Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1476: Humanitarian torrent

Although everyone knows that Jiangshan and Zheng Xuan are not simple.

The former can still be strong under the continuous blow of Bloomberg, and it also hides the four-level to Baodizi's social umbrella and the wild sword.

If it is not for him, he is not enough. If he is a disciple of the Jiang family, it is not as good as Jiang Bawang. Otherwise, with the full support of the Jiang family, the establishment of a dynasty may not be possible. The establishment of a dynasty should not be a problem. Not only can you repair two pieces of treasure, but the dynasty will be lucky, and the repairs will be thousands of miles away. Not to mention Pombo, it is Jiang Bawang, and many ordinary **** emperors in the door are probably not comparable.

The latter was silent for many years, and once rose, it was really a cold window for ten years without anyone asking, and it became known to the world. Qianqi Bi, Bihai Dan's heart ruler, two pieces of treasure, do not say, and now offered a magic card.

Humane torrent!

I do n’t know where to start, I do n’t know where to go, through time and space, penetrating cause and effect, no fear of reincarnation, no fate, the past is doomed, the present is happening, and the future is still changing.

A mighty river was rolling in, and rolling forward, everything going in front of him would be assimilated or annihilated.

There are blue lines of Kushiro, starting with the mountains, beginning to write characters, and serving clothes.

There are abdications to give up the country.

There are books with the same text, cars on the same track, and the same family.


For a time, but in the void, billions of souls worshiped, praised, praised, prayed, turned into a billowing torrent, from the origin, from Hongmeng, vast and tangy, and boundless, and there was an emperor, and there was The benevolent person, there are many beings ... there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, there is the birth of chaos, there is a quantity of calamity, there is a flourishing age ...

There is integrity, responsibility, wisdom, evil, hesitation, retreat ...

Have great persistence, great perseverance, great merit.

In the beard, the atmosphere and righteousness are like tide, the scene changes accordingly, the lower part is Heyue and the upper part is the sun star. Yuren said Hao Ran, Pei Hu Sai Cangming. Nine days from top to bottom, the abyss is endless.

"It's an incredible humane torrent, really incredible."

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan's pupils tightened for a while, then he sighed, narrowed his eyes slightly, observed carefully, and confirmed that he did not dare to miss the slightest.

Compared with others, Fang Qingshan has experienced historical torrents and has benefited greatly from it.

It is because of his experience that he knows even more that he is rare and precious. I want more control.

I think he just benefited by accidentally triggering a torrent of training. It saved him a lot of energy and time, and even a lot of things could not be achieved by time and energy alone. That was a chance.

Looking at Zheng Xuan again, he seemed to be in control. How to keep him from feeling shocked and admired.

This person deserves to be a person with great wisdom, perseverance, and great opportunity to stand loneliness and wear a crown.

Although the humane torrent under Zheng Xuan's control was not triggered by accident above Qingshan.

But the trigger is only an accident, which is impossible to find, and even the control is small and weak, it is your own. It doesn't matter if you can show it anytime, anywhere, at least you do n’t have to try your luck. Can catch up.

"Sure enough, my previous induction was correct. Brother Zheng Xuan really did."

Fang Qingshan, while sensing the flood of humanity, secretly decided in his heart,

"After the inside door comparison, it seems that I should walk around with him more and communicate. If I can control this supernatural power, I will definitely benefit a lot."

Fang Qingshan is a person who has experienced the baptism of history. Don't be too clear about the benefits of this thing. When I saw Zheng Xuanshi on display, the first thing I thought was how I could control this supernatural power.

In this way, not only is there a hole card full of lethality, but at the same time, it has unexpected benefits for sharpening the primitive gods, polishing the realm, and even deducing the exercises.


It's just that this supernatural power is obviously Zheng Xuan's bottom box work. Fang Qingshan didn't know if others would tell himself, although he just wanted the stone of his mountain to attack jade, not to let him originally teach it.

But the apprentice was taught, the master starved to death. If he learned it by himself, could this be regarded as his bottom box effort? Even if he is not malicious to him, can he be reassured if he knows what he knows?

Just as Fang Qingshan's mind turned around, the situation on the field was basically clear.

Zheng Xuan, who exhibited the torrent of humanity, can be described as overwhelming.

But I saw a river that flowed from the place of origin to the unknown future, sweeping the world, including Uchi, including Chiaki, and anything that came to him was like a spray, either assimilated or crushed into slag.

Rushing toward the rivers and mountains, they were swept into the river at once.

Jiangshan people ’s umbrella above their heads, one emperor sword, one real dragon fist, punches, swords forever, hundreds of thousands of swords and swords, countless fists, cutting rivers, like dams blocking the river, or falling down Volume, or maybe completely evaporated ...

However, it was all in vain. The dam blocking the river was nothing more than drinking water to quench thirst, the curtains rolled back, the counterattack was heavier, and the complete evaporation could be repeated.

At this moment, the rivers and mountains seemed to be an elephant trapped in the mud. They had nothing to do with dragon-slaying, but there was no use for it. The more they struggled, the deeper they got.

No matter how fierce his fists are, no matter how tough they are, no matter how exquisite the fists of the mountains and rivers, no matter how sharp the sword is and how deep the sword is.

Once it falls into the torrent of humanity, it is as if all rivers return to the sea. Although the waves are soaring, no matter how big the waves are, they can still break through the sea?

On the contrary, he ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although it is protected by the social umbrella of the people, the defense of the people's umbrella is indeed amazing, but this treasure does not have the blessing of the people, and it needs its own mana output. Coupled with the attack of Shanhequan and the Eight Wild Swords, it also requires mana consumption.

Although Jiangshan was originally known for its strong mana, it also couldn't hold two Arcane Treasures and top supernatural powers, and it was full of firepower, especially the deep and powerful spiritual treasures and supernatural powers. The consumption was not ordinary.

Therefore, less than one and a half moments, under the impact of humanitarian torrents, the mountains and rivers are like a flat boat, rising and falling in the stormy sea. It seems that there is a danger of overturning the boat accidentally.

And what about Zheng Xuan's humanitarian torrent?

Although this Dafa was not so good at performing, in the process of impacting the mountains, the people's umbrella, and the imperial sword, it began to dim.

But in the end lasting longer than rivers and mountains, although the ghost image of humane torrents is getting weaker and lighter, but it is still huge, and there is no end to it.

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