Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1478: Brave

Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

The sound of bells rang out, but everyone's hearts beat with the bells. The scene was already very hot, and the atmosphere once again moved up a height.

With dozens of challenges coming down, the only undefeated players today are Fang Qingshan and Pombo.

Then it's time for the two of them to take a shot and decide who comes first and who comes second.

"Okay, finally wait till this moment."

"Yes, Brother Bomber has been unsuccessful for many years, and Brother Fang Qingshan has no idea what the specific means are?"

"It's a mule and a horse. Pull it out and see it immediately."

Someone clapped and laughed, as if excited to jump up.

Although some people did not speak, only the Lingbao surrounding him involuntarily uttered a low contention, a brave warfare, and a desire to speak out, apparently long-awaited for this moment.

Not to mention the disciples under the door, are the high-level people above the stars, and the Piaoxue Palace. The people at Zimen Door also startled, sitting upright, with the light in their eyes.

You should know that this time the inside door is more like a fuse than Fang Qingshan. And Pombo is even more famous. After all, he stayed firmly in the first spot as soon as he entered the interior door.

If they hadn't known that Fang Qingshan had spent the top thunder and calamity, and he was the eternal Tianzhou master, coupled with the recent rapid improvement of the power of Taoist Gate, Piaoxue Palace, Zongmen, Ji Wuzong, they would not have come.

The reason for this is not to hear that the Taoist Gate has appeared an incredible Tianjiao? After waiting so long, they finally waited until they went all out.

"I don't know if Brother Bombo is better or Brother Fang Qingshan comes later?"

"What else is there to say, it must be Brother Bomber. He is a man who has gone through all kinds of challenges, and he is unmatched in one punch."

"Otherwise, Brother Bomber is powerful, Brother Fang Qingshan is not a fuel-saving lamp. Although he started late, but based on the power of the previous robbery and Brother Jiangshan's challenge, it is more important than Brother Bomber. But it doesn't fall in the slightest. "

"Rational, I think Brother Fang Qingshan has a better chance."

"Wrong. Still, Bomber is more stable."


As Fang Qingshan and Pembo stood up from their respective positions, thousands of onlookers were almost crazy at this moment, and they roared loudly, excited and excited.

It hasn't happened in thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

Generally speaking, after entering the inner door for a period of time, the cultivation will break through to the middle of immortality, and will then start to apply for the true disciple appraisal to prepare for the true test.

Then, almost in the middle and late stages, it was already fully transmitted.

Those who stayed inside were basically immortal disciples in the early and middle stages.

However, this session is different.

As usual, one disciple, even if it is the top ten most, is one or two late immortals, and this one, not to mention the top ten, is that the top twenty people have broken through the late immortality. As for the peak of immortality, almost No, after all, such a strength is that among the true disciples, they can get a good ranking.

The most important thing is Fang Qingshan and Bloomberg, a newly risen, and the rise will shake the heavens, the martial arts big change because of this, one has been standing at the top of the inner door pyramid, unwavering.

These two people are very rare among the inner doormen and true disciples.

For the fight between the two of them, whoever wins or loses, everyone has long been looking crazy.

Although no one has challenged them before, even if Zheng Xuan and Jiang Shan took the shot, they did not let them reveal more cards. Although the battle was fierce, the discerning person knew that there was still a certain distance between them.

If it is said that the disciples of the inner door are the stars of the sky, then Fang Qingshan and Pang Bo are the most shining sun and moon.

Others were completely unable to compete with each other, and only those who could defeat each other.

Although everyone knows that the gap with them is too big, it even makes people unable to challenge.

However, I still want to see how far it is from them. That's why they are so concerned about their challenge.

Don't say them, why are those **** elders?

After all, Fang Qingshan and Xiu Xiu are about to break through the Emperor. Even if they don't break through the Emperor, they dare not underestimate them.

The situation that happened in Chixiao Realm before, although they are hard to understand, the outburst of Divine Emperor is clearly visible. Obviously, even now, their combat effectiveness has not touched the gate of the Emperor.

Besides, with their background, don't say that breaking through the Emperor is to reach the level of Jiang Bawang, not to be able to defeat them, but to fight with them and retreat from the whole body is already commonplace. Even if it is a victory, it may not be impossible.


Ignore the audience, at this moment, Elder Zhu Gejin did not come out to brush the sense of presence.

Fang Qingshan and Pombo have been waiting for this moment. They only see each other in the eyes. Both sides have accumulated momentum from the beginning, but at this moment they have reached their peak.


Looking at the bullfight, the four eyes collided like sharp blades. A faint sound can be heard.


The two instantly released their momentum.

However, it can be seen that Fang Qingshan's colorful brilliance rises above the sky, there are five elements of multicolored colors, and there are reincarnation of black and white in the middle of regulation and control. It is 30,000 miles across the sky, vast and dark.

We can see faintly, there is an eternal sky boat in the center, the whole body is golden, the sails are open, the masts are towering, and the units on the deck are towering.

Numerous souls are praying, praising, blessings, sails, Shura stirring the sea of ​​blood, witches fighting against each other, beasts, jade rabbits and golden blacks playing, black lions and elephants running, black cranes and peacocks dancing ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Kirin White Ape plays, there are ...

And there is a checkerboard above the eternal sky boat. The ray of aura of light hangs down from it, exuding colorful lights, blossoming nasturtium blooms, countless verses flowing on the petals, immortal sounds, explaining the beauty of heaven and earth. Avenue of Eternity.

In contrast, Bloomberg is not in the slightest.

However, the momentum of Bloomberg is somewhat different from Fang Qingshan.

Fang Qingshan's momentum is comprehensive, physical, mana, primordial spirit, spiritual treasures, rules, all aspects, full of flowers.

But the power of Bloomberg is all about physical strength.

But I can see his whole body softly, a layer of radiance like golden jade floating from his body, and the diffuse body acupoints like Zhou Tianxing, one person is a chaotic world, and it is not an ordinary chaotic world.

There was a sacred, grand, pure, and harmonious breath on the body.

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Wonderful book house

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