Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1415: Robbed

? Fang Qingshan was thinking hard and fighting.

Dao Jie is also similar to what heroes see.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan drove the sky to break the sky and thunder.

Daojie is the nine waves of thunder.

The two collided, and the power that erupted could be imagined.

How powerful is Tianzhou, the huge hull, the moment when it hits out with full force, the power that erupts is inestimable, plus the sharp edge of the chaos magic horn, even if it is the second-class top defense treasure, it seems to be unable to resist it. .

And what about robberies?

Sixty-nine robberies, ordinary people will let those top Tianjiao dying to survive, let alone mutate the sixty-nine robberies, but also nine waves together, the power is great, not to mention mixed yuan, it is a lot of immortal late No less.

This is why the guardian array of the world of robberies was not used in the slightest, and even the world itself collapsed directly, and it was necessary to maintain the high level of Taoism.

This collision, the stone was shocked, this collision, the rain was sunny!

Click! !!

It is the supreme eternal sky boat, and it is also the level of mutation properties. Under this collision, the divine light on it began to dim at the speed visible to the naked eye. Numerous runes collapsed on the spot, and the prohibitions in it continued. Crush. Make a shattering noise.

At this moment, Jureta rumbling continuously, exerting its efficiency to two hundred percent, and devouring its power into eternal divine power as much as possible, and transported it to all parts of Tianzhou through the eternal thunder pool.

While blessing the chaos magic horns, the Tianzhou unit itself repaired these Tianzhou units, and the place where the Tianzhou was broken by the thunder.

The sky boat was damaged, and Fang Qingshan, as the host of the eternal sky boat, was naturally unable to escape.

puff! !!

For a while, Fang Qingshan's entire body was shaken by thunder, and he trembled violently. Between opening his mouth, a spit of blood against his back could not be suppressed. His face suddenly turned pale.

If you want to repair Tianzhou's wounds and Fang Qingshan's body, he and Tiancaibao alone will not be able to do it without thousands of years.

The price paid is great, but it is worth it.

Because Jieyun was directly penetrated, and the nine waves of thundering evolved souls, thousands of souls combined together, and naturally formed various large arrays. At this moment, they also made a clear sound and turned into countless fragments. .

"Ding Lian Tian Tian, ​​swallow!"

Although Jieyun had been broken and the thunder was scattered, Fang Qingshan did not stop, bearing the pain, and once again offered Qian Kunding.

The reason for this is naturally due to the explosion of Fang Qingshan's properties.

The thief didn't go empty, three feet high.

Previously, he was able to take advantage of the thunderbolt, and now that thunderbolt is not threatening, naturally he will not let these thunder forces disperse on his own. Naturally, it will be confiscated.

In particular, although these thunders were broken by the eternal sky boat, their power is not alive.

But even this remaining power is enough to make these robbery clouds, Thunder is not weak second-class top grade.

For a while, I saw a big tripod, three legs, two ears and four sides, gossip of yin and yang and five elements, a tripod cover, and a big swallow.

All thunder and cloud were swallowed up in one breath.

For a time, the rain was sunny, if it was not above the ground, or it was mottled, and there were crumbling cracks everywhere. I don't know why it never happened.

"Buzz !!!!"

Just in Jieyun, the Thunder swept away, and the next moment, there was another sudden change.

But sure enough, suddenly thousands of glows of light emerged from the sky, blowing Dafa snails, knocking Dafa drums, dragons and phoenixes, golden boys and girls, purple light qi qi as the water under the eaves, endless ding, sky hangings, and golden lotus .

This is the world celebrating the robbers.

The talent is excellent. Although it will be jealous by the sky and multiply its power when crossing the robbery, once it is passed, it will also be sheltered and rewarded by heaven and earth.

This is not, after the vision, suddenly, a milky white, rich and extreme beam of light straight down.


Coming straight to Fang Qingshan, Fang Qingshan was drowned instantly.


Fang Qingshan suddenly groaned comfortably to the sky.

It's time for hard work, but it's time to harvest.

"Hit !!!!"

Thunder robbery is both robbery and fate.

After the thunder robbed, naturally it was natural fortune.

At this moment, countless disciples of Daoyimen couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts.

It's not that they are superficial, it's really that there is too much power of creation on Fang Qingshan.

If it is said that the power of fortune they obtained after crossing the calamity was only streams, rivers, and lakes, then Fang Qingshan received the blue sea and ocean.

For a time, the entire world of robbery was flooded with the force of creation.

Seeing that the audience could not wait to fight the local tyrants, divided the fields, and secretly intercepted one.

Not to mention disciples, many elders hate not to get a shot.

After all, these powers of creation are given by the avenue, even if they are of great help to them, not to mention the benefits of cultivation, just repairing the dark wounds and making up the foundation will make people covet.

Unfortunately, this power of creation is something that has a master. It is specific.

Even if Fang Qingshan couldn't absorb it, they never dreamed of getting a trace of it.

These, not to mention, said that Fang Qingshan had been waiting for this moment.

Fang Qingshan immediately felt that the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and even the charm of heaven and earth, were completely open to him and opened to him at the moment, without any concealment. The display of red fruit is in sight. Although it is not as good as the eternal blessing and the storm sword emperor preaching, but compared to leaning on the linden tree, sitting in the futon of Wudao, drinking mixed Yuanling fluid, burning the sacred incense of the avenue, and knocking the bell of heaven, the effect is still Be more than ten times stronger.

With the power of creation coming into the body, Fang Qingshan had previously used thunder to slay the flesh, magical power, mana, yuanshen, law, and some minor problems left by the true spirit. Speed ​​recovered.

Then, it is the realm. Because of the power of bathing and creation, Fang Qingshan's Yuanshen is exceptionally clear and bright, his brain capacity is expanding, and the speed of operation is increasing rapidly. Thirty-five, even thirty-six, came out.

Fang Qingshan sat down at this moment, holding his eternal imprint in both hands ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Imagine the green lotus picture of the avenue in my mind, the immortal chapter running in the body, the whole person turns into a black hole, turning the surrounding The power of heaven and earth is swallowed into the body like a tide.

Then, you don't need to operate too much at all. It seems that these things are the power of your own origin, and they become part of your body with the most perfect and fastest gesture.

Then, he saw Fang Qingshan's realm rising steadily.

Blind Yuan Peak!

First immortal!

Early immortal!

The peak of the early immortal!


The immortal mid-peak!

Late Immortal!

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