Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1437: Save 1 hand

"What a domineering Buddha!"

Fang Qingshan said heartily.

This array is worthy of forcing the Emperor's formation. It was previously unprepared and fell into the middle of it. Just because of the skyrocketing and disregarding defense, Fang Qingshan was almost caught off guard.

Fortunately, although the power of this degree is great, for Fang Qingshan is still within the range, even without confrontation, he can persist with his willpower.

After all, they have experienced the contamination of eternal power, the emperor Tao Yin has been edified, and the road thunder and thunder have been sharp. If there is no resistance, wouldn't it seem that these things are too incompetent with Fang Qingshan.

However, sometimes the manpower is exhausted, and the power of the formation method continues to increase. It seems that there is no end, and it is only you who consume the final loss.

After all, it is obviously a bit laborious to fight against a second-level top-level array maintained by a third-level spiritual root by one person.

So Fang Qingshan frowned, wanting to attack the enemy will be saved, that is, the flaw.

But I saw a flash of pupils in both eyes, a bullfight shot, and a pupil technique performed, and I looked around, but I found that it was like watching flowers in the mist and watching the moon in the water.

Using Luoshu River map to deduced it, but also found no clues and flaws.

Obviously, this array is no small matter.

He shot with all his strength and offered the reincarnation map of the five elements. He didn't want to break the array. After all, he had already tried it out. He just wanted to make a slight fluctuation in the formation method, and then used the Luoshu River map to follow the vines to perform deduction, but did not want Still in vain, the large array only fluctuated slightly, as if the breeze was blowing, but still found no way out.

"It seems that only the eternal sky is used."

Fang Qingshan sighed.

However, there was no other idea in his heart. After all, he knew from the beginning that this expedition was not easy. After all, this was the Emperor's Cave. Although the Emperor fell, he was obsessed, but the body was turned into an undead and a zombie.

Even if it is not comparable to the original strength of the deity, as long as five points are left, it is not immortal.

Even if he doesn't use the eternal sky boat now, he will go all out in the palace.

Of course, Fang Qingshan was also fascinated by this.

After all, he is now repaired to have reached the peak of the late immortal, not far from the Emperor of God, naturally want to know the strength of the Emperor.

However, he also knew that God the Emperor was not able to deal with it now.

So, it didn't float up, and held back the commotion in the heart.

Fortunately, the opportunity is here.

Except for a few, the existence of these **** emperor levels in the Qixiao Realm is weaker than the existence of the same level.

It happens to be Fang Qingshan's best experimental subject.

Even if it is not an opponent in the end, there is a life-saving means of protecting tokens.

Everything is so perfect.

Therefore, after listening to Kang Chang's words, he decisively agreed to come to explore.

Not just because of resources, but also because of opponents.

Resources are rare, as are opponents.

And if you want to deal with the Emperor, you must do everything you can.

However, what Fang Qingshan did not expect was that the full force broke out so quickly.

I did not expect that, even outside the palace, I encountered a peerless array that evolved with the third-level spiritual roots, so that I actually recruited it unknowingly, so I had to advance. Do it.

"go with!"

Fang Qingshan a little bit, a roll of maps flew out.

It was said earlier that there are two ways to break the battle, one is technical flow, and the other is violence.

Although Fang Qingshan had some knowledge of the battlefield and could be regarded as a party, but he wanted to break through this blissful lotus concealment team in a short time, obviously there was still something he could not do.

The formation method is not so easy to break, especially those auxiliary formation methods. They do not pursue the ultimate force of lethal defense, so there are no obvious flaws.

It might be better if you did not take the bliss lotus. With this thing to suppress the large array, even the Luoshu River map is difficult to sort out a clear path in a chaotic mess.

Of course, Fang Qingshan is not unable to break through the technology, but it only takes time.

However, as time goes on, the pressure on myself will increase day by day. The most important thing is that I will waste a lot of time to collect resources. I can break through the array at the fastest speed and collect more resources. Why waste it here?

Moreover, in the end, Kang Chang will stop, and other disciples will not be able to persist for long.

In this way, it is only natural that violence will break the battle.

Of course, there are many types of violence.

One is similar to Pangu, where the world is alone, with an axe and a thunder, no matter what he does, it can break him.

However, obviously, Fang Qingshan's strength could not be achieved, otherwise he would not use the eternal sky boat. If he has the emperor's cultivation, he can give it a try.

The other is to use the power of Lingbao.

Another is to break up.

This time Fang Qingshan chose the latter.

The reason for choosing the latter was not because of the eternal skyrocketing, but also for a reason. It was Fang Qingshan's decision after careful consideration.

First of all, although the eternal sky boat is sharp, but in the end it is only the supreme class. The most powerful life and death gourd is not the second-level advanced treasure. The overall strength of the sky boat should be in a half step.

But this large array has three levels of supreme repression. Although it is not urged, it should not be underestimated.

The so-called madness, and then decline, three exhausted.

What if the sky boat crashed and failed?

Although you need to do something brave and advancing, you also need to keep your heart on the ice.

The most important thing is that Fang Qingshan still had a little anxiety in his heart.

This anxiety is the same as the previous mistake of entering the Bliss Lotus.

It stands to reason that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this kind of uneasiness should come from this large array, but Fang Qingshan feels that there are still other mysteries.

Therefore, I intend to break through. In this way, the consumption is small, even if it can't be broken, there is still room for manoeuvre. The most important thing is to reserve one hand in case of accident.

Moreover, this formation is not the only one.

Everyone explores together, they can't do everything by themselves, they just want to sit and enjoy it. If so, what use would they have? Why do you want to share them?

I just let it go, unexpectedly, even myself. It doesn't ask them what happened.

However, once you start to break up, the formation method fluctuates, if you can't wake them up, then you can't justify it.

These people are not fuel-saving lamps, especially Kang Chang. They are also the most top-level existence outside the top ten disciples of the inner door.

Once the formation was flawed, he was shooting, showing a killer trick, it was not difficult to break the formation.

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