Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1452: Pick

Kang Chang heard the secret and was relieved about Fang Qingshan's decision. At the same time, his eyes were full of surprises. As for the others, he was naturally envious. Don't look at his calm face before. In fact, there is something in his heart. Alas, in the end wealth is moving, who knows how Fang Qingshan chooses?

However, he knew that silence was better than sound at this time. If Fang Qingshan was willing to uphold fairness, it would be the same if he opened his mouth. If he was really blinded by what was in front of him, Kang Chang would have no other way.

In the final analysis, although he played a role, but could gain something, it still depends on Fang Qingshan.

However, nonetheless, if Fang Qingshan really sent himself something casually, Kang Chang would not regard Fang Qingshan as his biggest opponent anymore.

Because a person who cannot control his own heart, it is impossible to go far.

The worst result did not happen. At this moment, Fang Qingshan's atmospheric well-being is sincerely appreciated. In his own right, facing these things, although he would not eat alone, he could not do so easily and freely.

If it is him, at most it is a treasure, and it is the weakest treasure to others. Wanting to be like Fang Qingshan, almost half-point, it's just a foolish dream.

But he didn't want to, Fang Qingshan not only allowed him to print the exercises, but also chose among treasures. Although the third-level spiritual root of the Bliss Lotus is excluded, it is already very good.

If Fang Qingshan is willing to share the Bliss Lotus, I am afraid that Kang Chang will not secretly admire and be grateful. Instead, he will be suspicious and wonder whether he has any conspiracy or even scolded him as a fool.

"Thank you, Brother, then I'm welcome. I need elixir and sword!"

Kang Chang first expressed his gratitude to Fang Qingshan, and then, with almost no hesitation, chose the sword and elixir.

The sword was chosen because it is considered to be one of the five treasures, excluding the highest value existence of Bliss Lotus.

The five treasures are divided according to value, and Bliss Lotus is definitely in the first place. This is undoubted. The second is the sword, the second is the elixir, followed by the exercises, and the last is the classics.

Needless to say, the bliss lotus, the sword swordsmanship, the reason why the exercises are only listed in front of the sutra, but because the other side of Qingshan, this thing is not necessary.

Daoyimen, Dadao Palace, although there are not as many skills as the imperial level, but there are still hundreds of them.

However, to get these exercises, you need to pay a certain price.

Not everyone is like Fang Qingshan, who needs to read a lot of books. Many forces, as long as they have a magic skill, can inherit and orderly.

Therefore, it is okay for this **** emperor's method to fall into the hands of Fang Qingshan. It is really not so great in the hands of Kang Chang, but if it is placed outside, the situation is very different, especially for many small forces. I am afraid that I will not change the third-level treasure. Because with this method, you can continuously train the Emperor of God, and there are three levels of treasure, without corresponding strength, I am afraid that it is a husband who is guilty and guilty of guilt.

Not to mention these, besides, although the sword is down grade, it is not impossible to repair, especially the Taoist Gate has a sword mound to repair this thing is only a matter of time.

By that time, the Kang family had another third-level top treasure suppression. It is very helpful for the improvement of the whole family strength. It is even possible that after the repair of this treasure, it will be handed over to Kang Chang.

After all, he is the facade of this Kang family.

In this way, before entering the emperor's emperor, there is a third-level treasure, which is placed in the Taoist door, and it will make many emperors envy.

As for the elixir, although it has no effect on the peak of the emperor, it is of great benefit to the early, middle, and even later stages of the emperor, at least it will shorten their time for nearly a million years. Especially for the early days of the Emperor God, it has an obstacle-breaking effect.

The elixir that can act on the emperor is more precious than the ordinary third-level treasure.

Although he is a consumable, in the final analysis, the third-level Lingbao increases combat effectiveness, while the elixir improves Xiuwei.

Tao is the foundation and power is the last.

The road is the root. Believe in power, superstition of power, I am afraid it is a misfortune.

If there were only swords and elixir, Kang Chang would even choose elixir, not sword.

After all, Kangjia is not without Grade III, but the elixir of promotion is really rare.

With strength, you can naturally get treasures relatively easily.

Without strength, even if you get a treasure, Germany does not match, it is still trembling. If you walk on thin ice, if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

However, Fang Qingshan didn't pay much attention to this.

After all, the most precious lotus flower has been in his pocket.

This object is a third-level treasure, which is the first third-level treasure obtained by Fang Qingshan. In the past, he also looked at the creation of Qinglian in the imprint of Yuanshen, opened the axe and forged jade dish, and even raised chaotic beads in his hands. Now, he finally has a third-level treasure of his own.

What's more, Bliss Lotus is not just a trivial matter.

He played a very important role in Fang Qingshan's perfection of Qinglian's imagination. If the avenue Qinglian's imagination is improved, Fang Qingshan's practice can be accelerated.

Another point is that it is related to the promotion of the eternal sky boat.

The eternal sky boat has reached the supreme level, the next step is to break through immortality.

Just the promotion of the eternal sky boat, was originally very resource-intensive. In addition, the eternal sky boat of Qingshan is mutated, and it is even more difficult to break through.

Nowadays, at least the second-level top treasure is needed to integrate into the eternal **** furnace unit, and it also needs to be special treasure after all, such as a dodgy bead.

This is the furnace unit. The most important thing is actually the Tianzhou body.

At that time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan promoted Tianzhou's body to incorporate the body of Chaos Demon, merit golden lotus, willingness and so on.

However, as the level of Tianzhou is getting higher and higher, the speed of improvement is not keeping up. The Shenluo unit can also be integrated into a higher grade Arcana. Can the body be replaced?

Although it is said that there is a continuous stream of willing power, with the promotion of Tianzhou, eternal blessing can be improved. But for Fang Qingshan, it was too slow.

Today, Fang Qingshan's cultivation has reached the peak of late immortality, and Tianzhou has broken through the supremacy, and it is almost impossible to keep up with his own progress.

Therefore, he needs to accelerate Tianzhou's promotion speed.

At least you must be promoted to immortality before you break through the Emperor, otherwise, the emperor ’s calamity will be a huge obstacle.

However, if you have a Bliss Lotus, it will be different. If you can integrate this treasure into the body of Tianzhou, as long as you fill the eternal furnace unit, the promotion of immortality of Tianzhou is almost a matter of course.

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