Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 146: Fight

Every time I drink less than a thousand glasses, I'm not speculative!

Qi Fang Qingshan and Zhang Fei both drunk one cup after another. One party was soliciting and doing what they liked, while the other party was bold and informal.

"Go, go, go, Brother Fang follows me!"

After drinking too much wine, naturally you have to release it. Zhang Fei has a good amount of alcohol. Although he won't be drunk, he will still not let the Wuhui friends. After all, when Fang Qingshan came, he said he was visiting Zhang Feihao.

The two came to Taoyuan in the backyard of Zhangfu. Zhang Fei reached out and grasped the Zhangba spear on the weapon rack like Yunlong's claw.


Zhang Fei screamed, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shaking hands, Zhangba spear rolled in its hands like a black dragon, making waves and clouds.


After dancing for a while, Zhang Fei didn't seem to have enough fun. Leopard's eyes glared at Fang Qingshan and sang loudly.

There was a surge of suffocation in the body, and the eight spears in his hands were shocked. The dark light was formed on the spear, and then they suddenly stepped out in two steps. The spears traced a dark gold trajectory in the air, and the air exploded continuously. Then he went straight to Fang Qingshan without giving up.

Zhang Fei was not afraid that Fang Qingshan could not reach it. First of all, Fang Qingshan came to visit because of his bravery. Naturally, he was not without the power of chickens. He could drink and fight without being drunk. Naturally, he was not a layman, plus he and Gongsun Generally, Fang Qingshan felt a thick threat from his body. Naturally, he was not afraid that Fang Qingshan was a deceiver.

Of course, you can receive it if you can send it. Wan Fang Qingshan is really inferior to himself. Zhang Fei can also guarantee that Fang Qingshan will only be slightly injured.

In the end, if this result, then all the other favors of his partner Qingshan have disappeared, at least not so strongly, Fang Qingshan is not so easy to recruit him.

After all, not everyone can be like Liu Bei, relying on a mouth, a Han family clan who does not know the true and false.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan did not disappoint Zhang Fei. Since he came to Zhang Fei, Fang Qingshan was already prepared.

He squinted and watched Zhang Fei's spear move like a poisonous dragon out of the hole. He also reached out and grabbed a lance, which fell into Fang Qingshan's hand.

Zhang Fei is not the same as Fang Qingshan. Zhang Fei's generals follow the path of martial arts, but Fang Qingshan is more like a priest and a priest.

At the moment, Fang Qingshan can't use magical powers to compete with Zhang Fei. After all, this is just a contest.

Fortunately, before he entered the mysterious realm, he practiced martial arts.

But seeing Fang Qingshan's spear trembled, attached to the suffocation, his toes gripped the ground like a tiger, and he made a short trip, shrinking into an inch, and the lance was picked up.

The speed is almost like a streamer.


The tip of the stun gun hit the spearhead, the two bumped into each other, the spark burst, and an amazing shock wave also surged from the junction.

Zhang Fei naturally had no accidents. The strong backlash lifted him directly through the spear. Fortunately, he quickly cast a pounder, which did not make him ugly. Even so, he even took dozens of steps back. That's where it stands.

Fang Qingshan was also smashed by Zhang Fei, and the earthquake retreated three steps.

"Good guy, it really is Zhang Sanye, amazing!"

Although Fang Qingshan did not do his best, but in the end he had a high level and high quality of radon gas, but he did not expect that Zhang Fei could still shake him back. The reason for this is that Zhang Fei's strength is not well estimated.

Although Fang Qingshan's fusion of dragon elephant essence and blood is not inferior to ordinary natural divine power, it is obviously still incomparable to Zhang Fei. He couldn't help but admire it.

"OK! Come again!"

Zhang Zhang Fei After the martial arts success, there is a master with a surname near Yi County. He doesn't know how much he has challenged, but he basically can't walk in his hands, let alone fight him back.

At this moment, it was so difficult to encounter such a rare master of Fang Qingshan, naturally the whole person was boiling.

But seeing Zhang Fei's eyes glowing with excited red light, high warfare, vigorous spirit, spear dancing broke out the dark luster of the road.

For a while, but saw the dragon rise, each spear shadow was like a black dragon.

Each spear shadow fell like a mountain, and the sound of a sonic boom banged continuously.

不要 Don't talk about picking up a change of person, this momentum alone is enough to make people afraid.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has also seen people in the world, but he saw a spear with a spear, a few cold stars, and a heavy rain pear.

枪 Each gun image is a silver cone, which is exactly on Zhang Fei's spear.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

飞 Although Zhang Fei's attack was heavy, he felt like he had dropped ten times.

However, Fang Qingshan's marksmanship is based on ingenuity, and the enemy must be saved.

"Cool, come again!"

Qi Qi meets his opponents every time he meets Liangcai!

Of course, this is in Zhang Fei's view. Today, compared with Fang Qingshan, there is no doubt that there is still a gap. If Fang Qingshan let him, and coupled with the martial arts that he is not good at, Zhang Fei would have been defeated. .

Zhang Fei naturally knows this, but this is not the enemy's assassination, but it is a private consultation. It is rare to encounter a master ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and have fun.


When Zhang Fei let himself go and went all out, like crazy monsters, when the combat power was rising, Fang Qingshan was like a sea reef, still standing still, often between time and time, Zhang Fei took off lightly and calmly His attack strengthened me even more. At this time, Fang Qingshan suddenly raised an eyebrow, but felt a strong breath from far to near.

力量 This strength is not more than Zhang Fei, and even surpasses it. Although Fang Qingshan raised an eyebrow, he did not take it seriously. He was very confident, and by his means, if someone wanted to attack, it was delusional.

What he was curious about was, when Jun County, in addition to himself, Zhang Fei and Gongsun Yun, had another master of spirits.

Fortunately, the people knew the size, and stopped in the distance, apparently attracted by Zhang Fei and Fang Qingshan.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Yan Fang Qingshan, while paying attention to the uninvited guests in the distance, was dealing with Zhang Fei's attack.

Zhang Fei was released freely and heartily, and as time went on, although Zhang Fei's attack had gradually dropped from its peak state, his mental state became more and more energetic.

When I shot, from the very beginning, the thunderbolt was shocked, and the sound was trembling all around. Until now, I was a little bit silent in the sound of thunder, as if the anode was overcast, and it was extremely soft.

"Hmm? Is this about to break?"

Qi Fang Qingshan did not expect Zhang Fei to break through so quickly, first a moment, followed by a joy.

I didn't have much time to think about it, and put a little more pressure on him.


Suffering from this shock, Zhang Fei's momentum suddenly rose, and a roar, the momentum was like a rainbow, and Zhang Ba's spear gently passed, but it seemed to push him towards him.

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