Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1467: Beast Emperor Blood

"I don't believe it. That's the gap between you and me."

Although Di Yi was not injured at this moment, his mood was terrible. There was also some ruthlessness in my heart.

There is no harm without contrast.

Don't be afraid of not knowing the goods.

With Qin Shiyue's Zhuyu in front, let's look at her own challenge. It's almost no different from a clown.

Although Qin Shiyue also failed, Fang Qingshan exposed the reincarnation circle, the five elements of the reincarnation figure, two destiny magical powers, and the yehuo red lotus, which is comparable to the second-level top-level treasure. And karma. It can be described as full.

Especially the last hand of the hand, although defeated and glorious, is not a crime of war. If it weren't for Fang Qingshan, it wouldn't be so easy to change people, Jiangshan, Yansha, and even Pombo.

Look at him again.


The million beast era is well-known for inheriting warfare techniques. The great beast emperor relied on this hand to fight the world with few defeats.

And in his hands? It's just a trustee. Let the pearl dust.

Regardless of the boundlessness of the beasts, or the addition of the beasts, they were easily broken by Pombo.

This is actually nothing, wasn't Qin Shiyue's attack easily taken by Fang Qingshan?

The point is that he didn't force any pombo cards at all. He was just like usual, when fighting in the past, he was back and forth with a punch, like a fresh move and eating all over the sky.

How this made Di Yi accept it.

Now, he is no longer compared with Fang Qingshan and Pang Bo, but is competing with Qin Shiyue. The first two cannot compare with themselves. Isn't even Qin Shiyue comparable?

In fact, what he didn't know was that don't look at Pombo's back and forth is a punch, it seems that he did not show any powerful tricks, and used ordinary methods.

However, what Di Yi didn't know is that this is actually a special skill of Bloomberg.

It's just that other people separate the conventional methods from the tricks, and his tricks are the same as the conventional methods. It depends on how much he can do.

But obviously Diyi doesn't know these. Don't talk about him. Except for a limited number of people such as Jiang Shan in the inner door, who really knows him?

Seated firmly in this session of the Neimen master, before Pang Bo did not show up, other disciple disciples can only look back.

This, not to mention, is that Di Yi is not discouraged at the moment after the failure of the beasts, but is even more decisive.

"I'd like to see. With this card in hand, you still don't take it so lightly."

Di Yi said fiercely.

But Di Yi saw backhand to take out a pearl-like, relic-like, blood-drop-like thing, blood-red throughout the body, crystal-like as jade, and shining.

As soon as this thing came out, a vast breath burst out, sweeping the audience.

The strength of this power makes everyone seem to face the head again.

The overflowing vision is exactly the same as the previous vision of the boundless beasts of Di Yi.

"Well, this thing"

"Looks like this is Di Yi's hole card."

"Unexpectedly, among the beasts of the beasts he got, not only the beast fist, but also a drop of the blood of the strong."

"Yeah, and I'm afraid that this strong man is as good as his head.

There was no shortage of knowledgeable people present, as soon as Di Yi took the thing out, everyone guessed what it was.

"Knowing what you can't do, you don't know."

"Yeah, using this thing in this way is a bit of a violent thing. Not only can't it fully exert its due effect, but it doesn't hurt people, it hurts itself."

"You can't say the same thing. The experience of confronting the strong may not be better absorbed slowly."

After understanding Di Yi's hole cards, and seeing his actions, the opinions of the people were divided.

A wave of people believe that he should admit defeat, not hard bar, anyway, even if he plays with a hole card.

The most important thing is that the correct use of this substance should be slowly absorbed.

However, another person thinks that although it is a little unwise, it is lost by the mulberry.

The experience of being able to let go of Bloomberg is also precious to Di Yi.

It was as if Fang Qingshan had gone to the cave of the Emperor Huang Dong earlier.

These, not to mention, were swallowed directly after Di Yi took out the blood of the Beast Emperor.

Pombo's eyebrows were raised, but there was no extra movement.

In fact, if he wants to stop, he still has time, but in the end he said that he should be given three moves. Although he didn't blunt, he couldn't lie to his heart.

Moreover, to be honest, he is still very interested in Di Yi's hand.

Although the previous two hands were a bit blind for this combat technique.

But if you add this essence and blood, you should not let yourself down.

Indeed, as Pombo thought, Di Yi who swallowed the blood of the Beast Emperor did not disappoint him.

If it was said that the previous manifestation of the beasts was nothing but superficial and insignificant, then after swallowing the essence, Di Yi seems to have truly transformed into the Beast Emperor Supreme.

The momentum once again skyrocketed.

However, this time, even the secret treasure guardian Yuan Shen seems to be completely useless.

For a while, but seeing that Di Yi exudes a ferociousness. If it weren't for the eyes, there was a hint of soberness, I am afraid everyone would doubt that he was either lost or completely lost.

The blood of the beast emperor contains not only the huge blood, but also the will of the beast emperor.

It is because of this that the Wanshouquan can be used to reach Dacheng from the beginning.

It is also because of this that it can only be absorbed slowly, so swallowing the jujube will not only waste a lot of results, but also trap yourself in danger.


With the scream of Di Yi, a punch blasted out, and all beasts followed, and all beasts roared.

If the previous beast fist was a ranger, then the beast fist at this moment is an elite soldier.

"Good job!"

Seeing this scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Pombo's eyes flashed a little light without fail, and the same punch hit the past.

There are still no visions, and no other miscellaneous attributes, except that the fist style is more vigorous, the fist meaning is more concentrated, the fist power is more powerful, and the fist power is more unmatched.

As for the other side, Di Yi's Wanshouquan can only be said to be worth his hole cards. This time, he was never beaten by Pang Boyi, but played well.

clang! clang! clang!

The two fists collided lightningly in the void fault, their fists were punching through the void void, and the entire platform was shaking.

You must know that this is the third-level Baotai platform. If you change the previous platform, I am afraid that you can tear up the platform directly.

Although the two were just immortal peaks, yes, Di Yixiu, who swallowed the blood of the Beast Emperor, also caught up with Pombo.

However, the combat effectiveness obviously surpassed the level of immortality and reached the point where he first entered the Emperor.

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