Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 145: Zhang Fei

Youzhou, 涿 gun!

方 Since Fang Qingshan settled here, he completely took out the gold and silver jewellery that he had previously stored and used for nothing, and bought a lot of fields and servants.

At this time, although it was not yet during the period of the Three Kingdoms, natural disasters and man-made disasters, many people could not live or live very hard.

Now there is such a master who is not bad at money, Fang Qingshan, so much money is sprinkled, naturally even ghosts can grind.

It is now Guanghe for six years, and next year will be the Yellow Turban Uprising. Although Fang Qingshan himself is very powerful, he is an enemy of many people, but there is only one lonely man. Approve people.

挑选 He selected the young and middle-aged servants, three thousand people. Not only did he have three meals a day, but he still had meat, but he also took out the elixir made with the devil, and made them take water.

Under the training of Fang Qingshan at such a cost, these 3,000 people grew up at a rapid rate. For three months, they have changed from being physically below the normal level of ordinary people to being able to open monuments. The elite soldiers, even some with good qualifications, have broken through to the realm of divine power.

However, all this was done quietly. Fang Qingshan picked a valley outside the county seat, arranged a large array, and prepared silently. After all, if there is no chaos today, Gongsun will visit from time to time, and he discovers that But it's troublesome.

In addition to the 3,000 troops cultivated by Fang Qingshan as seeds, he also gathered Zhuang Ding to train thousands of troops. Fortunately, in this era, people with a certain force had personal soldiers.

I wondered why Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others started pulling up thousands of teams with a single call. Many of them are private soldiers whose family has been training for a long time.

Everything is proceeding step by step. Fang Qingshan upholds the wide accumulation of grain, digs the wall deeply, slowly assumes the king's attitude, and prepares methodically.

After everything was on the right track, Fang Qingshan decided to start the second step plan to recruit talents.

The so-called three fences of a fence, a gang of three guys.

Even though Fang Qingshan insisted on his cultivation of heaven and human realm, and coupled with a baby like Chunyang Feijian, there was no problem in the world.

But do you have to be a soldier in everything you do?

What's more, after meeting Gongsun Yun, Fang Qingshan also realized that the top military generals in the three kingdoms were not much weaker than himself.

A gongsun 瓒 in Qiuqu District has a self-cultivation behavior. How about Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, and even Lu Bu?

One of the reasons why Fang Qingshan chose Youzhou and settled in She County was that Zhang Fei was here, and Guan Yu was also encountered.

Compared with the three visits, even fame, ambition, etc. required to subdue Wen Chen, it is much simpler to subscribe to a military general. Generally speaking, as long as you are better than him, and you are proud, you are also willing to give in to you, and treat them equally. Their favor.

The first goal of Qiong Fangshan was, of course, Zhang Fei, who was also in She County.

Qi Fang Qingshan left his manor and rushed to Zhang Fei's house. He saw a desolation and defeat along the way.

The people I saw were basically numb, and there was no hope in his eyes.


Seeing this, Fang Qingshan couldn't help sighing. He originally wanted to make this place a luck-producing place, but now he couldn't help but raise a compassion and compassion, and wanted to change the world and let these bottom-level People are better off.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

This is not the Virgin, it's just something that Fang Qingshan can do within his ability, but is consistent with his goals.

In the same city, Fang Qingshan had already inquired about the specific location of Zhang Fei's house, and soon found the door.


The door of Zhang Zhangfu was knocked.

"Who are you looking for?"

The door opened a seam, and an old man asked Fang Qingshan in doubt.

"Wenyu County Zhang Yide is brave, come here to visit." Fang Qingshan laughed.

"Oh?" The old man said a moment, looked at Fang Qingshan in amazement, and said, "Wait, I'll report."

Zhang Fei today is not Zhang Sanye in the future. He is very young and has not broken into any famous halls. Fang Qingshan actually said that he came here, and the janitor naturally had some doubts.

"What? Someone is here to visit, haha, please come in soon." Zhang Fei heard that someone was here to visit himself, and he was pleased, and greeted him with the porter, after all, this was the first to visit himself.

Langzhong door was wide open, but when he saw an eight-foot-long man with a leopard head and eyes, and a swallowing tiger and a whisker, a slightly young man came out.

When I saw Fang Qingshan, there was a look of disappointment in his eyes first. After all, Fang Qingshan has now reached the realm of heaven and man. He didn't pay attention and thought he was an ordinary person.

Fortunately, Zhang Fei's eyes are not bad, and the next moment, I feel the strangeness, and when I look at it, the color of surprise in his eyes flashes away.

"Presumably Your Excellency is Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide, and you are polite at Fang Qingshan, Zhutianshanzhuang, Xiaoji County."

Qi Fang Qingshan looked at Zhang Fei and sensed his strength, and found that Zhang Fei was even worse than Gongsun Yu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can't help but feel a little disappointed.

I can't help but think about it, now I understand that Zhang Fei is still young, and he has not followed Liu Bei to fight in various places. He has not been tempered. This practice is considered wonderful.

"It turns out that you are the owner of Zhutianshanzhuang who has been making a lot of noise recently."

When I heard Fang Qingshan reporting himself, Zhang Fei couldn't help it.

Qi Fangqingshan settled in Yi County, and a large amount of silver was flowing out, and Gongsun Ji visited from time to time. Naturally, Zhang Fei, the land snake, would not have heard of it.

"A friend comes from afar and cares, please!"

Zhang Fei invited Fang Qingshan to the middle of his house.

Qi Fang Qingshan took out the gift that had been prepared long ago and immediately won Zhang Fei's great favor.

Qi Fang Qingshan knew that Zhang Fei had good wine, and the nature he took out was carefully refined by the method of alchemy, and added a lot of elixir.

虽然 Although the three kingdoms are somewhat different from the three kingdoms in history, there are some similarities. That is, the winemaking technology is also not bad.

飞 Zhang Feihe once drank such a fine wine, drank it, and smoked into the mist and clouds, sweet and bitter, with joy and joy in it.

"Good wine, good wine."

After returning to God, Zhang Fei admired again and again, and then he took the wine jar and waited to drink it, holding it back.

"What's wrong?" Fang Qingshan asked curiously when he saw this.

唉 "Well, after drinking this wine, I will not be able to stop talking about other wines in the future. What can I do if I finish drinking in one breath!"

Zhang Fei sighed, but her eyes were staring at Fang Qingshan.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's not easy to drink, brother Zhang just look for me!" Fang Qingshan patted his chest.

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