Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1419: Target

? The inner door comparison is a flourishing age for the Taoist door. Even the heyday of countless worlds around.

The reason for this is because the realm of Junyuan has just had the qualification to walk in the void of the heavens, but it is the bottom of the existence, and when the Emperor of the Gods, one by one became a giant, and he would not easily do it.

Only immortality is the mainstay and main force. It can both see the strength of a martial art, and the future of a martial art.

Therefore, many people are struggling to make a big difference in the inner door. Even if they are not for the top ten, they will be promoted directly to the true biography, and the martial arts will be rewarded. It is enough to get a martial arts attention.

Therefore, every time the inside door is compared, the whole Taoist door will be very lively, but this time, especially the anti-profit days.

After all, Fang Qingshan is full of legendary taste.

He was only recently introduced, but he is a true disciple. He is about to break through the recommendation of the emperor Jiang Bawang. He is also valued by the drunk elders of the Tibetan scripture hall and opened the door of convenience. He also participated in the sermon of the Storm Sword Emperor, especially immortal. Calamity is the existence of immeasurable emptiness, soaring into the sky, straddling nearly a great realm.

"Looking for the stars and the moon, and finally looking forward to the inside door comparison, it did not disappoint me."

"Yeah, this year's inside doors are a lot better."

"It's not just the inside door contest. Do you know Brother Jiang Bawang and Master?"


"I heard Brother Jiang Ba went to participate in the sermon of the Storm Sword Emperor."

"What? Isn't he about to break through?"


"As for Brother, it has been closed for three thousand years, and I am afraid it is time to break through."

"God Emperor, and two emperors."

"God bless me Taoist door, it seems that my Taoist door is really about to rise again."

"Yeah, don't talk about them or Fang Qingshan, or even other true disciples, just Brahma in the inner door of today, Lidu, Chen Pina, etc., isn't that a big role?"?

"Yes, I heard that many of them have reached the immortal mid-to-late period. The God Emperor can be expected to be no worse than those true disciples. I heard that most of them are still highly regarded by my Taoist leaders. Disciple is booked. "?

"Yes, the reason why they didn't advance to the true story ahead of time is for now."

"It seems that I also need to work hard, not to mention chasing Qingshan and others, at least I must be able to look back."



Sure enough, as expected by the senior officials of Taoism Gate, the appearance of Fang Qingshan was just like the same package of catalysts. There was pressure and there were those true stories. The immortal existence in the inner gates all returned to their own dojo, meditating and adjusting their breath. Strive for the best state and welcome the inside door.

The disciples at the outer gate and the inner gate of Junyuan Realm, when they reached the edge of the breakthrough, directly applied for robbery.

They are far from Fang Qingshan, and after experiencing Fang Qingshan's robbery, they saw that these emperors can be expected. They are not small and powerful, and they are really excited. One by one, they seemed to be fighting chicken blood, imagining that they would catch up with them in the future, and they turned back and immediately went back to retreat. ?

Although this situation may not last long, it is already a surprise to the senior management of Taoism.

As a result, their counterpart Aoyama was even more satisfied.

They have good talents, and they can have such effects, but they are always comforting.

However, it is said that this is just a discussion inside the Taoist Gate, and at the moment when Fang Qingshan's crossover was successful, the news was not long, and the chaos world centered on Tao, the more it spread across the country, the farther it spread.

Fang Qingshan is known to hundreds of millions of people.

As previously stated by Xuanyuan Ziwei and others, Fang Qingshan had no one to ask in this cold window for ten years, and he became famous all over the world.

Although Fang Qingshan was only an insider disciple, he had just made a robbery at Daoyimen, but because of this robbery, he was too sharp. Unlike the previous title tower, only a few people in Jiang Bawang knew it. Now that the entire Taoist gate is known, the news can't be kept.

It's not that the Taoist Gate does not want to keep it secret, but that the forest is big and there are all birds. Although the Taoist Gates are united, there may be spies from other people.

However, although people outside are marveling, but as the original high-level counterpart Aoyama thinks, it is still relatively hazy.

Taoist Gate, Xingluo Hai.

There is a giant island in the center, like a small continent. Its upper path rhyme, aura, heaven and earth treasures, in all aspects, can be described as the crown of the entire inner door.

This is the residence of the disciples of Taoist Menimen.

Today, the disciples who used to rank high on the inner door have gathered here. After a while, the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing.

And for this reason, most of the reasons must be attributed to Fang Qingshan.

But the disciples at the top of the door, at this moment, were gathered together, seemingly silent.

In comparison, Fang Qingshan's perception of the outside world is not very comprehensive. The disciples in the mixed Yuan realm are far from Fang Qingshan. Although the pressure of true disciples is high, Fang Qingshan has not yet been promoted.

Somewhat really overwhelmed is this group of disciples with the front door.

Because they want to compete for the inside door than the top ten.

One of them was a coquettish-looking woman who looked very weak, but no one dared to belittle her. There are also tall guys who are similar to Shi Gandang, but have no personality. There are wealthy sons, scholars, young people who are full of blaze, and old men who seem to be young. Some people are righteous, standing like a chrysanthemum and eucalyptus, smiling as if the moon is in their arms, and others looking like ink paintings, faces like peach petals, and narrow eyes, giving an indescribable femininity. ?

There are not many of them, about a dozen or so. They are all in the middle and late stages of immortality, and they are better than very few true disciples.

Before, I did n’t advance to the true story, I did n’t want to, I just wanted to make a big splash and earn more benefits.

After all, the top ten disciples of the inner door are directly promoted to the true biography ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ various benefits, rewards that many ordinary **** emperors and elders are jealous.

But do not want to kill Cheng Cheng bite gold halfway, everyone is naturally Alexander.

"Every time I arrive at Dabi, a dark horse will pop up, but I did not expect that the black horse that popped up this time will be so dark."

"Yeah, who would have thought of such a newcomer."

"It seems that the inside door has been booked a bit ahead of the top ten."

"I don't see just the top ten, I'm afraid the top three, even the first is very likely."

"Actually, Fang Qingshan is not terrible. No matter how powerful he is, he is just one person. What really needs attention is other dark horses."

"For him, the soldiers came to block the water, the water came to cover the soil. Although the black horse is black, we need to see if the bottom is black, and we are not fuel-saving lamps.

"That's right, that's right. Whoever wins or loses, it's true that you know how to beat them on the ring."

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