Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1427: Contraindications

knowledge is power!

This statement is true!

Sometimes knowledge is not just about exercises, magical powers, experience, common sense, but also such strange things as records.

Fang Qingshan remembered a detailed account of the Qixiao Gate in a book called Qixiaoji, including his origin, development, and final collapse.

In fact, the reason why Chixiaomen was destroyed was not because they provoked the Taoist gate.

But because of the characteristics of Taoism, promise!

They provoked a man who once had great gratitude to Taoism.

Therefore, Taoist door intervened, this is a fuse.

What really destroyed them was their arrogance and madness.

The arrogance is well explained. The upstarts are arrogant and unknowing. This is all common.

As for madness, it is for the accumulation of resources to support a **** emperor.

If the mixed Yuan breakthrough immortal, immortal breakthrough God Emperor can also be built by resources, then God Emperor break through the God Emperor, there are almost no shortcuts, at least, even if there is, it is not ordinary forces, or individuals can have.

If you do n’t see him, there are five families in the chaotic world of Shang, the Taoist gate, the one who does not desire the emperor, and the one who is not rich in resources, but has never succeeded.

However, in addition to the heaven and earth treasures, there are actually some taboo methods.

But since it is a taboo method, naturally it is not so easy to obtain.

Chixiaomen did not know where to get such things. He could extract the power of the chaotic world, as well as the nine thousand title mixed element, the three thousand title immortal, and the thousand **** god emperor. Together with the taboo secret method, he could break through God emperor.

Then he tried to use a taboo to cultivate an emperor in an incompatible way.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. They would have succeeded, but unfortunately, the title God Emperor they were looking for was related to Taoism, and Taoism owed him a promise.

It was because of this promise because of Taoism that it fell short.

Originally, Dao Yimen did not overbear to destroy the home. No one knew it. They were ignorant of current affairs and were discovered by Dao Yimen to practice taboos, so that the school was destroyed.

However, few people fail to find problems from themselves, and Chixiaomen is no exception.

For them, if it was not for the Taoism, they would have succeeded. Now, do n’t talk about the emperor, but the entire sect would be destroyed, and the amount of resentment can be imagined.

After the death of the Qixiaomen, they turned into resentment, evil spirits, zombies, and ran across the Qixiao world. Whenever there is a sense of Taoism, they can't wait to rush to eat their flesh.

In this regard, the Taoist Gate has left it alone, as long as it does not threaten the existence of the Chixiao Realm, it simply ignores it.

The reason for this is naturally that they regard this place as a training ground. These grudges, evil spirits, and zombies are just wastes, and they are used as whetstones to train disciples of Taoism.

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan not only was not afraid, but felt shocked. Somewhat similar to Ji Wuzong.

However, the difference is that Fang Qingshan values ​​not the fighting, but the benefits brought by the fighting.

Poor mountains and bad waters create trouble, but these places are also treasures.

Especially the more wild and undiscovered places, the more good things, such as Mangshan in Shushan. Because in such a place, there are few people and no development, good things naturally remain.

And not to mention the unique treasures of heaven and earth, these grievances, evil spirits, and zombies are also a rich asset.

To others, grievances, evil spirits, and zombies are chicken ribs, which is tasteless and unfortunate.

Except for threats and troubles, it seems to be useless.

However, as far as Aoyama is concerned, as long as he has the power of origin, it is a good thing.

Nothing is useless, only things that will not be used.

Even if he could not use it himself, mosquitoes would never come. He was born in Blood Sea. Isn't Blood Sea exactly where these grudges, evil spirits, and zombies live?

The world tree is the same. He builds the world road, and the three thousand roads are in it, not only the right way, the immortal way, the Buddha way, but also the evil way and the magic way. Wraiths, evil spirits, and zombies can also help him cultivate the evil demon.

It is that Fang Qingshan himself may not be unable to use it, after all, his avenue of life is reincarnation.

Reincarnation includes life and death. Wraiths, evil spirits, and zombies are just dead things.

In addition, you can also learn the way of Buddhism. If he can reduce all the wicked spirits, evil spirits, and zombies in the entire red world, all other resources will not be used. Breaking through the Emperor of God is a matter of nails. And the great merit, I am afraid that even the emperor ’s calamity will be weakened by five layers, and a breakthrough, I am afraid that it is not just as simple as entering the emperor ’s emperor, even if it is not as good as breaking through a big realm this time, but like the waves, Taoists are not unusual.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan is not a great monk, and he is not too proficient in the way of living. That is, he learned a little while in the immortal world. There will be some world trees, but he wants to spend the entire Chixiao world. It's Lao Mao sniffing salted fish.

After all, it's not just the Yuanyuan, the immortal, and the many emperors who have become grieving spirits, evil spirits, and zombies in the entire Red Sky Realm.

Although it is because of security, these **** emperors are suppressed by some experts in Taoist Gate in some special places. As long as they don't provoke them, there will usually be nothing. After all, they want to sharpen their disciples, not let them die.

To the immortal grudges, evil spirits, zombies, Fang Qingshan naturally has no problems.

But at the level of God Emperor, even the weakest God Emperor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan did not have the slightest assurance.

After all, the later the cultivation becomes, the more obvious the gap becomes, even if it is only a small realm, let alone a big realm like Immortality and the Emperor.

I didn't see that when Jiang Bawang reached the immortal peak, facing the master who entered the Emperor's Emperor, he could only protect himself at most, and this was thanks to the identity of the Taoist gate on his body.

However, if Fang Qingshan is to consolidate and then break through the immortal peak, he can, like Yin Hou and others, leapfrog the emperor. However, at most, he will only deal with some ordinary emperors who have entered the gods. It is impossible for them to be powerful. . After all, there is no simple way to break through the Emperor.

Especially the casual repair, it is even more difficult to get to this step. Perseverance, will, and luck are definitely the best choices, and they are still above the disciples.

For the time being, let's not say more, just those mixed yuan, immortal resentment spirits, evil spirits, and zombies are enough for Fang Qingshan to eat and drink.

After all, they are not the same as other grieving spirits, evil spirits, and zombies. They are all evolved from the disciples of Chixiaomen. They must also have the net worth of those disciples at that time. This income alone is enough to make people Drooling.

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