Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1459: 10 great apprentices

? However, it is not without its wonderful.

For example, Fang Qingshan's other dark horse is the other favorite.

Although this person has some swords that go too far, he has to say that the power of killing is really powerful.

On the strength and purity of mana may not be as good as Zheng Xuan, but on sharpness and weirdness, it is better.

In particular, he also has a second-class top-level killing sword in his hand, which is much more than many top-level top treasures.

This thing does not know what the ferocious beast, or the powerful bones, or the blood of the ancient battlefield, was born, or for other reasons, it looks like a frosty snow, like a willow leaf, The attack was as fast as lightning, and the ghosts came and went. The sword was engraved with strange and detailed scriptures. At first glance, it looked like half-closed eyes, and it was scary.

In the face of his attack, you must either brake statically and be unparalleled in defense, or fight fast to seize the opportunity. Don't let him take the shot.

Otherwise, once you fall into his rhythm, you are better than him. I am afraid that you will fall into the downwind and lose.

Like an assassin, like a battlefield host, born to kill embryos.

In comparison with the Styx River, Shura is simply a little witch, not only because of Xiu Wei's relationship, but also because of the origin.

Assassinate with a sword, fast, accurate, and cruel.

Unbreakable, but fast.

The whole person seems to be one with the sword, and even the space can't stop it. Kill the immortal, kill the Buddha, kill the devil, and kill the ghost.

Yan Sha seems to have been born specifically for killing, especially because he also cultivates specifically, and is the only one who has cultivated the meaning of killing, which is even more powerful.

The last one of the top ten disciples of the former Inner Door who had fought with him at the time, because he didn't know him, but he did not fight for ten moves, he was reached with a sword. If it wasn't for the ring, or if he didn't kill the heart, the sword would probably kill him.

Although this scene was short, it was a thrilling sight, and it was even more dramatic than Zheng Xuan's scene.

After all, Yan Yan's opponent is tenth, and he is still above water and clouds.

Unfortunately, I don't know if it is his fame or Yan Sha is too powerful.

Anyway, he didn't show the top ten's strength, which made everyone feel a little bit sad.

However, everyone with a good eye knows that his defeat was one of neglecting the enemy and the other was not knowing the enemy. The third and most important was the strength of Yan Sha.

In addition to Yan Sha, Fang Qingshan also saw the cultivation and combat effectiveness of the first five people in the original inner door except Pombo.

The second is Jiangshan.

The third is Li Mubai.

The fourth is Shangguan Jin.

The fifth is Qin Shiyue.

Among them, Li Mubai and Shang Guanjin were the guards, and Jiang Shan and Qin Shiyue later attacked.

Li Mubai is the most personable person among all people, standing like a branch of a tree and a tree, smiling as if a star is in his arms.

He is a handsome man himself, who can fascinate thousands of girls, and then he is shrouded in various auras.

These auras do not refer to talents, backgrounds, repairs, face values, etc., but are realistic auras. Like the thousands of clouds that the Buddha and Bodhisattva released in the flood.

These auras, like magical powers and spiritual treasures, seem to be somewhere in between, and they are extremely powerful.

You can increase your own combat effectiveness, weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness, attack, and defend. It is the existence of a panacea.

However, it may be precisely because of everything, that everything is fine, everything is proficient, and there are not too many flaws, so whether it is attack, defense, or other, it is not particularly prominent, so that both Bomber and Jiangshan are overwhelmed. .

However, it is also possible that Li Mubai was clumsy. After all, even Shui Yunjian and others had heavy treasures in the body. Everyone did not believe that he would not, but he never did it.

Moreover, no matter what kind of opponent he meets, he seems so light and light, apparently he has not shown his true strength, and he does not know how much it shows.

Shangguanjin is similar to Li Mubai, and she looks good, her face is like a crown jade, her eyes are like a star, her eyes are like a knife, her eyebrows are like ink paintings, her nose is like a courage, she is gentle and elegant.

However, his magical powers are like seal-summoning mages.

The first card in your hand is a sealed variety of magical powers, strange treasures and even souls.

And compared with Li Mubai's halo, his card has a big advantage, that is, he does not need to consume his mana, just like casting a rune, but the rune is generally a one-time thing, but the card can be recycled. And he can be promoted with his promotion.

However, there should be disadvantages, just that he was not pushed to the limit, so it was not revealed, otherwise Li Mubai would not be overpowered.

As for Jiang Shan and Qin Shiyue, they are also very good.

Jiang Shan is the same family as Jiang Bawang and Jiang Mingyue.

The Jiang family is indeed the first family of the Taoist Gate, and there are endless disciples in the gate.

Among the true disciples are Jiang Bawang and others, and Jiangmen, Jiang Qingyue, and the rising Jiang Mingyue among the inner gates.

His body is stupid and handsome. A pair of eyes shot at Han Xing, and two curved eyebrows were like paint. The **** are wide and powerful.

There is nothing tricky between one punch and one leg, but it is magnificent. The golden sword of Malaysia, the long walk, the open air, the wild kick, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the Central Plains is determined.

It is a pity that when life is not right, I encounter a momentum, mana, law, morality, similar in all aspects, but faintly win the pombo.

It's even worse than Shui Yunjian. It is really Sheng Yu and He Shengliang.

As for Qin Shiyue, compared with the above three people, it is a little bit worse, but compared with Shuiyunjian, Bu Yanran and others still steadily suppressed them.

So, shortly after, the top ten spots were contested.

Fang Qingshan and Pombo are nail-fixed households. At the same time, it represents the dark horse and the original ten disciples.

In addition, the original top ten disciples of the inner gate are Jiangshan, Li Mubai, Shangguanjin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Qin Shiyue.

As for the other four, Zheng Xuan, Yan Sha, Pu Di and Di Yi.

As for the others, Wu Duzun, Bu Yanran, Ling Bo, or Dark Horse Wu Fa, Nie Yun and others were all eliminated.

But Jia Yu, Fenglong and Shuiyunjian who wanted to get revenge all failed to achieve their goals.

Among them, Jia Yu and Fenglong are okay. In the end, Wu Duzun and Ling Bo did not enter the top ten. The only sad thing is Shuiyunjian.

However, even if he did not meet Zheng Xuan for the first time, who are the remaining nine people who are fuel-efficient lamps?

It's just people. They always like to make excuses for themselves.

Not to mention, after the top ten disciples have decided, the next place is really exciting, because next is the qualifying of the top ten disciples.

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