Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1477: Zheng Xuan wins


After holding on for a while, after all, he couldn't hold on anymore, Jiang Shan opened his mouth and spit out blood, his face was extremely gloomy.

He ranked second as the top ten disciple of the original inner door, and although he was pushed down by Pombo all the year round, he saw no sign of turning over.

However, instead of being discouraged by this, he turned pressure into motivation and rose to the challenge and caught up.

Therefore, although he was beaten by Pombo all the year round, other people did not feel that he was not able to do so, but felt that he was very inspirational. It was because of this that the family had inclined some resources to him, giving him the opportunity to repair the social umbrella and the four seas. Eight Wild Swords.

As for why not tell the martial arts and ask them to help fix it. This is exactly the same as the previous situation of Qin Shiyue.

Qin Shiyue's Yuan Yuetian condemned the sword is only a third-level treasure, and the two treasures in his hands are the foundation of the fourth-level treasure. Although the damage is more serious, the thin dead camel is larger than the horse. Who knows if he can take it out? Take it back.

In addition, although his mana is strong, if he changed to a third-level treasure, it would not be easy to perform, but it is not as good as it is now.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but he said that with his great perseverance, his great opportunities have steadily improved.

However, the situation does not seem to have improved with his promotion.

Bloomberg wouldn't say it, it would almost become the shadow of his life. Even if he holds the relic of the Dagan Emperor's Dynasty in his own hands, he dare not say how great the odds are, so he has never challenged Pombo.

Now it's good. After a qualifying match for the top ten disciples, he knew he really looked down on the world.

Others will just leave it. Li Mubai, who has always been behind him, knows today that he is not easy at all. Really offered a hole card, compared to him, it is still unknown who wins or loses.

And Yan Sha can fight with it, obviously not a fuel-saving lamp.

Not to mention Fang Qingshan, who was competing with Pombo, and now he is defeated in Zheng Xuan's hands.

You have to know that the Shemin Wanmin umbrella and the Four Swords of the Wild and the Eight Wilds in their hands are the foundation of the fourth-class treasure, although they are no longer as good as before.

However, the broken ship still has three pounds of nails, and now it is defeated in the hands of Zheng Xuan.

Thinking of this, Jiangshan didn't hold his breath in one breath, it was just an injury.

"It's such a powerful human torrent, it's a powerful and mighty spirit. Brother Zheng Xuan really did, Jiangshan feels ashamed."

Although some could not accept it, Jiangshan was indeed hit by Bloomberg all year round, and antibodies had been formed. He spit out blood and Jiangshan was relieved of his heart. He slowly relieved and received two treasures. Road.

"My brother accepted it."

In this regard, Zheng Xuan was also not proud, and returned a gift to put away the torrent of humanity.

It is also a fluke that he can defeat the country.

Don't look at the boundless power of this method, but it really doesn't consume too much.

If Jiang Shan can persist, I am afraid it is the self who cannot persist.

If it wasn't for Zheng Xuan's calming down and polishing his mana all these years, or after eternal blessings with Fang Qingshan, the mana of the thunderstorm is no less inferior, I am afraid he will not be able to show it at all.

Of course, Jiangshan is also the same. He can sacrifice two spiritual treasures of the fourth-level foundation. The mana is strong and pure and natural.

Another thing is that although the Bihaidan heart ruler is not as good as the two treasures of the Shewan Wanmin Umbrella, it is more in line with Zheng Xuan's destiny avenue. It is because of this treasure that he can more easily and smoothly communicate with the ghost of humanity. Otherwise, this method Nor can it be displayed casually.

Not much to say, but after the challenge of Jiang Shan and Zheng Xuan was finished, the challenge continued.

In addition to Di Yi, who has no power to fight now because he has swallowed the blood of the Beast Emperor, nine other people, including Qin Shiyue, have taken turns playing.

For example, Shang Guanjin, who won the battle with Emperor, continued to challenge Yan Sha. After the defeat, he challenged Li Mubai a bit, and the defeated Emperor also continued to challenge Pombo.

The tied Yan Yan and Li Mubai challenged Jiang Shan and Zheng Xuan respectively. In the end Li Mubai gave up challenging Jiang Shan, but Yan Xie challenged Zheng Xuan again.

In this way, after dozens of battles, the results have been basically clear.

At the bottom is Di Yi, in the end his background is still worse.

The most important thing is that he has suffered badly from the blood of the beast emperor, and has no power to fight again.

Of course, even if it wasn't Bomber that he challenged at the beginning, there was no serious damage, and there was still the power to fight again, but if he did not swallow the blood of the Beast Emperor, he would not necessarily have to face other people, even Shangguan Jin. What is the odds is still the bottom line.

Although the blood of the beast emperor is good, it is at most the same as Fu Chang in the hands of Kang Chang at first, and almost only has a one-time effect, helping him win at most. Not even as good as Fu Yu, after all Fu Yu only hurts people, and the blood of the Beast Emperor can hurt himself.

The challenge of the Taiwan competition is not only to see the effect of a game, but also how much it has accumulated.

Therefore, he was destined to be at the bottom.

The emperor is Emperor, and Qin Shiyue is eighth.

The reason for this is that although his hole card was exposed, even if it was exposed, it would not be possible for anyone to target with the full moon sky condemning knife and the sky condemning blood moon, especially this supernatural power and Lingbao also returned. It has great restraint on Emperor's magical treasures.

So in the end, Emperor Xi stopped in ninth place.

The seventh is Shang Guanjin, the sixth is Yan Sha, and the fifth is Li Mubai.

It stands to reason that Yan Sha and Li Mubai were tied, their ranking should be tied.

But who told Li Mubai to accumulate more victories and less Yan kills?

Of course, it was unexpected that Jiangshan ranked fourth, and Zheng Xuan later ranked third. Even after watching the scene of the two men fighting, they still couldn't get back.

After all, Jiangshan has two four-level treasures.

He never took it out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I wanted to prepare it specifically for dealing with Pombo, but unfortunately, before being used by Pombo, Zheng Xuan was broken.

In fact, although this is somewhat unexpected, but after careful consideration, it is still reasonable.

Although Zheng Xuan is also a dark horse, it is different from Yan Sha and others.

He is a two-year old disciple with full knowledge.

It just did n’t show up before, but now it ’s just accumulation. The foundation of the accumulated world, soaring into the sky, crushing the enemies with the power of heaven.

It is because of this that he can comprehend and display the humanitarian torrent.

Now the only unknown is Fang Qingshan and Pombo. Who can laugh last?

Whether Fang Qingshan is a black or the title of the defending master of Bomber is unknown, but it is possible.

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Wonderful book house

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