Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1453: Trial completed

? Bliss Lotus and Merit Golden Lotus attributes are consistent, the defense is amazing, but it is the only way to improve the body.

As for other harvested treasures, it is also very good.

That piece of scripture has the foundation of the third grade treasure, although it is the bottom of the third grade treasure, but it is even three points worse?

Even if Fang Qingshan did not repair it, it was enough for the mosquitoes to devour him, so that he could make up for it.

Of course, this is also Fang Qingshan. If the Buddhists, or even not the Buddhists, knew that he was so violent, he would not know whether he would attack them.

Even if the jingzhu is attacking and defending the treasure, even if the grade is dropped, that is the foundation of the third grade treasure?

Even if you do n’t need it, you can still exchange it.

Unfortunately, this is bound to be something they don't know.

In fact, even if they knew it, they would do the same if they were in Fang Qingshan.

After all, the talents of mosquitoes are really ancient.

If you use a Lingbao that you don't use very much, you will make great progress. I am afraid anyone will be willing to do it.

There is also the practice method of the emperor, which is also a harvest that cannot be ignored for Fang Qingshan.

Although the ranking value is only fourth, only before Jingzhuo.

But that was only because of the other side, Qingshan, and Fang Qingshan needed to read books because of his own exercises.

But this does not mean that this thing is useless.

After all, his cultivation has reached the peak of late immortality, and the Emperor is in sight.

The next thing to do is to improve the cultivation behavior, promote the clone cultivation behavior, and upgrade the eternal Tianzhou grade.

The most important point is to perfect the God Emperor's chapter that the heavens and the Dao have decided.

Because of the cause of Wanjie, Fang Qingshan is now much easier to perfect the God Emperor. Just adapt it according to the framework of Wanjiejie, suit yourself, and then continue to fill it.

However, the most important thing is to read the books and learn from each other.

Therefore, he needed many **** emperor methods for his reference.

The method of God-level practice is that I don't dare to say that there are too many Taoist doors. One more is a surprise.

Moreover, the exercises in the Taoism are not free.


After the Emperor's Cave, Fang Qingshan and others stopped, and they could only watch the roar in the Chixiao Realm.

It's not that they don't want to keep scraping, but that they have more than enough energy.

Not to mention that Fang Qingshan itself and the Eternal Skyboat have been hit hard like never before. Even if many good things are obtained, it still takes time to repair. It is Fang Qingshan's heyday without Kang Chang's Fu Jie's hole card, and he has no heart in his heart.

After all, he has tried to find out the gap between himself and the Emperor of God, and it is really not something he can deal with now. If you are not careful, you may lose everything.

So, the next day, they settled in a secluded place, while rested and waiting for the end of the trial.

As for why not directly pinch the token out?

This is not to think that if the injury is better, you can continue to collect resources. Even if you do n’t go to Shenhuang Cave, resources in other ordinary places are rare to see from the outside, and if you go out, your score will be fixed. Others broke out, and they didn't enter the top one hundred, that would be bad. Inside, at least there is still a chance to cope?


A month later, Chixiao Realm!

Fang Qingshan stood with his hands in his hands, and looked at all the surrounding scenes with nostalgia. He missed them and even gave birth to a feeling of staying.

After all, the harvest of just one month this time does not count the third-level spiritual roots, bliss lotus and other treasures. The harvest of the second-level treasures alone is far more than the last time the mosquitoes and other people wiped out dangerous areas.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, what was the last time the mosquitoes waited for people to cultivate, what level of danger was the mopping, and now what they cultivate, what is the Chixiao world?

Harvesting is naturally incomparable.

Behind Fang Qingshan is Kang Chang, Wang Run and others. The expression at this moment is almost the same as that of him, not just him, why they don't want to.

If they can stay in Chixiao Realm, I am afraid that the probability of ordinary disciples breaking through the Emperor of God will increase by more than three levels. As for Fang Qingshan, Kang Chang and others will probably shorten the amount of time.

It's a pity, just think about it, not just them, many **** emperors want to stay in it, but is it really possible? It is obvious that the martial arts will not allow such things to happen without suffering from widowedness, but unevenness.

Wouldn't it be a coincidence this time, and still want to stay in it? They can't even get in.

Regardless of what Fang Qingshan and others think, they say that as soon as the time is up, they see the blue dome cracking, clouds falling, and a vast force descending on the space.

The next moment, the shield tokens in his hands shattered, turning into a light to attract the fairy light, covering them, straight into the sky.

After a while, Fang Qingshan and others just felt that the sky was turning, there was a kind of twisted space-time, and when they opened their eyes again, they had returned to the chaotic world of Tao.

The vigorous trial of Chixiao Realm came to an end.

Because of the waves caused by Fang Qingshan, in the end he was in the top position. Others had gains and failures. However, Taoist Gate seemed to be flourishing. At least they dared to fight against the emperor. This kind of spirit alone was enough. Sorry.

Above the stars.

Xiangguang was energetic, Zhong Zhongtian sounded clear and clear.

Zhuge Jin, the elder of Chuan Gong, was very satisfied watching the disciples who were transmitted from the red world.

For this group of people, Tian Capital has been the outstanding one in the past, and it can be said to be a manifestation of good fortune and wealth.

What is more important is that with the target of Fang Qingshan, the leader, other disciples get stimulated, turn stress into motivation, and constantly develop their own potential.

This is not because Fang Qingshan rushed to Shenhuang Dongfu, this time in the Qixiao Realm, Shenhuang Dongfu was almost selected.

Regardless of the final result, whether they have been harvested or repelled, or other conditions, but they can face the emperor, they have already achieved victory ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because of this harvest, how many resources have been changed Not coming back.

Zhuge Jin's large white hand like jade gently lifted up, and the star catalogue suspended in the red sky suddenly fell into his hand,

Then a push, the rumbling sound erupted again, and the Chixiaojie re-entered into the space-time fault, waiting for the next opening.


Zhu Gejin shook the catalogue in his hand gently. In a moment, the hundred brightest stars suddenly turned into streamers and fell to Fang Qingshan and others with a thunderbolt.

Needless to say, these people are obviously among the top 100 in the trial of the Chixiao Realm.

Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush,

With the addition of the starlight, it seemed that Qiyun was approaching, and a Taoist disciple whose name passed the trial could not help but let go of his momentum.

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