Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1425: reaction

The so-called saints are not dead, and the robbers are more than that!

Why is a saint a thief?

Because they are immortal, in the process of cultivation, they continue to consume resources and steal luck. It is so difficult for heaven and earth to bear them.

Compared to the saint, immortality, the emperor is obviously better.

Fang Qingshan's net worth is quite good in Junyuan, even top, but in the immortality, he can reach food and clothing, a loss than the loose repair, but want to rely on existing resources, as in the Yuanyuan state Leaping forward, that's something you don't even think about.

Not to mention what happened after breaking through the Emperor.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan needs resources, a lot of resources.

It's not just him, I'm afraid no one dares to say that he doesn't need resources, and he can reach the end by practicing meditation.

However, resources are not so easily available.

If the heavens and the world are regarded as a feudal dynasty with a long history, resources are regarded as land. Then you can be clearly aware of the current situation.

Except for dangerous places and mysteries, many things are already owned.

Unlike the feudal dynasty, once the limit is reached, the dynasty may be overthrown. Reallocate land.

Although the heavens and the world have also suffered great calamities, in general, the strong Hengqiang, even if there are accidents, are only a few cases.

Therefore, based on this situation, now, seeing a chance in front of me, how to keep Fang Qingshan from moving?

At this moment, he was already fantasizing how to remove Chixiao.

If this can be done, let alone immortality, it is the cultivation of the realm of the emperor, and Fang Qingshan will be enough.

After all, although Chixiaomen was not as good as Taoism, it was not weaker than the big families in the chaotic world of Shang.

Although many things and good things were taken away by the Taoist gate, the remaining residual coldness was enough to satisfy him.

Not only Fang Qingshan, but other inner disciples who knew the Qixiao world at the moment were red-eyed, rubbing their fists and wanting to show their fists.

Even if it is not for the reward of Taoism, only the rewards in it are attributed to yourself, you must work hard.

After all, the top level of the Taoist Gate just took away the top things, at least for the peak of the God Emperor.

Others are also effective against the peak of the Emperor, and not a few.

At this moment, don't say that disciples inside the door, it is true that the disciples and some of the elders are a bit envious and envious.

Unfortunately, life is not right!

On weekdays, not to mention that such a secret state is basically not open. Even if it is open, you need to make great efforts or exchange it with a large amount of moral value. It is like entering now without conditions, and it is also fateful when it is true.

Taoist Gate's generous hand naturally let other people who came to the ceremony marvel at the martial arts. Those small forces, Sanshou, will not talk about it, there is no comparable at all, just like Fang Qingshan arrived at Fu Yuanshan, it is Liu Yijin. Grand View Garden, completely timid.

However, even the drifting snow palace can't help but secretly lament that one of the old-fashioned top forces is really not a new force that can be caught up in the short term, because their essence is too rich.

"In my drifting snow palace, probably only the water and fire secrets can be compared." A young man who was slightly weaker than Lang Qianli said to him with uncertainty.

"should be."

Lang Qianli nodded solemnly.

Although it is said that today's Piaoxue Palace is extremely powerful, it is not much better than Dao Yimen, or even better than it, because they have the emperor, but it is far worse than the true essence.

As good as the Qixiaojie, the Taoist gate is definitely not the only one, and it is not in the minority, and even more powerful is not absent, and this is already the top secret in Piaoxue Palace, and it is still rare.

But among them, there are two martial arts people, their eyes are just a little bit fixed, and nothing happens. Did not show much shock and emotion.

These two martial arts are nothing else but Naji Wuzong and Wangu Tianmen.

Ji Wuzong is standing on the left side of Piaoxue Palace. The number is not large, only a total of ten, but all of them are sturdy and abnormal. Each one looks like a barbarian, muscles are tied up, and the whole body is imposing, as if one person is better than thousands of horses.

Especially the head is a middle-aged person with a tall body and wide shoulders, standing with his hands on his shoulders, and a body armor to set off that body to a greater extent.

His eyes were extremely deep, as if two vortexes, the blood around him was like the scorching sun, the evil spirits avoided, and the voice of Jin Ge Tie Ma was faint from him.

Further to the left is the Wangu Tianmen.

There are not many people in this martial art, almost ten or so, but it is very different from Piaoxue Palace and Jiwuzong, but it has a little similarity to Taoist Gate, and it has a natural temperament.

As the first person, it seemed that he could not compare with the Emperor Tian Wu Dian of Ji Wu Zong, but no one dared to underestimate him. The Emperor Tian Wu Dian of the Emperor Wu Zong faintly made him a three-pointer.

Because, he is the **** general of the heavenly gate of the ancient world. Since he is a general, where can it be as light and breezy as the surface, and the reason for this is only one point, he has done it.

Behind him, a group of young men and women who looked a little immature seemed to be inferior to Ji Wuzong. After all, Ji Wuzong was almost invincible in the same period at the beginning, but it was only compared with Ji Wuzong. Breath is overbearing.

The reason why these two martial arts are not moved is that they do not look down on the Chixiao world. But because Liang Yuan is good, it may not be a long stay.

For Ji Wuzong, it is somewhat similar to Wu and Shura.

For them, fighting is the most effective means of improving cultivation, often in combat, flying against the wind, turning defeat into victory, and breaking the bottleneck.

For them, resources are not unimportant, they are relatively fighting and retreating to the second line.

For them, reading thousands of books is worse than walking thousands of miles ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is better to fight meditation than to fight.

Between life and death, fighting is the best teacher.

Therefore, they are not envious and not surprised by the Qixiao world, but they are eager to try the danger in the Qixiao world.

The Wangu Tianmen is different from Ji Wuzong.

The reason why they are indifferent is that they have the same profound heritage as the Taoist doors.

Eternal Heaven Gate, Eternal Heaven Gate, this martial art is known as the Eternal Spring and Autumn Period.

The martial arts tradition is orderly, not worse than the Taoism.

The only difference is probably the cutting-edge strength. Of course, this refers to the Taoist gate in its heyday.

The two top big local tyrants, naturally, will not be surprised by a person suddenly taking out a mountain and a mine. Because, if needed, he can come up with the same, or even better, at any time.

It is not surprising that Wangu Tianmen has this kind of background.

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