A person like Li Mubai is a thunderous strike, let alone a person who doesn't know how polite and modest he is.

Naturally a shot is also a killing move.

Swords follow people, and people follow them.

At the moment when the halo fell, Yan Sha's sharp sword had also fallen towards Li Mubai.

At this moment, Yan Shou's sword is the same as Pombo.

Simply, there are not many changes, just a thorny stab, but it seems to contain thousands of changes.

Avenue to Jane.

Perhaps because of simplicity, other fancy changes have been discarded, so pure, bland and not ordinary.

However, Pombo is not a foreign object, relying on his own body, Yan kills the sword in the human, more important than life.

But when I saw a sword stab, billions of crystal clear sword lights melted into a bunch, not sharp, without much movement, the void just separated the two sides like a curtain, and it didn't seem to have much destructive power. .

However, his horror will only be discovered when you really face it.

The so-called biting dog does not bark. This kind of sword light that does not seem to be very sharp is more difficult to deal with than the sharp one. The power is naturally greater. Once erupted, the power can be increased by at least three levels.


In the face of Yan Sha's assassination, Li Mu did not change his face, and spit out a word.

The voice fell, but a mountain and river screen suddenly appeared in front of Li Mubai. The rivers and rivers on it seemed to be vacated by dragons, and the cliffs and cliffs seemed to connect with the shields of the sky. A mysterious Tao rhyme that forms a barrier to speech.

Aura of mountains and rivers!

Although it is not above the defense of Qingshan's Yehuo Honglian, but it is not under the general second-tier Chinese defense defense treasure.

The most important thing is that before the imprisonment of Yan killing, Li Mubai all dropped several auras. This defense aura is not just one.

At the next moment, we should consider defeat before we win. Even if we are not to destroy our demeanor, we should guard against death. Therefore, after the mountains and rivers, two defensive brilliance rises.

First it was a pagoda, with eight corners, nine floors, and four sides, without seeing any traces of axe, as if it were natural. It was engraved with countless mysterious runes, showing a strange stream of light, it seemed to be able to be continuously pulled from the void Endless rhyme.

After the pagoda, a canopy floats and spreads out, splendid as splendid, and radiance becomes too empty.

Yan Sha's attack was indeed sharp, fast enough, and with the ability to break defenses. With a little break, the mountain and river barriers were torn instantly, then the pagoda, and then the canopy.

However, after such a delay, under the layers of obstruction, the momentum went up and down, and then it was exhausted, not to mention that Yan Sha's attack had been weakened to the extreme, that is, Li Mubai was no longer there.

boom! boom! boom! !!

For a while, the two played fiercely, but no one could help.

Yan Shou is like a squid that slips and does not keep his hand. Comes without shadows, goes without trace, sometimes in the east, sometimes in the west, sometimes up, sometimes down, referring to the east and the west, the guide to the north, and even changing the shape. You can't understand the true body by moving flowers and flowers. What you think is a ghost, you can't say it is the real killer. If you think it is a killer, you have to fool it.

No matter if Li Mubai wanted to imprison or attack, he could not reach him. He only saw a shadow drifting in all directions, and gave him from time to time.

However, Yan Sha's attack couldn't help Li Mubai, because he couldn't break his defense at all. It does not mean that he cannot break through the defense aura, but when he breaks through, he is already weak and Li Mubai has a new method. Either the attack has forced him to retreat, or he has avoided the distance far away, or the new defense aura. Raise again.

If he retreats decisively, once hesitates a little, I am afraid that he will fall into the downwind. At their point, once they fall into the downwind, it will not be easy to pull them back. Once they fail to pull back, the defeat will be sooner or later. Something happened.

In this way, the scene naturally fell into a deadlock.

In the end, it became a war of attrition.

Just like the last battle between Shangguan Jin and Emperor Yundi.

However, in the previous game, Shang Guanjin smiled to the end because of the particularity of the card, but this time, Li Mubai and the others were quite equal.

The halo exploded, and Jian Guang was wanton.

I don't know how long it took, the halo dispersed, Jianguang converged, and everything returned to its original appearance.

"My brother ’s swordsmanship is exquisite, and the killing is unparalleled. How about this time as a tie?"

Li Mubai's clothes and hair were a bit messy, but not embarrassed. Instead, she was filled with an alternative handsomeness, relieved, and said to Yan Sha.

"it is good!"

Yan Sha's hand holding the sword was a little trembling, but he still cherished his words, nodding in silence.

After such a long battle, the two have known each other very well, and no one can do anything about them. Although they have hole cards, they are different from the others.

Let ’s talk about Yansha first. He does have a hole card, but this is like a desperate blow from the assassin. It has the same effect as the previous Diyi swallowing the blood of the Beast Emperor. If it is not successful, he will become a benevolent. It's not a battle of life and death, so it's obviously not appropriate to use it.

And what about Li Mubai? He is a little indisputable, and he feels good as water. Therefore, although he has a hole card, he also does not show it. Still, as usual, show up with enough strength, or use his fighting power, go all out, and dare not say that you can challenge Pombo, but it is really unknown who is better than Jiangshan.

However, Yan Xie was able to fight Li Mubai to this extent, and it is indeed one of the dark horses most favored by Fang Qingshan.

Although the two of them did not use their respective cards, they were a little disappointed, but the splendor of this battle is undoubted, at least no one dares to underestimate them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The third challenge The game ended in a draw and was undefeated. "

After Zhu Gejin came out to settle the coffin for this battle, the fourth challenge began again.

"Master Jiangshan, please!"

This time, it was Zheng Xuan who fought, and Jiang Shan who challenged.

"Brother Zheng Xuan, please!"

If no one has seen it before, and many people do n’t even know it, there is no one like Zheng Xuan, but who dares to look down on him now? At least Jiangshan has long regarded him as a level of existence.

Don't think that Zheng Xuan is an old disciple of the last term, but he is mixed with new disciples like Jiang Shan. Even if he became famous all over the world, he was still ashamed.

However, you can't say that. You know, Jiangshan is one of the strongest in the past.

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Wonderful book house

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