clear, and time and space healed. If it were not, the clouds of heaven in the sky had not dispersed, and the circle-protection law of the surrounding circles was still shining, and nothing seemed to have happened in general.

The world is quiet!

Obviously, no matter whether it was Jieyun or the audience, Fang Qingshan's magical powers were so good.

However, between the breath, the heaven and earth will react.


Cloud robbery, thunderous!

Suddenly, the whole world of calamity seemed to become a party of thunder prison.

I can't see the world of robbing, I can't see Fang Qingshan, all I can see is the thunderous eyes, and the ears are all roaring. I only see the sound of clicking and clicking in the whole circle of the guarding matrix. It seems overwhelmed.

And at the very center, there is only a huge vortex, a funnel, which gathers all the forces, crazy rotation, huge tornadoes transformed by countless soldier blades, orbiting the center of Fang Qingshan, endless sharpness, endless energy , Like a whirlpool blowing in the center.

Fang Qingshan is at the center of the vortex, bearing the scrubbing force of billions of sharp edges. Although Fang Qingshan can't be seen, it is not difficult to guess how horrible Fang Qingshan faces.

Because Fang Qingshan's successive provocations, or not provocations, but easily survived the thunderstorm, not only did not hurt him, but instead became his stepping stones, so it seems that the set off from the road to robberies is the same.

Therefore, the will of the avenue intentionally adjusted the difficulty.

Although it is still two or nine, the quantity and quality have not changed.

However, it is similar to the last one.

Several waves of Thunderbolt fell together, so that formed the territory of the Thunder.

"Hammers !!!"

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan was in danger and was not in chaos. On the one hand, he continued to guard the reincarnation circle, turning it into a black hole, devouring the sky and swallowing the earth.

Obviously, these waves of thunder are added together, but the cycle alone is already a bit stretched.

Fang Qingshan did not dare to swallow all the Thunder into the cycle.

After all, he wants to temper the cycle, not to break it.

Moreover, even if he wanted to swallow it at a stretch, he would have enough energy and lack of power to revolve in the current level.

Fortunately, his magical powers are not just the same as reincarnation circles.

Reincarnation cone!

Fang Qingshan first sacrificed the samsara cone.

However, the recurrent cone is not the main method.

Because this supernatural power is powerful, it has a broken surface, just like the mosquito sting of a mosquito.

However, it is better than a single attack. In the face of this group attack, it seems to be a bit weak.

However, Fang Qingshan sacrificed him, not to break the enemy, but to temper the magic by thunder.

In addition to the reincarnation cone, Fang Qingshan also sacrificed two supernatural powers.

One is a five-line diagram. Now called the Five Elements Reincarnation Map, it is the destiny supernatural power condensed when Fang Qingshan broke through Daluo.

However, it can be seen that the golden trees, water, fire, and soil, the five elements revolve, differentiate, and each other is opposite to each other, and the cycle is black and white, alternately included.

Suspended above Fang Qingshan's head, it is like a canopy, resisting the attack leaked by the cycle circle. Of course, it is not hard to hit hard, but to use force to fight.

The five elements circle, life and death rotate in time and space, four or two pounds of weight, leveraging strength to make a circle, and it is better than Taiji.

Although Lei Jie is fierce, under the rotation of the Five Elements Reincarnation Map, it is watertight, rotating the fierce force out, and in turn reflecting the power back. With the Five Elements Reincarnation Illustration, Fang Qingshan formed around One large and one small, one outside and one inside two arc tornadoes.

The one outside is naturally the tornado seen by the audience, and the inside is the tornado formed by Fang Qingshan with the power of the five elements.

In addition to these five elements, Fang Qingshan also sacrificed Chess Chess!

This supernatural power was Fang Qingshan's exquisite Da Luotian according to the immortal fairy of the immortal world.

This magical power was completely transformed into his destiny as Fang Qingshan came to understand the immortal chapters of the heavens and the Tao.

After all, this magical power was originally realized by Fang Qingshan's enlightenment on the chessboard of the heavens, and now the heavenly sermons are definitely compatible with the chessboard of the heavens, and this magical power naturally became a destiny.

But it can be seen that at the foot of Fang Qingshan, the chessboard rotates, around the body, billions of stars surround it, and a star has a world.

The power of Thunder was first devoured by the circle of reincarnation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then it was leveraged by the reincarnation diagram of the Five Elements to rebound and absorb, and fell into the chessboard of the heavens, as if it had fallen into a space-time fault and was lost in In the infinite void.

With the five elements reincarnation map and the reincarnation chess of the two heavens blessings, everything becomes simpler.

Even if there is still a fish that leaks the net, with Fang Qingshan's body, the rest of the thunder is just tickling for him.

In this way, the Twenty-nine Road Calamity passed quickly.

Reincarnation circles, reincarnation cones, reincarnation maps, reincarnation chess and so on, the magical powers have also been tempered one by one. Although the changes are not as great as the physical body, the power has been increased by at least three layers.

However, in the end, the magical power is not like the physical body and has not obtained a qualitative breakthrough. Therefore, the next three or nine calamities may not be used.

However, fortunately, the purpose has been achieved. Next, Fang Qingshan is preparing to temper the Yuanshen and the law.

As for power, in the process of constant consumption, continuous recovery, and hardening, the mana has long been transformed.

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