Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1420: One after another

? Infinite Void!

In ordinary times, it is often high in sky and wide in sea. It is silent, deep, and extraordinarily mysterious and vast.

Occasionally, there was a flash of light, but it seemed like a meteor passing by, like a cicada, a forest quieter, a bird's song mountain more secluded, and Zhang looked more empty and quiet.

In recent days, however, there has been a slight change.

At least centered on the chaotic world of Tao, where the Taoist gate is located, the infinite void within a billion-mile radius is lively.

It seems like a market, there are countless large and small spaceships fighting against each other.

But it was seen that the dark shadows drifted slowly from a distance, as if it were slow and urgent, covering the sky, and exuding a grand and magnificent atmosphere.

Those shadows are not beside, it is the large void ship. In particular, some of them are similar to the king's ship. Compared to the original spaceship of Jiang Bawang, it is not only superior in size but also in luxury.

When not moving, Xiangguang Rui gas lingered, and at the place of action, evil spirits and murderous spirits filled the air.

In the end, Jiang Bawang's spacecraft is of intermediate quality and is suitable for individuals. It looks small and exquisite and easy to navigate. He is not a luxury person. The void spacecraft is used to escape, except for hurrying, so it looks ugly. Too much publicity is not a good thing to walk in the void.

But these ships are different now.

First of all, they are all top quality, but they are large spaceships. Generally speaking, these spaceships are collective, and strategic materials naturally appear huge.

Secondly, they are all insiders who come to participate in the Taoist Door in front of their respective martial arts faces. Lest you fall into your own prestige and face.

Of course, in addition to the void ship, some of these ships are eternal sky boats.

They have a common destination and that is the Taoist gate.

The reason to come to Taoism is naturally because of the inner door of Taoism.

One is to observe the ceremony, and the other is to investigate.

Guanli is very easy to say. Generally, I do some big things and more important things. I like to invite some witnesses. This is also considered a tradition.

In the past, the inner door of the Taoist gate was much larger, and hundreds of millions of people from around the world would come to participate in casual repairs. However, this time, it seems that there are more people and higher quality.

As for the investigation, it is some people with bad intentions, or people with bad intentions, but people with ulterior motives, who want to look at the strength of the Taoist Gate in order to adjust their attitude towards the Taoist Gate.

On the other hand, it might be that Taoism is showing muscles.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, when the great forces on the Supreme List, the top forces, even if they are enmity and evil, they will not easily start a big war, for fear of repeating, similar to the old thing of the corpse gate and the ghost gate.

After all, the gap between them is not very large. If it ’s not the ranking gap is too large, even if they can destroy the weaker than themselves, they may be smashed. The most important thing is that the mussels compete for fishermen ’s profits. Who has few enemies? No one wants to be cheap, so a weird balance is formed.

But in the end this is a world where interests are paramount, and tongues and teeth can still fight.

Therefore, contradictions between each other are inevitable.

With contradictions, it is natural to resolve, otherwise the more backlog, the more crazy.

And if you want to solve it, you just have to do it.

Just small contradictions, big problems, naturally want to be once and for all, cut off the roots.

Therefore, in the immense void, in the heavens and the world, it is not popular to show weakness to the enemy. Although there is a saying that pigs eat tigers, but under the condition that they cannot fight, pigs and tigers may become pigs Already. Renshan was deceived and Mashan was riding.

Therefore, there is such a grand event as Taoism and Inner Doors.

Let others see your strength. In the future, when you face you, you will naturally think twice and dare not act lightly.

However, in the void where the distance to the Taoist Gate is unknown, a spaceship crosses the air, as if across a sea of ​​bitterness and being able to reach the other side.

The whole body is black, exuding an icy and cold luster, as if filled with icy cold like this ancient infinite void.

During the operation, a slight flash seemed to span a myriad of time and space, and instantly surpassed all kinds of spaceships.

In front of the spacecraft, there is a giant urn hanging on it, writing an extreme character.

Wherever he went, it was a group of evil evaders. Other spacecraft saw the ship and gave way.

At first, it was shrouded in the huge shadow of the spacecraft. The majestic momentum was pervasive and shocking, as if imprisoned.

Another thing is that he is too fast. If he gets too close, he may be involved.

The most important thing is because of that extreme character, but it represents a sect that is stronger than Daoyimen, Jiwuzong.

Ji Wu Zong is in absolute superiority to Taoist Gate in terms of strength and heritage, and the chaotic world under its jurisdiction is not adjacent to the chaotic world of Tao. So it caused everyone's doubts.

After all, the inner door of the Taoist Gate is much bigger than the nearby one, although it is a great event in the vicinity, but it is also true for a longer distance and a stronger school.

Generally speaking, it is not a good martial art. If one side is stronger than the other, it is not a big deal, and strong forces will not come to the party for weak things.

Therefore, when seeing the spacecraft of Ji Wuzong, the people on other spacecraft couldn't help but fry the pot.

"I did not expect Ji Wuzong to come this time!"

"Yeah, Ji Wuzong is far more powerful than the Taoist door now. I never expected that the inner door of the Taoist door came more than them."

"It's not just the Ji Wuzong, you don't know, the big forces such as Piaoxue Palace, Wangu Tianmen, etc. have come."

The spacecraft of Jiwuzong flew by, and along the way, those smaller forces near the Taoist Gate couldn't help talking about it.

"I haven't seen them participate in the past? Why are so many forces coming today?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

For a moment, a breath of worry filled the air.

In the so-called immortal fights, mortals suffer, if something goes wrong and those big forces fight, they will be beaten into pond fish.

After all, many of them are dependent on the existence of these great forces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The big brother fights, naturally the younger brother cannot stay out of the matter.

And even if it's not the younger brother, the possibility of being accidentally injured is very high.

No wonder everyone is full of anxiety.

"You think more."

In the end, some people still knew that the war was not so good, and explained,

"If it is really a battle between great forces, it is impossible to have so many great forces."

"It's the pole, it's the pole, what is it for?"

"It's not easy? Haven't you heard of recent rumors?"

"Rumor, what rumor?"

"You really are ignorant."

Hearing here, the previous ones couldn't help showing surprise.

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