"It really is them!"

When I heard Zou Dan reported to the door, Fang Qingshan nodded secretly.

On the grassland, there was an elite cavalry consisting entirely of white horses. In addition to Gongsun's white horse Yi Cong, Fang Qingshan could not think of other teams.

As for Zou Dan, this is Gongsun's subordinate and was once regarded as Yuyang **** by Gongsun. Later, he battled Wubei Sima Yan Rou in Beibei and was defeated and killed!

"Thank you for your help, if it weren't for your son, I am afraid that these Xianbei thieves will run away again, and it will be a disaster in the future." Zou Dan Xie said.

"It just happened to happen." Fang Qingshan waved his hand and asked, "I have been in the lower reaches of the Quartet for a long time in the grasslands. I don't know when the big man is now, and what happened?

"Go back to the son's words, and now it is Guanghe six years. As for the major incident that happened, there is no." Zou Dandao.

"Light and six years?" Fang Qingshan nodded.

Although she saw that Zou Dan and others were still fighting outside Xianbei, Fang Qingshan knew that the Yellow Turban Uprising should not have erupted, but did not know the exact time.

Now I heard Zou Dan said that it was Guanghe for six years. Fang Qingshan immediately understood that this was the year before the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out and next year is the year of Jiazi. It will ring soon.

"Time is running out!"

Qi Fang Qingshan rubbed his eyebrows, the Yellow Turban Uprising is about to erupt, and he is still alone now. He wants to take advantage of this first wave and win opportunities for the future of the world.

"Son, are you going back to Han?"

Zou Dan saw Fang Qingshan not talking for a long time and could not help but say,

"It's better to go to Youzhou with us. If the general knew that there was a master like a master and helped us destroy thousands of Xianbei soldiers, we would be very happy and come back."


Qi Fang Qingshan came back to her, nodded, and now she has nowhere to go anyway, but followed Zou Dan to Youzhou.

"My son, please."

Seeing that Fang Qingshan actually agreed, Zou Dan was immediately delighted.

You must know that when Fang Qingshan raised his hands and raised his feet, the understatement brought Thunder to kill the Xianbei Army. The first thing he felt was panic. After all, he calculated it. Even if he gathered the army, he would not be able to catch the white cloud. There is only defeat.

But with the heart, Benxin rejoices. If such a master can join the general's account, it will surely become even more powerful. At that time, it will be easier to deal with Liu Yu. So he held a hint of hope, but did not expect Fang Qingshan really Promised.

He killed the army of 10,000 people in Xianbei and invited Fang Qingshan. Zou Dan did not hesitate to return to Youzhou with Bai Mayi.

Followed by Bai Mayi from Youzhou, Fang Qingshan had just stepped into the Han Dynasty, and felt his heart sink, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at himself in the air, supreme and noble.


Qi Fang Qingshan immediately raised his eyebrows and exploded.

The sudden outbreak of Qi Fangqingshan scared Zou Dan and others, thinking that something had happened.

"My son, what's wrong?" Zou Dan asked.

"Nothing?" Fang Qingshan waved his hand and was about to speak, and suddenly felt a master who was equivalent to the realm of qi from far to near.

"I don't know where Master comes to my Youzhou!"

"Have met the general!"

Seeing the people, Fang Qingshan had nothing left. Zou Dan and other Bai Mayi beside them dismounted and saluted the people.

But he can see that his appearance is magnificent, his posture is elegant, his voice is loud, and his body is filled with a spirit of iron blood.

"Zou Dan? Are you back so soon?"

Seeing his own Bai Ma Yicong, Gongsun Yun was a little surprised, but he paid more attention to Fang Qingshan, because from Fang Qingshan, he felt a strong threat.

"Presumably this is the famous Gongsun general!"

Qi Fang Qingshan looked up and down, could not help but nodded secretly, it was indeed an awe-inspiring party, so that the child stopped crying. At the beginning, even Yuan Shao had to avoid his sharp grandson.

"I saw the general below Qingshan."

Seeing this, Xie Gong Sun Xie also paid a gift, "The son is more courteous." But he turned his eyes to Zou Dan and waited for his explanation.

If it wasn't for Fang Qingshan's previous momentum that shocked him, Gongsun Yu felt a strong threat from Fang Qingshan again. With his pride, would he be treated equally with Fang Qingshan.

"The general is like this." Zou Dan saw Gongsun look around and quickly said things one by one.


Wu Gongsun Yan heard that, he could not help but take a breath, and according to his practice, it is natural to kill thousands of defeated Xianbei Army, but it is difficult to achieve such a heavy lifting of Fang Qingshan.

"No wonder I feel a strong threat from him."

Gongsun Sun said secretly.

At the same time, he could not help but raise the same mind as Zou Dan, that is to subdue Fang Qingshan, if this person helps, why worry about a big deal?

"I don't know what Fang Fang intends to do in the future ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm not weak here, I promise, under you, I respect you!"

Gongsun Sun also spared no effort to win over Fang Qingshan.

Although Zou Dan and others are envious, they all take it seriously, after all, they have seen Fang Qingshan's shot.

"Thank you, General, for your love." Fang Qingshan shook his head, "I'm used to being idle, but I can't be restrained."

Fang Qingshan refused Gongsun aunt if he didn't want to, just kidding, not to mention whether Fang Qingshan would be subservient, even if he had to choose, he would choose Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and others, knowing that Gongsun aunt ’s final outcome was Choose him without being stupid.

Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, Gongsun Yu changed his color immediately. With such a large amount of capital, Fang Qingshan was unconcerned. If he changed someone, he would have turned his face.

Zou Dan was annoyed for a while. He wanted to recommend talents for his general, but did not expect Fang Qingshan to be willing.

"However, after Xialangji the world has been so long, it is time to find a place to settle down. I wonder if General Huan welcomes you to move in?" Fang Qingshan then turned around when the scene was a little deadlocked.

"Oh? Fang Gongzi is willing to settle in Youzhou, which is naturally excellent. I will have the opportunity to ask for advice in the future."

After listening to Fang Qingshan's words, Gongsun's complexion eased a bit. Although he did not immediately pull him in, but as long as he was on his own site, and sincerely went to the stone, he believed that Fang Qingshan could not run.

如此 "So, the general will take care of him a lot in the future." Fang Qingshan could not help but smile slightly when he saw this.

As a result, everything was rejoicing. Fang Qingshan took the gold and silver jewelry from the desperate island owner and the Seven Leaf Demon King from the Five Prison King Ding to buy land and people in She County. He became a wealthy man with peace of mind.

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