Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1426: enter

Seeing the performance of Ji Wuzong and Wangu Tianmen, the senior leaders of Taoist Men also sighed.

Didn't they make such a big scene this time just to show the power of Taoism in front of them?

It is a pity that, depending on their appearance, the effect will certainly be greatly reduced, although it will not achieve their purpose.

This is how the Taoist Gate is now declining. There is no God Emperor sitting there, otherwise, where is the trouble? After all, the true strong man is so full of energy that he doesn't need to do anything.

At the same time, they were more affirmed in their hearts and vigorously cultivated the ideas of Fang Qingshan and others. Wanting to cultivate an emperor as quickly as the Chixiao Gate of that year, only in this way can the Taoist Gate rest in peace.

As the ancestors fell for a longer period of time, the influence of the Taoist Gate became weaker.

If there is still no emperor, I'm afraid the scenes that will be difficult to maintain will collapse.

It is not easy to want to appear the Emperor of God, but the most important thing to look at is luck and chance, as well as the momentum that goes forward.

The Taoist Gate does not lack the peak of the Emperor, such as the head of the gate, nor does it lack resources, such as the Chixiao Realm.

However, there were no resources to help break through the emperor. Although the head of the gate and others came forward, they lost their vitality.

Therefore, it is still necessary to train young people.

Jiang Bawang, Fang Qingshan and others were just right.

Suffice it to say, if they can maintain today's breakthrough speed, it is not necessarily impossible for others to break through the Emperor first.

In the end, they are old and their potential is almost exhausted.

But Jiang Bawang, Fang Qingshan, especially Fang Qingshan, are different. He is also the eternal Tianzhou Lord, with unlimited potential.

If it ’s not that the eternal sky boat ’s breakthrough consumes too much resources, or if the Taoism Gate has n’t really reached the end of the mountains and rivers, Yiyidao people and others have the heart to take out all the resources of the Taoism Gate and stack the eternal skyboat to God Emperor's point.

Not to mention these, but to say that after the elder Chuan Gong distributed the integrator and the order card.

Both hands are like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, playing a series of decisive decisions, and finally tapping,


Rumble! !!

The next moment, you can see the layers of ripples appearing on the surface of the Chixiao Realm, fainting like ink, and suddenly, a crack opened, as if the young bird came out of the shell, and must be in the wind, become good at the wind, and turned into a portal, between reality between. It is a bit like the heavenly gate of the chaotic world of Tao.

"The gate opened, and the disciples quickly entered into it!"

In fact, there is no need to greet the elders, everyone can't wait to enter it.

Because through the gate, everyone has seen all kinds of natural treasures in the world.

"let's go."

"Step by step, step by step!"

"Go on."

"It's better to start first, rush!"

The disciples who have been unable to hold back for a long time, at this moment are the Eight Immortals who have demonstrated their magical powers across the sea, or they have played the light, or the flying sword, magic weapon, or the use of combat skills, all at the fastest speed. Fly towards the gate.

Among them, the most prominent nature is the former top ten disciples and a group of dark horses.

The top ten disciples of the inner door will not talk about him. The group of dark horses, except for Fang Qingshan, is also one of thick accumulation and thin hair.

Like the top ten disciples who have not been promoted to the true biography, they all want to find out at such a special time so that their benefits can be maximized.

Unfortunately, I did not see the yellow calendar at first, and did not expect this variable of Fang Qingshan.

If there were no Fang Qingshan, they would all shine, but unfortunately with Fang Qingshan's pearl jade in front, although they also became dark horses, they seemed like a crowd.

A group of people, rushing forward, bravely. Others don't say transcendence, it is impossible to get close to them.

Because their gas field is fully open, they are fighting each other.

The reason for this is naturally to strive for a high and low.

But you can't do it directly, or even make a trip in secret.

In the end, the Taoist gate is different from other schools, and the gatekeepers are more united. Even if it is for the chance, the means are relatively less bloody.

And, just now, everything is still unknown and can't be committed. Before everything is known, it will be a strong enemy.

Therefore, the best way is to use imposing and full firepower, so that one or two can be tested without real fire.

Therefore, because everyone is very restrained, it seems that some well water does not violate river water.

During the whistling, Fang Qingshan and others took the lead and entered the Chixiao Realm, while other inner disciples naturally followed behind.

After everyone entered, the Elder Chuan Gong waved his hand, and the door of the realm closed like a dream bubble, turning into a dappled light spot scattered, and at the same time a star chart emptied and slowly unfolded, hanging like a canopy. Above the red skies.

This thing is a supporting product with the token previously given to the disciples, just like the relationship between surveillance and cameras.

However, the difference is that although this catalogue can monitor the disciples, the stars are as bright as the stars, which represents each disciple, but they can only be distinguished by the bright colors. The stronger the light, the deeper the color. The higher the score, once the light fades, it means death or elimination. As for what the disciples did in the Chixiao Realm, it was impossible to see.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, everyone has it, especially those who practice spiritually. They value their hole cards. If they are exposed to the public eye, they will be dangerous once they are targeted.

However, although everyone cannot observe the people in Chixiao Realm like the texture in the palm, but through this star map, they can also know their movements at any time.

Regardless of the outside world, Fang Qingshan and others entered the Chixiao Realm and were transported to different places.

This is also to sharpen the disciples. After all, if they are together, if the group acts, the effect is not to be greatly reduced. Among them, there must be no generation who are full of talents.

And this separation is also based on air transportation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Good air transportation is divided into good places, and natural air transportation is naturally self-evident.


As soon as Fang Qingshan entered, he felt a deep maliciousness and suppression.

From a distance, it can be sensed that there are Jin Ge iron horses, battle flags sweeping, iron blood without casting, killing warriors, war Ge, soldiers, glory and iron blood, war and trance, just like substance.

There is also a dark atmosphere like ghost realm, the ghosts wailing and crying, the world is shaken by it, the yellow blood of the river runs across the void, the blood is stained, the grievances float and sink, I do n’t know how many demon's shadows are looming, and their teeth are dancing.

From where this river came, the heavens and the earth turned into dead silence, as if natural disasters had destroyed the world.


In this regard, Fang Qingshan was not surprised at all.

In the end, he was a man who read through the Dadao Palace. He knows a lot about the secrets, especially the Taoist doors.

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