Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1436: Bliss Lotus Concubine

Generally speaking, everyone breaks the battlefield and likes to take a technical stream.

After all, not everyone can do ten strokes with one force, without destruction, without destruction.

The flow of technology is not the same. As long as the array is eaten, you can do it. Give you a fulcrum and you can pry the earth. It ’s like facing a master of refining the body. The violent battle is naturally a positive hard bar. It looks naturally hot and exciting, but if you do n’t have the strength, you will eat the bad results. As long as the technical flow finds the door, it can strike Kill.

Although Fang Qingshan recognized the origin of this formation, he also knew a lot about the formation, and he could n’t be overstated in saying that he had a five-element reincarnation array, Zhou Tianxing's array, and Jiuqu. The Yellow River array maps these, but his expertise is more in arraying and using arrays. When it comes to cracking arrays, he is really not very good at it and has no idea.

Moreover, time is tight, the opening of the Chixiao Realm has time constraints, and it is still in the game. Fang Qingshan has no intention to slowly develop the method of breaking the team, although he also has a Luoshu River map. If you want, you can do it. But it is too wasteful of time.


Since you don't want to go through the technical stream, the violent stream is the easiest way.

When the voice fell, Fang Qingshan waved his hands, and the boundless sword energy burst out. The colorful brilliance shone like a peacock turned on the screen. There were five elements in rotation, alternating life and death, and entanglement in time and space. The translucent photos exploded with a loud noise. As for those human figures, the mirages of heaven and earth and treasure all disappeared at this moment like a mirror.

However, after the outbreak of sword qi, the formation space is still the formation space, and the phantoms of humanoid and heavenly treasures appear again, even without any change. Nothing seems to have happened in general. It seemed that everything was just a breeze, ripples at the starting point, and then quickly returned to calm.

The only difference is the surrounding environment. I don't know if it was an outbreak this time, what emergency mechanism was touched, or the scene here has changed, or for other reasons, the scene in front of Fang Qingshan has changed.

But at this moment, they are in a sea of ​​lotus country. Here, the purpose is lotus, what they smell is lotus, what they hear is Zen singing, what they feel is the bliss of Buddha rhyme, and the center of the ocean is not Did you see the third-level Linggen Bliss Lotus previously?

With this Linggen as the center, spreading in all directions, there are red lotus, white lotus, green lotus, yellow lotus, and purple lotus. In fact, the lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are so red.

However, what really attracted Fang Qingshan's attention was on these lotus flowers, with one good man and one good girl sitting at one end, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva.

These people, there is a piety all over and around them, there is a word in their mouths, and they are constantly reading the Buddhist scriptures, looking at them, they are all Buddhas.

Fang Qingshan even found several familiar faces in it.

These people are not bystanders, they are the disciples of Taoism who followed them in.

Fang Qingshan took a deep breath, and he knew these people were over.

Although Fang Qingshan didn't know much about the situation of the Bliss Lotus Concubine, he still knew a little about it.

This formation is very different from those of the Zhou Tianxing Formation and the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. It is not a pure defensive formation or a killing formation, but a supreme formation that assists Dharma practice.

People who practice Buddhism, or those like Wang Run who practiced the Buddhism, will not be suppressed here. Instead, they will become like a fish, and once they practice, it will be thousands of miles a day.

But if it is not, then the situation is quite different.

As good as you are, how cruel is it to outsiders.

If you have great perseverance, great wisdom, and great patience, it is okay to persist and maintain your ego, such as Fang Qingshan, to break free of the constraints of the formation by your own will.

But once the heart is not strong, or the heart is leaked, if you stay in this array for a long time, the soul will be eroded by the rhyme in the formation method, and become a puppet with a heart to the Buddha. It's like being forced to be universal by Buddha.

Buddha is not only compassionate, but also overbearing.

The most important thing is that after you resist, this power will continue to strengthen.

Therefore, this array of laws is not only used for practice in Buddhist temples, but also used to reduce the evil heads and opponents.

I don't know how many, the demons outside the giant giants, did not escape this calamity, all turned into the most loyal Buddhist monks and guardians of the Buddha.

Therefore, although this formation is not a killing formation, it does not mean that it is safe here.

On the contrary, it is because he is not a killer, it is more dangerous, just like boiling a frog in warm water. If it is boiling water, once you enter it, you can sense the danger and make the smartest choice at the fastest speed. Escape or resist, but if it ’s warm water, it will be paralyzed and a little bit eroded. When you react, it ’s too late, otherwise the power of Fang Qingshan will not be sensed, and it will fall Langzhong?

This formation method is originally a second-class gem formation method, and it is not a big problem to trap the third-level **** emperor, let alone a third-level spiritual root, or the Buddha Yunliantai. It's no wonder that Linggen of the attribute suppresses the array of eyes.

The few disciples that Fang Qingshan saw had apparently been successful. Even when the tokens were too late to be sacrificed, they were converted into puppets with no intelligence, just like the undead souls outside.

It's a pity!

I thought it was a great chance, but I lost my life in vain.

And other good men and women, like them, are also formerly confronted by the devil ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the devil, or someone who has entered by mistake.

It doesn't matter if they are saved, the more they are saved, they will bless the formation in turn.

This is also the middle of Dongfu, the periphery is destroyed, it seems intact here.

But it turned out not only because of the third-level spiritual roots, but also these puppets to assist, repair and maintain.

From Fang Qingshan's discovery of the wrong, to the attack, to now, everything seems to have passed a long time, in fact, it is just an electric light flint, the rabbit rises and falls.

As I said before, this array method can be used not only between subtleties but also forcibly after you react.

It's not long, so I can see that Fang Qingshan has been surrounded by blossoming lotus flowers.

And these lotuses are getting bigger and bigger, the fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, the good men and women on the lotus are getting more and more religious, and the chanting verses are getting louder and louder.

Purdue, conversion, and the idea of ​​bliss, as if ignoring the defense completely, poured directly into his mind.

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