Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1472: Imprison

"Sure enough, the top ten disciples of the former Inner Door were not stigmatized."

"Yeah, these dark horses have risen for too short a time, and the details are still a bit worse."

"It's Diyi first, and then Emperor Xi, so from this point of view, I am afraid that Yan Sha, Zheng Xuan, and even Fang Qingshan are similar."

"This is absolutely true, and Fang Qingshan and Zheng Xuan are different from the others."

"Yes, one of them has an eternal sky boat, and the other is a two-time old disciple, and their heritage is extraordinary."


The battle between Emperor Yun and Shang Guanjin was over, but outside discussions did not stop.

Judging from the two successive challenges, the dark horse seems to be slightly inferior. The momentum of the people who are optimistic about the top ten disciples of the inner door suddenly rose.

This is the good morals of Taoist Gate, otherwise there will be open markets, this situation will be more intense.

At this time, Zhuge Jin, the elder of Chuan Gong, came out and sounded the jade cymbal.

"The third challenge, Shang Guanjin won, and accumulated one."

As soon as Zhuge Jin had finished speaking, he retreated.

At the same time, they saw Li Mubai coming out, fluttering in white, walking in a leisurely court, really a stranger like a jade, and his son is unparalleled.

"Here is Li Mubai, I would like to enlighten Yan Shishi."

Every move of Li Mubai is full of rhythmic beauty, her voice is not sick, and she is full of magnetism. If this was changed to Ling Bo, Bu Yanran and others, even if they were not lost, they would not be too wary. If they were changed to ordinary people, they would not be able to raise a strong war in their hearts. In other words, it is true that he is a person who does not want to be an enemy, but only a friend.

However, he was facing Yan Sha, and there was only a killing and fighting person in his eyes. This attitude was shown to the blind man, although he did not intentionally do so.

??"it is good."??

If Li Mubai is a warm man, then Yan Sha is the proper high cold, and it is an iceberg. The whole person seems to be exuding an air conditioner, simple and concise, and has no face.

"Master, be careful." ??

Li Mubai did not act like the two Shangguan Jins before, but instead politely reminded Yan Sha to say something before proceeding, as if he was a soldier before a soldier.


As soon as the voice fell, Li Mubai suddenly saw a series of haloes, colorful and colorful, like a peacock opening the screen, magnificent.

But when I see this circle of halo, there are transparent, earthy yellow, black and white, and some ... but they all naturally emit a glass-like brightness, it is It takes human eyes, of course, the power is equally frightening. If you want to be in the place and change yourself, I am afraid that this wave of blow will fall into infernal hell.

It can be seen that these auras are like the nature of the avenue. They contain heaven and earth. In a rough look, they are crystal clear and bright. In a closer look, they are a mystery and a deep woven pattern, like a party. The altar of Fang communicates the origins of heaven and earth in the meditation, and draws the origins of heaven and earth.

With the movement of Li Mubai's mind, this series of auras suddenly flickered and burst into light, as if the breeze blew across the calm lake surface, and ripples spread out, rippling around at a speed visible to the naked eye. Go, the damage is like a storm.

In an instant, the entire Yantai was covered, of course, including Yan Sha.

The next moment, the entire space was tight, as if frozen, just like the scene Qin Shiyue faced by Fang Qingshan trapped in the Five Elements Reincarnation. This is a static halo of space.

Once this thing came out, although it was not as strong as the captive force of the Chaos Bell above the Castle, it was also much more than the bridge on the other side.

Another 100,000 mountains were manifested on the top of Yansha's head, and boundless gravity suppressed it. This is the aura of gravity.

This gravity is as strong as the suppression of a chaotic world. Ordinary people in the realm of Yuanyuan may be crushed into fragments by this pressure alone.

At the foot there is the power of the yin and yang yuan magnetism, which turns into a black hole, exuding boundless swallowing power, dragging Li Mubai's feet to the ground, this is the yuan magnet halo.

Above the body there are chains of shackles going back and forth, one knot at a time, like spider webs. This is a seal aura.


Hey guys, don't look at Li Mubai as a handsome and beautiful boy, but when you start, you really are not vague at all. When you come up, you zoom in.

He knows that Yan Sha specializes in kendo.

The sword walked lightly, and the sword was heavy.

Of course, some swords are not light-hearted, and even thicker and hegemonic than swords, such as epee and broad sword.

However, it is clear that Yan killed this route. It's the regular route.

Since taking the light route, speed is a key.

The martial arts in the world is indestructible, but it is not broken quickly, and it is also applicable to practice.

If you look at Pangu without breaking, you will know one or two. You have cultivated a law of gravity to the extreme. It is fierce and uncast, and unbreakable. It has depressed fate, cause and effect, time and space, and reincarnation.

Although very few people can do it, but since there is no invincibility, obviously it is also possible.

The speed of Yan killing is one aspect.

The speed of the sword is so fast that it can't be reacted. If he misses a stroke, he will be thousands of miles away at once, but it is a matter of self-protection.

Li Mubai was better. When he came up, he wanted to break Yan Sha's arm. If Yan Sha was restricted in speed and trapped in place, it would not be a lamb to be slaughtered, but his strength would be greatly reduced.

Moreover, in order to ensure foolproofness, Li Mubai came up with a wave of halo. Gravity, magnetic force, space, and seal ...

Fortunately, Yan Sha is not a fuel-saving lamp.

The lion beats the rabbit with full strength.

This is especially true for people like him, who don't take any action, and a shot is a thunder strike.

So ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ at the moment Li Mubai shot, Yan Xie also shot.

Therefore, at this moment, the halo-shaped figure was not Yan killing himself for a long time. It was just because of the speed and a ghost image left in place.

Incarnate as a shadow, walking through the gap.

Although at this moment the Yantai seems to be shrouded in halo, Yan Yan still looks like the walker has no boundaries, and is not affected at all.


The sharp sword came out of the sheath. At first, it was just a breeze, followed by a thin mosquito. Following the sound, the sharp sword was gradually pulled up as the sharp sword was pulled out. After the sharp sword was completely sheathed, the sound of the crisp and bright sword groan was like Fengming Jiutian , Long Yin Daze, echoed from the heavens and earth at this time, Jian Yin spread, actually formed a sound ripples visible to the naked eye between heaven and earth.

A stroke of sword light is like the rising of the sun, from breaking through the darkness of the dawn, to being bright without being dazzling, to the end of the golden light, people can't open their eyes, but it is an instantaneous thing.

Remember the first domain name in this book: .. m.

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