Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1466: All beasts


Di Yi cursed, staring at Pombo a bit ugly.

Although he knew he was not a rival to Bomber, what he didn't expect was that the gap was so large.

Because of the previous battle between Qin Shiyue and Fang Qingshan, coupled with the fact that Di Yi is a dark horse, but he didn't get started just like Fang Qingshan. His eyes were obscured and he knew Pombo.

That's why the first shot is the boundless skill of the beast.

The reason why he rose to become a dark horse was because of a chance, he got a relic cave in the Age of Beasts. It is a combination of Taoist practice and Taoist practice. The two specialize in beast practice.

Since it is the era of the beast, it is conceivable that the main practice of nature is the way of physical training.

Wanjuquan is one of the top combat skills. Wan beasts without boundaries is one of them.

As mentioned earlier, if you practice to the extreme, it is summoning and reappearing. The era of the beast of the year is not a problem.

Unfortunately, he has not yet cultivated home.

Although it is very good when dealing with other people. However, in the face of Pombo who also follows the physical and physical way, it is not enough to watch.

You know, do n’t talk about him, it ’s the disciples of the Jiang family, all of which were crushed by Pombo.

In terms of revision, Pombo has reached the peak of immortality. Although it was only a breakthrough, it is already better than Fang Qingshan.

In terms of talent, he is also a proud man of Taoism.

Regarding opportunities, not to mention Lingbao's investment, a kick is a natural treasure, but after years of searching for secrets and secrets, the good things are not a few.

On the basis, although the Pang family behind him is not as good as the Jiang family, it is also a first-rate force of Taoism.

Therefore, Di Yi was broken by his punch with a punch and there was nothing to say.

It is Pombo, although the punch of the opponent's magical power was broken, but he did not continue his shots, pursued the victory, and did not give Diyi a chance to breathe.

Once it was arrogant, let's not say diyi, it was Jiangshan who didn't pay attention to it. This is the world that has become a big disciple for many years. He is proud of the heroes. Fang Qingshan is here. It is precisely because Fang Qingshan's ferocity has given him a lot of pressure that has led him to break through the immortal peak so quickly.

Then there is face. As a grand brother inside the door, if you deal with Fang Qingshan, you must attack against an ordinary dark horse. It is inevitable that it will lose face, its reputation is good, and sometimes it may be trapped by its name. .

The last point is because when Qin Shiyue challenged Fang Qingshan earlier, Fang Qingshan kept his hands everywhere. Could he not be better than Qingshan?

Only three things happened, and Bloomberg was ready to make Di Yi three punches.

Diyi naturally didn't know this. If he did, I'm afraid he might not thank Pombo.

After all, in general, let him do three moves, and from this word, it can be seen that the other party did not look at him at all, although in fact, it seems to be the same.

However, it is said that after being destroyed by Bomber, Di Yi was somewhat discouraged, but he did not lose confidence.

"Plus all beasts!"

But when he saw Di Yi open his mouth and swallow, the ghosts of the beasts that had been broken by Pombo's fist were like the tired birds coming home.

Between the glorious times, we saw one after another of beasts, monsters, Warcraft, and beasts hovering above Di Yi's head, roaring upward. Xu Xujian, these vicious beasts disappeared and disappeared, but Di Yi himself turned into an ancient vicious beast in the slightest.

Suddenly, the breath of Diyi's body became extremely fierce, and his whole body had risen to a higher level. A ferocious radon condensed around his body, full of wildness, recklessness, violence, bloodthirsty, and Above Di Yi's body, it is more like a beast, condensing scale armor and sharp minions. If you don't look at people, you just sense the breath and a proper beast.

Seeing this change in Di Yi, Bloomberg could not help raising his eyebrows and secretly said,

"Somewhat interesting!"

If it is said that the beasts have no boundaries, they have evolved the beast shadows with mana.

The strength of warfare lies in the amount of mana, the number of beasts that have evolved, the level of beasts, and the divine will of the beasts.

Then the ten thousand beasts plus body are transformed into beasts, and they carry the ten thousand beasts, and they are transformed into the ten thousand beasts.

Once Shi has begun, the requirements for the mental and primordial spirit will increase. If the primordial spirit is not strong, it will not only fail, but will be affected by the chaotic beast. If the primordial spirit can control it, the strength will skyrocket.

At the moment Di Yi is obviously the latter.

His eyes were still clear, and he was not affected by the beast, only with high war will.

The reason for this is that in addition to Di Yi's own will, there are two reasons. One is that when he got this magical skill in the war, he was instigated by people and has already experienced it, so once again Take control, just like the old horse knows the way, and then there is another treasure like the soul bead Fang Qingshan got together with the dormant beads, which can strengthen the Yuan Shen and guard the Yuan Shen.

Taking a step forward, the void beneath his feet cracked suddenly, and the entire platform seemed to be quake-like, setting off waves.


A punch blasted out, no, at this moment, it was no longer a punch, but a claw, a claw fell, accompanied by a mysterious trajectory, and a faint roar sounded as if it could penetrate time and space, Di Yi seemed to be Turned into the true respect of all beasts, the body involuntarily expands, stands tall, the scale armor hangs, Jin Guangcancan is cast like gold, and has a tiger body, a phoenix head, a dragon horn, a unicorn leg, a Peng wing, and a basalt armor. Peacock tail ...

Majesty is like prison, like the King of Beasts.

When Bloomberg saw this, he nodded slightly, apparently applauding the move.


Then, Pombo simply slammed into the punch. There was no vision. There were no other rules. Some were only the sound of the fist whistle, and some were pure to the extreme.

But it is such a simple punch, there is no change, and it does not contain any meaning of different kinds of rules ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But in an instant, the situation changes, and the sky sinks!

Pure fist, pure power, but fierce and uncast, fist breaks time and space!

With a punch, it seems that it can reach the end of the heavens and the world from the origin of the infinite void.


A muffled thunder sounded.

This time, Di Yi's fist didn't break like he did last time, and it couldn't be defeated.

However, there is no better place to go. Under the punch of Bloomberg, he froze for a long time and finally broke up!


Di Yi spit blood, and was blown out by the punch of Pombo directly, like a sack of sacks, directly hitting the barriers of the ring platform. He couldn't find a perfect place, so he didn't directly comatose. past.

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