Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1416: Big harvest

? Less than one and a half moments later, Fang Qingshan's repairs rose to the heights of the ship, and naturally transformed into the late immortality.

It's too fast. Like a bamboo shoot.

Too unacceptable.

It seems as if there is no bottleneck at all, as simple as drinking and eating. It's amazing, it's incredible.

Don't talk about the bottleneck, it is more like Fang Qingshan's original practice. It was just a seal before, but now the seal is open.

Although everyone had expected that Fang Qingshan had gone through such a catastrophe and saw the power of creation that filled the whole world, Fang Qingshan's ascension must be amazing.

But still underestimate Fang Qingshan's chance of fortune.

Unexpectedly, he did not make a breakthrough, and once he made a breakthrough, it was the peak of the late immortality.

Yes, after breaking through the immortal late period, Fang Qingshan's cultivation has not stopped, but continues to improve.

Looking at the power of the world, everyone mentioned their throats with one heart.

"I won't break through the Emperor directly!"

Everyone thought in their hearts, red eyes came out.

Fortunately, this kind of anti-aircraft event did not happen after all. Although there are still a lot of good fortunes, only one or two of them are used to promote cultivation.

Even so, Fang Qingshan's cultivation was directly pushed from the peak of the mixed Yuan to the peak of the late immortal in one fell swoop, almost across a great realm, reached the peak of immortality, and caught up with Jiang Bawang. This is something that no one thought of.

It is Fang Qingshan himself that is very incredible.

After all, the mosquitoes are also the top thunder robbers. Although they are only five or nine robberies, Xiuwei just broke through to the middle of immortality, but he didn't want him to break through directly to the peak of the late immortal, and the distance from the immortal peak was just a kick.

Such a breakthrough is really ancient and modern. It is amazing that the average person can cross the first entry and enter the middle period, but he has reached the peak of the immortal late.

In fact, after careful consideration, although shocking, such results can be expected.

First of all, although they are all top-level road robbers, Fang Qingshan is the most top-level immortal road robberies, six or nine road robberies, those top heavens, heavenly evils, and heavenly Buddha sages. Even slightly worse.

Secondly, the foundation he laid during the mixed Yuan period was too strong.

Not only has it experienced eternal blessings, the eternal spirit has been deposited in the spine, but it has also created an immortal piece of the heavenly sermons that is not weaker than the top magical powers such as the 100 Realms of Judgment, breaking the limit and traveling the long river of history. , And heard the sermon of the Storm Sword Emperor again.

And before the breakthrough, everything he transformed into immortality, which is equivalent to Fang Qingshan's breakthrough from the early immortal breakthrough.

During the robbery, he also borrowed the continuous training of the Thunder.

In addition, he has the title of mixed purple.

As I said before, the purple title, especially the top purple title like Fang Qingshan, is also called the emperor-level title. Although it is jealous of the sky, it is also blessed by the heaven. Once the number of calamities is passed, the road is naturally rewarded.

Therefore, it is understandable that the progress is so great.

Moreover, not only Xiu has achieved the Great Leap Forward, everything has achieved a qualitative overflight.

In terms of the physical body, because Fang Qingshan was the first to train the physical body, the physical body was also the first to break through the limit, and transformed into the existence of a second-class treasure. Although the physical body is no longer the main body, it does not mean that the physical body Completely isolated.

When performing combat skills, he missed Lingbao and magical powers, and the rest of the thunder fell on his body, and he was always being tempered. Therefore, the physical body is actually tempered from the beginning to the end, and the most quenched part is obtained.

Nowadays the body is made. The physical body gains no less than Yuan Shen and Xiu Wei.

Thunder quench body, although the effect is significant, but it is obvious that this powerful method of breaking up and standing up, it is easy to leave a lot of dark injuries.

This is like mortals practicing external skills. Although at the beginning it made rapid progress and was powerful, but at a certain time, the dark injury broke out, just like a mountain landslide and weakened instantly.

Fortunately, there is a divine power to indulge, these dark injuries have been repaired one by one, and the physical body has also reached the first stage of the second-grade top grade from the first grade.

Although it may seem inferior to Xiuwei, we must know the way of refining and invincible in the same session, we can even challenge.

Then there is the magical power. The magical power was originally not afraid of the power of the thunder, and it was not perfectly tempered, and it was damaged. The power has only been increased by about five levels. It has not reached the pole of transformation, but it is blessed by the power of creation. However, all of them have gone up and down, one by one, they have transformed into immortal supernatural powers.

The mana is the same, not to mention the mana that is increased because of cultivation, even if it is counted as the mana that is promoted because of cultivation, compared to other late immortals, even the peak of immortality, such as Jiang Bawang who has not yet broken through the emperor. Aoyama's mana is even better.

More importantly, there is no hidden danger in this large-scale, all-round growth.

This kind of cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the process of continuous transformation is normal, or other people simply cannot imagine.

The practice of obeying is a step-by-step process, but now, it is under the **** of heaven and earth, completely overturning this process. However, this is no hidden danger, and can be promoted unscrupulously. This is like a thousand years. In the process of ascension, there is no problem in my own perception of strength and Dao Yun's understanding, which is clearly presented in my mind.

Just like eternal blessings, these are like Fang Qingshan's practice after a little bit of accumulation, but was sealed in the body. Now that the seal is opened, there is no doubt that the foundation will be shaken. On the contrary, it will consolidate the foundation. This is why those **** emperors are jealous.

The physical body, mana ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yuanshen, cultivation, realm, will, supernatural power, law ...

After everything has been improved, but this is still not over. This time Fang Qingshan's robbery was too powerful. The amount he paid was doubled.

Therefore, although all aspects have been improved, and they are all qualitative leaps, the power of creation that is full of the whole world of calamity has not been consumed.

Ascension repair consumes one or two out of ten, repairing dark wounds and injuries, plus boosting mana, supernatural power, primordial, physical body is consuming two or three out of ten, in total, not even half of it is consumed.

There is so much power left to create, naturally it is impossible to waste it.

If you do n’t use this thing, or if you do n’t consume it in time, once the time is up, it will be taken back by heaven and earth, but will not give you the opportunity to collect it.

Otherwise, do you think those who were salivating before don't take a break?

Therefore, in the course of cultivation, or ascending to the point where it cannot be promoted. Those external forces are also improving.

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