Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1429: Assassinate

Although the danger level of Chixiao Realm is still on the beast hill, the corpse battlefield.

But those who are truly immortal-level wraiths, zombies, and wraiths seldom wander around. In the end, their instincts are stronger. Know how to find some cave heavenly blessings, or guard next to the treasures of heavenly materials and earth. This is more beneficial to them.

Therefore, these rushed over are almost as different as the attack from Wanshoushan.

What about mosquitoes? But it is not what it used to be.

At that time, he was just the pinnacle of the mixed Yuan, but now it has reached the middle of immortality, naturally it is incomparable.

So, not long after, the grievous spirits, evil spirits, and zombies who rushed towards Fang Qingshan were swept away by the mosquitoes, and the rest fled directly to the wind.

Wraiths, evil spirits, and zombies, even though they are not wise, know how to be afraid.

In the past, even if the visitors were very powerful, they were at best able to kill the siege, or a little more powerful, and directly released momentum and shock, and ignored them at all.

But mosquitoes and other people are different, not only killing, but also letting one go, killing the world upside down, killing blood into the sea, killing people is trembling.

Knowing that Fang Qingshan could not afford to provoke him, it was natural to retreat from current affairs.

Unfortunately, it ’s easy to ask God to send God, but since it ’s here, how can Fang Qingshan and others just let them go like this? No matter how small a mosquito is, isn't it?

For a while, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes worked together.

One person is responsible for hunting down these wicked spirits, evil spirits, zombies, and one person is responsible for collecting various resources. What a rare gold potion is worth a thousand dollars, and the finest refinery materials are everywhere. Let Fang Qingshan make a lot of money.

Of course, the reason why so many good things are also Fang Qingshan's good luck. When he entered, he was teleported to a good place.

Of course, this is a good place for the other side of Qingshan. For ordinary disciples, I am afraid that it is a dragon cave.

Therefore, when it comes to chances, sometimes it ’s really hard to say that Germany is not worthy, and suffers without happiness. If there is not enough strength, the chance is here, you will not get it, and you may even depend on it.

Not to mention these, in order to expand the results of the war, Fang Qingshan sent the World Tree avatar again, and at the same time, he exhibited one gasification and three Qings.

The role of the world tree clone is the same as the last time. What Fang Qingshan did previously is to collect all the nearby resources and not to let the root hairs go.

At this point, his cooperation with mosquitoes is complementary.

The main reason is that he has many rhizomes and is the source of thousands of trees. When collecting the treasures of heaven and earth, he is more handy and will not hurt them.

Of course, this time is a little different from the last one in the dangerous area. Here is the Taoist gate site, so the root ca n’t be done. However, Fang Qingshan has reached the limit.

Mosquitoes are responsible for beheading and devouring ordinary grieving spirits, evil spirits, and zombies.

The three avatars manifested in Yiqi Sanqing were executed with Fang Qingshan's deity, and beheaded and killed those more difficult, more fierce and deceitful grudges, evil spirits, and zombies.

In this way, Fang Qingshan's speed can be much faster, and the efficiency has also increased sharply.

At the same time, the phenomenon manifested in the outside world is that the stars representing Fang Qingshan are getting brighter and brighter, which is almost a breath and a change.

Even though he didn't get much good, he couldn't bear the sorrow, evil spirits, and zombies that he could kill.


Seeing this, everyone who is always paying attention to the outside world naturally discovered this unusual change.

"Who is this person!"

"Dude, this brightness changes too fast!"

"Yeah, this is just the beginning. No one else has changed."

"I'm afraid it didn't fall into the treasure!"



"It's him!"

"Not bad!"

"He did not let us down!"


Others did not know Fang Qingshan's identity, but Elder Chuan Gong and others knew very well. After knowing that it was Fang Qingshan, he was always relieved.

However, it's not just Fang Qingshan. Although others are not as dazzling as Fang Qingshan, over time, they have also started to catch up.

For a time, but in the catalogue of stars, one star seemed like a big sky, and they glorified each other.

Besides, in the Qixiao Realm, Fang Qingshan and his team once again repeated the old events of Wanjushan and the Underworld.

Crazy plundering all kinds of resources, slaughtering all kinds of ghosts, grieving spirits, zombies.

So that they all carried a layer of evil spirits, straight into the sky, and could clearly sense from a distance, so that the ghosts, grieving spirits, and zombies seemed to encounter natural enemies and fled.

Advance all the way, scratching the ground three feet.

Suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling struck Qingshan's heart above him, and he was suddenly shocked, knowing that he was being followed.

There must be a poisonous snake dormant in the dark, spitting apricots, staring at the triangular eyes, showing fierce light, ready to launch a fatal blow at himself at any time.

Before I think about it, at the foot of Fang Qingshan, a chessboard emerges. Almost, at the same time, I only heard a sound of a broken sound. Where Fang Qingshan stood before, a dagger emerged suddenly, exposing the cold light .

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan stood on the chessboards of the heavens and plunged into time and space, but this dagger was punctured.


Fang Qingshan snorted coldly, raised his hand and fell down, blasting the space. Unfortunately, although he shot fast, but the person in the dark was not slow. He missed a shot, and suddenly lost thousands of miles. Fang Qingshan also failed because of this. return.

Fang Qingshan's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect that this was the time when he entered the Chixiao Realm, but he encountered the elite. This person is not a trivial matter, it must have evolved from the existence of the elite true disciple of Chixiaomen that year. Silently touched his side.

The most important thing is, how can ordinary ghosts, grieving spirits, and zombies know how to assassinate, converge, and operate spiritual treasures, and they still have psychological warfare.

After failing to hit it, he fell dormant again, but showed a trend that is about to be shot at any time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, which gives people a kind of pressure.

Holding your fist in your hand is more daunting than hitting it out.

This invisible crisis pressure can crush people alive and collapse.

This pressure has a terrible pass on the mind.

After all, there are only thousands of days to be a thief.

The enemy is bright and dark, even if he is strong, he cannot keep his mind in a state of peak alertness.

It's not long, it's soft. This is the truth.

He will consume Fang Qingshan's mind will invisibly, waiting for the moment when the mind will truly relax, he will immediately send out a terrible and fatal blow.


Fang Qingshan sneered.

Unfortunately, he met Fang Qingshan. After all, the goal cannot be achieved.

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