Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1428: Countless resources

Chixiaomen Anyway is also a big force, not weaker or even better than the five big families in today's chaotic world. After all, they can almost use the taboo secret method to create a power from a **** emperor.

Such a martial art, the disciples and disciples must also be extraordinary, and naturally have a wealth in their hands.

If you count this resource, it will not be easy.

As for whether their property will be taken away by the Taoist gate, Fang Qingshan thinks this should not be possible. After all, all the good things in the huge Qixiao world have not been taken away, let alone these disciples. His net worth.

However, Taoist senior officials despise the things on these disciples.

However, Fang Qingshan actually valued these disciples' personal belongings more than the good things in the big Chixiao world.

It's not that he doesn't look down on the things in Chixiao Realm, it's just that there are really good things that can't turn him around, and all the repressive spirits, evil spirits, and zombies at the level of the emperor are suppressed. With Fang Qingshan's current methods, even if he is doing all he can, unless he is lucky, those things are definitely not something he can touch.

The Qixiao Realm is the most top-level secret realm of Daoist Gate, which is generally an opening to the level of the Emperor. This time, unless Fang Qingshan and others have performed exceptionally, and there are people from the ancient heavenly gate and the like. To them.

And, on the other hand, the things that are really against the sky in the Qixiao Realm have been taken away by the Taoist Gate.

But these disciples may not have nothing good on them.

do not judge a book by it's cover.

After all, giants and giants all grew up from the immortality of the mixed Yuan, and want to grow up to God Emperor, God Emperor, must have countless opportunities, great opportunities, such as Fang Qingshan's various chessboards, eternal sky boat, no more , One for two, is enough for your life.

Of course, Fang Qingshan can't be sure whether they are there. If they really have such bad luck and get those powerful treasures, they are likely to escape.

However, it is not ruled out that even if they get the things that are against the sky, they die before they succeed. Who knows?

But it's better to have it than to have it, just in case? What if?

And even without these, Fang Qingshan is not losing, isn't it?

In the end, such treasures as the eternal sky boat and the chess board of the heavens are not few, although they are not too few. Fang Qingshan was just holding a rainy day to hit the child, and he was idle.

Of course, except for the battlefields of that year, and those places that turned into grudges, evil spirits, zombies, dark and wet, and horrible, other places are also okay.

If it wasn't for the Chixiao Gate's promotion of the artificial gods at that time, it devoured the power of the Chixiao Realm, so that the Chixiao Realm was severely damaged, the source was damaged, and it fell from the chaotic world to the flood and waste world. In terms of restoration, not to mention complete restoration, at least it will not turn a good place into the mess that it is today. We must know that although the Chixiao Realm was not as old as the chaotic world of the Tao, it was far more powerful than the chaotic world of Pangu.

However, even so, some places still retain the appearance of bliss. It contains all kinds of precious medicinal materials and precious materials.

Looking around, Fang Qingshan saw a lot of natural treasures, such as Kaye Orchid, Kongming Lingzhi, Nine Clover, Wukong Shentie, Yangmu Wood, and so on.

In one of the places, the grieving spirits, demons, and zombies were kept away from it, and there was a faint sound of Sanskrit and Buddhism, which is exactly where the Kaaba orchid grows.

This is the treasure of Buddhism. For those who practice Buddhism, the effect is remarkable. Isn't there a smile from the Buddha? One flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi, one Buddha and one orchid. This object is equivalent to the Buddhist monk who broke through the immortal realm.

However, the Buddha and Tao are most restrained from the evil things, so these grudges, demons, and zombies have subconsciously avoided this place.

Not far from the Kalea orchid, the space is folded, and there are many faults. That is where the empty iron **** is located. Because it contains the laws of space and the material is hard, it is an important material for building the transmission array.

However, the quality of the Nuokong God Iron here is not very good, and it can only be used for the arrangement of the teleportation array in the chaotic world. As for the bell-crossing chaotic transmission array, it needs a better quality existence.

But even so, it's amazing, because the quality of Xuankong Shentie here is not good, but it is better than quantity.

As for how Fang Qingshan knew.

In fact, it's very simple, because on the hills not far there are naked iron **** ore exposed all over the place. Obviously, a vein should exist. Otherwise, no spatial faults will be formed.

In addition, the soul-cultivating wood is also very good. The Ningshenzhen and Dingshenxiang refining in the welcome loft mentioned earlier need to use the soul-cultivating wood. But here is a forest of soul-raising trees.

Relatively speaking, the danger here is even stronger.

The soul raising tree is very good for Fang Qingshan, but it is even more sacred to Wraiths, evil spirits, and zombies, which is of great benefit to them. Quantity or quality is second to none.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but it is said that while Fang Qingshan looked at the surrounding environment, he seemed to sense the breath of life, and even the unique breath of Taoism Gate.

I don't know if it is because of the desire for qi and blood, or because of the hatred of Taoism in the heart, or for other reasons, as soon as the atmosphere of Founder Fang Qingshan is exposed, there are countless resentments and evils Ghosts and zombies rushed towards Fang Qingshan.

These grieving spirits ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ evil spirits, zombies, some of them evolved from Chixiaomen's disciples, miscellaneous servants, deacons, spirit beasts, etc., some others later, the shaded land, the magic land were born of.

These wraiths, evil spirits, and zombies are no less than the corpse battlefields that Mosquitomen have been to. And the quality is even better.

After all, most of them have evolved from famous disciples, and the quality is naturally not comparable to those of pheasants. Even if there is no previous memory, but the instinct is still there, the foundation is still there.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan is not comparable to the original mosquitoes.

He is now at the peak of the immortal late period, with a strong and unusual strength, and an eternal sky boat. Whether he is alone or in a group attack, he is not afraid.

Besides, because the Emperor of God was banned here, the remaining immortality was completely ignored by Fang Qingshan.

Therefore, in the face of these grievances, evil spirits, and zombies, Fang Qingshan did not do it himself, but released the mosquitoes directly.

On the human sea tactics, the mosquitoes haven't climbed anyone yet, their bodies shake, and countless blood **** sons rush out.

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