Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1458: Zheng Xuan, Sheng

"I didn't expect Brother Zheng Xuan to be so good."

"Yeah, it seems we all look down on him."

"It turned out that he was following a path of accumulation, and no wonder he has not seen him perform in these years."

"It seems that there is one more rival in the dispute between the top ten disciples."

Everyone was really surprised to see Shui Yunjian and Zheng Xuan fighting.

Although the methods of water and clouds are somewhat unexpected, they are still acceptable.

After all, he is the closest to the top ten inside.

What really makes everyone hard to imagine is Zheng Xuan.

The main reason is that he really has no sense of existence. Like Fang Qingshan, I am afraid that many disciples in the door do not recognize him.

It's just that Fang Qingshan just got started because he has been through the two sessions, but he stayed in the Dadao Palace to read more, which is little known.

However, gold always shines.

This is not, as soon as it broke out, it shocked the audience.

On revisionism, although it is not the championship, it also has the late immortality.

But in terms of mana, the purity and majesty of the Yuanshen, Fang Qingshan and Pembo could not compare with him.

It's all polished by time.

Moreover, everyone did not expect that Zheng Xuan also had a second-class treasure, and it was also a second-class top-level literary treasure.

Just like Wuzhu and Jingyunzhu in the hands of Shuiyunjian, with the practice of the practice, not only can it exert its power 100%, but it can also exert it 122%.

The same is true of Zheng Xuan in the past.

"It's a pity that Shui Yunjian."

"Yeah, with his strength, even if it is the last ten disciples, the five of them may not dare to say that they are better than him."

"But I didn't want to do it, but I met Brother Zheng Xuan, a pig-eating tiger."

"When it is true, it is also fate, what is Fu Fu."

Everyone marveled at Zheng Xuan's cultivation, while fighting, they could not help but feel sorry for Shui Yunjian.

Both Sheng Yu and He Shengliang.

If it wasn't for Zheng Xuan, he would send Fang Qingshan, Bloomberg, and Li Mubai, and a few others, he might not have a chance to win.

But now ...

It ’s not that everyone looks down on Shuiyunjian, but he is not an unknown person. As a ten-year disciple behind the original Neimen, his cultivation of ideology, exercises, magical powers, and spiritual treasures are not secrets Don't say it clearly, but at least be prepared to deal with it.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

This is why, before each battle, we will ask who the other party is in advance, so that it can be more targeted, especially when the difference is similar, know a little more, and say that you have to win one more point.

Then again, even though Shui Yunjian has a hole card, how many can he have?

After showing two matching top-notch Lingbaos, they were able to defeat Zheng Xuan.

Not to mention how much he consumes, whether he will be injured, and how much injury he has suffered. The exposure of the hole cards alone is not enough to get him to the end.

After all, there are still many people behind who are not fuel-saving lamps. For example, Fang Qingshan has paid attention to it and hasn't moved yet.

Zheng Xuan is different.

As a two-year old disciple, but for everyone, it is a real newcomer, newer than Fang Qingshan.

For Fang Qingshan, everyone knows that he has an eternal sky boat, and for Zheng Xuan, if he wasn't exposed, who knows that he still has a brilliant idea?

Therefore, everyone is completely unfamiliar with Zheng Xuan. He knows nothing about his exercises, spiritual treasures, experience, magical powers, habits, etc. This will greatly increase the difficulty of the challenge.

The unknown is the most difficult to deal with, but it adds heavy pressure to the last strange and mysterious opponent. Especially after this strange opponent has shown extraordinary strength, it is even more headache.

Sure enough, the next battle, Shuiyunjian completely fell into the downwind.

Because Zheng Xuan knows Shuiyunjian quite well, so he has targeted and his experience is old and solid. The most important thing is his way of attack. Finding flaws is also difficult.

As for Zheng Xuan, Shui Yunjian knows nothing and can only rely on instinctual experience to fight.

The two armies face each other. One side knows one side and the other side knows little about it. Even if the original strength is between Pak Chung, the final result is obvious.

"There is righteousness in the heavens and the earth, and the manifold forms the manifold. The lower part is Heyue, and the upper part is the sun star. Yu Renhao Haoran, Pei Cangming."

Zheng Xuan looks ordinary and puts it in the crowd. He won't look at it for a second glance, but at this moment, the righteousness rises, but it seems like a round of eternal sun descending on the earth. It's hard to look straight.

A Qianqiu pen, using a pen as a knife, slaughtered the world and spoke freely, so that there was almost no resistance in the water.

"Birth is what you want, and what you want. You can't get both, and those who give birth to take righteousness."

"I am good and I am upright."

"The personality then becomes known, and then it is sincere, and sincere, then the heart is right, the heart is followed by self-cultivation, the body is followed by the family, the family is followed by the country, and the country is ruled by the country."

"The people are the most valuable, the society is the second, and the king is the light."


With the movement of Zheng Xuan's pen and ink, a mighty Confucian ideology soared into the sky, and it seemed to spread like a tide, and it instantly filled the entire platform and turned into a home field. It was futile no matter how much resistance was suppressed.

"Damn, **** it, how could this be?"

Shui Yunjian originally thought that this time, even if he could not hit the top three, or even the top five, but entering the top ten was definitely a matter of course.

He used to be awkward before, otherwise everyone would not be surprised by the fact that he had put out Wuzhu and Jingyunyu.

For Wu Duzun in the top ten, Shuiyunjian did not reveal his hole cards, but also had a five or five point win chance.

However, he didn't expect that the good old man had not met before, but he encountered Zheng Xuan, who had been silent for two years, and broke out by himself.

"If I didn't choose Zheng Xuan, if I didn't reveal my hole cards at the beginning, I just confessed, if ..."

For a while, Shui Yunjian's heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned around, and regretted it, but unfortunately, the fact was already in front of him.

"Nothing, I confess!"

Seeing that he was either being suppressed by Zheng Xuan or being forced to go down to the ring, Shui Yunjian's heart was unwilling, but he could only admit defeat.

Although, he can fight, as for the results are unknown, it is unknown.

But even if it wins, the subsequent battles cannot be carried out, so you can only give up. There is no chance to say so.


Zheng Xuan heard that he wasn't attacking, so he just stopped.

No one was surprised to see here.

On other platforms, it has already been contested by number theory.

After all, the gap between the strengths of those who do not report hope and the emphasis on participation is really large.

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