Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1434: Level 3 Treasure

"This is a typical array of five-element attributes. I already know five of them. As long as five people who practice the five-element attributes and mana hold the five nodes at the same time, then Brother Fang breaks through the array with one shot. Can break the formation. "

Kang Chang apparently had an idea in his heart, and when Fang Qingshan asked, he came one by one.

"So that's it!"

Fang Qingshan nodded.

This method of breaking the array is exactly the same as that of Hongjun, Lao Tzu, and others who broke the Xianjian array. It is the simplest and most practical method.

Immediately, Kang Chang picked four from the crowd behind him, and no one within him, standing at the five nodes before the formation.


Kang Chang issued orders, five people shot at the same time.

But one can be seen as overbearing, powerful, indomitable, or agile, changeable, weird, or ethereal, free, free, or peaceful, mellow, broad and deep, or dark, cold, and violently swarming towards you. Five nodes swarmed away, and the defense of the entire Dongfu formation could not help but stagnate.


Fang Qingshan had long waited for the opportunity, seeing that the matrix method was flawed, and it was also a thunder strike. Sacrifice the samsara cone directly, a little far away.

Just listening to the stab, the burst burst.

In the end, Fang Qingshan and others are immortal powers, and they are familiar with the formation method. They have found a node according to local conditions, and the formation method has experienced a calamity. Broken.


The gate of the cave opened, and the sound seemed heavy and rolling. There was a sense of vicissitudes passing by. As the stone gate was pushed away, a weird breath permeated and a little dull.

It was a smell of decay, decadence, barrenness, crumbling, mixed with yin and ghost.

Feeling this scene, everyone's hearts suddenly became cold, no! Will not be ruined in the cave house, so, aren't they living a busy life?

Although I have bad guesses in my heart, I even want to rush in to see how it is, and how much is left.

However, for the sake of caution, everyone didn't rush into it, but after careful confirmation, there was no danger before they entered.

One step away is nature.

Everyone stepped forward, as if they were stepping from the edge of the cliff of Wanzhang, their bodies became meteors, and they fell straight down.

No, there is still room to fold and move this door.

Everyone was shocked, thinking they had fallen into a trap, or were ambushed, and subconsciously sacrificed magical powers and spiritual treasures. One heart raised his throat, his body was tight, and he was ready for a thunder strike.

However, Fang Qingshan was not panic-stricken, and he would condense in every major event. The most important thing is to have a bottom of his heart, so he is not in a hurry, but just enters into a state of ancient wells and waves.

Meditation, meditation, meditation.

The next moment, darkness struck and was unconscious.

Opening my eyes again, the world has changed.

The expected danger did not strike, and a heart hanging from the crowd was immediately released. But the immediate environment did not make them feel better.

The crowd looked at each other and walked in with a sorrowful mood. The cave house was dark and messy. Although it was better than the outside, it was also a gloomy wind.

Fortunately, the situation is not serious, especially the more you go inside, the better.

Seeing here, Kang Chang and others were truly relieved. Put down your heart.

However, Fang Qingshan came along all the way, but felt a bit wrong, and felt a little weird and disturbed in his heart. However, this is just a faint feeling, not even a whim.

And when he looked closely, he found nothing, and Fang Qingshan could only secretly say that he was a suspicious ghost, so he didn't mention it.

Along the way, the farther you go, the better the situation. It seems that the outer area of ​​Dongfu was damaged. Come to the heart of Dongfu. The crowd was even brighter, with lakes and mountains, water shadows floating, Cui Yingdai, vast and vast.

There are a variety of natural materials and treasures, and the quality is far above the outside world. There are a few top-level and top-class treasures with special effects, most of which are second-level and even a third-level spiritual root. .

For a while, the doubts in Fang Qingshan's heart were also relieved. After all, the battle of Chixiaomen's extermination, even the heavens, the mountains and the rivers, had been rerouted, and the master had died. It would be weird if the cave was not destroyed.

With this thought in my heart, looking at the scene in front of me is looking in my eyes and in my heart.

Especially he did not expect that there is still a third-level spiritual root here.

Although it is not a third-level treasure, the level of preciousness is obviously above the third-level treasure.

However, this is also a matter of benevolent seeing benevolence and wise seeing wisdom.

However, even if the third-level Linggen is skipped, the third-level treasure is better left alone.

Just the third grade is enough to let Fang Qingshan and others breathe a bit.

After all, the third-level treasure is standard for the God Emperor, but not all God Emperors have it.

"It looks like this time."

Fang Qingshan and others secretly said at the same time.

Moreover, this is only outside the palace, and the things in the palace are no worse than here.

But I saw the palace gloomy, Louguanfei shocked, pictured animals and beasts, painted colorful fairy spirits, the ray of aura of light hanging from above, condensed into a bronze purple lamp, the golden wind blew and rang.

Pointing into a sword, swiping into the eyes and applying pupillary technique, it is even more clearly felt that in the deepest part of those palaces, there are soaring celestial lights circling and dancing, seemingly like a dragon, full of spirituality. Obviously, there are certain treasures, and they are at least three.

Because those Baoguangs are more pure and advanced than the dormant beads that Fang Qingshan only got. Compared with the third-level spiritual roots on the periphery, they are also more generous.


Seeing this scene, no one else could hold it anymore, and one by one could not wait to rush through.

"and many more."

Fang Qingshan is no exception ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But, as soon as I stepped forward, my heart suddenly got a little stunned. He suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then called everyone urgently, and spoke.

"And not busy, how do I feel like something is wrong."

"Brother Fang is too cautious."

Liu Mei laughed, following the disciple behind Kang Chang who looked like a demon girl.

"Yeah yeah!"

Wang Run, a disciple dressed up as a monk who practiced the Taoism, also echoed the Tao.

Speaking of which, among the crowd, he was the most anxious.

Because, he seemed to feel that there was an inexplicable voice beckoning himself, and he knew that this should be a great opportunity.

If it can be obtained, don't say that immortal practice is that breaking through the emperor may not be impossible.

Others heard and echoed.

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