Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1435: trap

Sake is red, and money is moving.

The treasure is ahead, and the eyes are pearly and jealous. No one can control the greed in the heart, and it is normal to lose the normal heart.

This is especially true for those who already lack resources. A penny stumped the hero, let alone these worldly treasures.

If Fang Qingshan did not have a whim in his heart, I'm afraid he would have taken a step forward.

"I actually feel the same way, so be careful."

However, Kang Chang had a strange treasure in his hands, similar to Jiang Mingyue's perilous physique, and also sensed a bad premonition in the meditation, but just like Fang Qingshan, he could only understand the unspeakable, and there was no concrete evidence I had to say.

"It's already here, don't capsize in the gutter."

"I think the two brothers really worry too much. The so-called soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil. As long as we deal with them carefully, there will be no accidents where Fang Qingshan and Brother Kang can do it."

Meng Changchun, the disciple who practiced Taoism, said indifferently.

"Although this is the core area, but the palace of the emperor who wants to come to be sealed should also be in the palace. There will be no major problems now."

Kang Chang and Fang Qingshan also felt that it was so reasonable to hear him say this. Under normal circumstances, the ultimate giants are in the most important and key places, such as the third-level Arcane Guard. Although they have reached the core area, they are still considered Not the most important place.

Moreover, neither of them found out what the problem was. It's not a way to keep it so long, so we have to take one step at a time.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Liu Mei and others immediately frowned, and rushed over without saying a word.

Resources, wealth, repair for ...

At this moment, they just felt that these things were rolling towards themselves.

Fang Qingshan and Kang Chang saw this and looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders, and followed them as well as they did.

This time, Fang Qingshan did not, as before, sweep the fallen leaves in the autumn wind, and saw nothing but let go, but went straight to the core third-level spiritual root.

One is that once the sea was difficult to make water, except that Wushan is not a cloud, and the third-level spiritual root is in front. Where can we take care of these.

Of course, the most important thing is that this time, you are not alone. He eats meat by himself, how can you let people drink soup, otherwise it seems too greedy.

Just walking and walking, Fang Qingshan found something wrong, because there seems to be no end to this road. It seems that his distance from the destination has not been shortened at all.

The most important thing is that the more you go on, the more peaceful the mood is. There is no eagerness to wait before. It seems that the heaven and earth treasures around them are like a cloud to them. One by one became indifferent, without desire.

"not good!"

Fang Qingshan's heart suddenly hesitated.

When the heart moved, the chaotic clock suddenly appeared above the head, and the bell hammer oscillated. Whether it was the sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire and wind outside the bell, or mountains and rivers, floods and wild people in the clock, all kinds of scenes flowed, such as walking on the tower, dreamy and blurred.

Five colors of light shone in the heavens, and Chaos mighty shocked the universe.

Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

A series of Huang Zhongda Lu's voices suddenly broke the previous kind of people and everything was broken.

Good guy, he almost missed it.

For a time, Fang Qingshan's complexion was ugly.

Later, things happened that made him sink into the water.

He had already reminded him, and he had also given out the Chaos Bell. The movement was so big, but Kang Chang beside him, Liu Mei and others in front didn't even react at all.

Fang Qingshan's pupils shrank, and he stretched out his hand towards Kang Chang, who was aside. I didn't want it, it was like a flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, and I found it empty. It turned out that Kang Chang, who had been around him, was replaced by a phantom at some point.

Fang Qingshan took a breath.

Great formation!

Let yourself fall into it without knowing it, and then quietly separate the people, but also turned into a realistic phantom, of course, this is also unfamiliar to Fang Qingshan and Kang Chang, otherwise I may have found out the clue , But even so, it's pretty good.

What's more, this array can actually affect people's minds unknowingly, making people wantless, and finally, is it that the four majors are all empty, or even a hundred?

I don't know if it was Fang Qingshan who broke away from the influence of the formation, or touched the phantom, or for other reasons, the scene in front of him seemed to disappear like a dream bubble, but it was another scene.

But I can see that the front is seemingly out of reach. I don't know how much time and space are apart, and it seems as close as possible. It seems that within reach, a lotus flower sways.

This lotus is not comparable to the thirty-six pin creation green lotuses in the inheritance and imprint in Qingshan's mind, not to mention the eternal green lotus.

But it is far above the karma red lotus in his own hands, and it is not a grade concept at all.

Up and down the whole body, there is a smell of merit golden lotus, Brahma bursts, Buddha rhymes.

Fang Qingshan knows that this is a third-level spiritual root, and the breath he felt before should be this thing.

And the scene right now is the ghost made by this supreme treasure.

At that time, the owner of this cave house used this treasure as the foundation to arrange this blissful lotus fetus.

Even though the host died and the Dongfu was damaged, because of the specificity of the third-level spiritual roots, the array was well-preserved, so that Fang Qingshan and others fell into the array without knowing it.

Although he was caught up in the formation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan didn't panic.

On the one hand, because of his mentality, it is not uncommon to achieve crisis without danger. Besides, panic is completely useless to solve the problem, but it will make the situation worse.

Besides, although this array of tactics looks very good, it doesn't give him a sense of danger too much. Fang Qingshan can break the arrogance by himself, so he doesn't panic.

And want to break the battle, it is nothing more than two means, technology flow and violence flow.

The flow of technology is like unlocking. As long as there is a key, it is only a matter of a plug and a turn. A violent flow is equivalent to smashing a door.

If you rely on the flow of technology, you need to have a good understanding of the matrix method. According to local conditions, fight the snake seven inches, and unlock the matrix method by cracking the lines, nodes, and eyes. In this way, the matrix method itself is not hurt, and there is no backlash. Just like the previous Fang Qingshan and others broke through the guard hole array.

As for the violent flow, it is much simpler. Directly destroy the formations with strength, the nodes, and the eyes of the array are fine, but the difficulty is increased by a geometric multiple, and it must withstand the backlash of the formation method. After all, the formation method itself is a plug-in that wins with less and wins with strength.

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