Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1483: Time and space

The expansion of the body is just like the normal body exerting magical powers such as the heavens and the earth. At the same time, the increase of nature is infinitely vigorous. At this moment, Fang Qingshan felt that he had a lot of energy to move, and it seemed that the world would collapse. Lame, as if the platform is about to collapse.

The turbulence of mana, naturally, is the rising of the realm of cultivation, a wild explosion.

Late immortal peak, immortal peak, half step emperor, first entered the emperor.

Good guy, almost in a fraction of a million, Fang Qingshan ’s repair is like a crazy car that ca n’t stop braking, and it actually crosses the barrier of the Emperor and the immortal. It's not just as simple as entering the emperor, it almost reached the beginning of the emperor.

You know, there are many elders in the Taoist gate. It has taken more than a million years of effort to move from the beginning of the emperor to the beginning of the emperor. But he only worked for a moment. Although this was just a glimpse of Hong, it was not his true cultivation, but it was enough to breathe.

The reason for this is that in addition to Fang Qingshan's own cultivation, the bottom line has reached the point where it can be achieved, as if he had once passed the immortal calamity, he almost crossed a great realm and reached the peak of the late immortality, plus the eternal sky boat Heavens board effect.

Another point is that Fang Qingshan's previous encounter with the Emperor in the Qixiao Realm gave him a clearer understanding and appreciation of the power of the Emperor.

As he battled with Qin Shiyue, Li Mubai, Jiang Shan, Pombo, and others, he continued to digest, and finally had this scene.

With the fact that Fang Qingshan kept climbing, the surrounding space week began to be shaken by this, and even caused a mad wave.

Seeing this scene, it really moved everyone.

For Fang Qingshan, everyone valued it.

Genius is always the same. As the saying goes, Ning bullies Baishouweng, Mo bullies the young poor, who knows whether there will be 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. As long as it is not a matter of personal concern, everyone always brings a tolerance and an appreciation.

At first, what made Fang Qingshan famous for the first time was because of that immortal robber, the top immortal robber, and the top immortal robber. It is the Tianjiao who are in the top 50 of the Supreme Power Rankings.

Then I heard that there is the eternal sky boat, who is the eternal sky boat owner, and the eternal sky boat is a special existence in the infinite realm of all heavens and earth.

Because as long as you become the master of the eternal sky boat, as long as you have not fallen in the middle, let alone become a master of the emperor, but the combat power of the peak of the **** emperor is simply not too easy.

It is precisely because of these two points, coupled with the fact that the strength of the Taoist Gate has grown a little faster in recent years, which has aroused the alert of others. Ji Wuzong and many casual masters.

However, for these masters, there is not much movement for the masters of God Emperor level. If Fang Qingshan was born in Taoism, I am afraid that even if he heard it, he would just laugh it off.

After all, Tianjiao, although genius makes people look high, but on the other hand, this only represents his potential, which means that now, he is still just a junior, and his strength is not enough.

After all, no matter how great the potential is, it is just the potential. Before the potential is fully transformed into strength, everything is an air tower and there is no insurance at all.

Every epoch, every session, every year, every day, or because of being intercepted, or in danger, or going into magic, or ... for various reasons, the fallen genius is still returning Little?

But as the inside door comparison progressed, everyone changed this view a little bit.

Although he is a genius and arrogance, he has developed a part of his strength and can't wait for it.

Firstly, in the Qixiao Realm, although the real scene cannot be seen, the outburst of the spirit of the Emperor of God, and it is one after another, naturally looks in the eyes.

In addition, although they don't know, how could the same trial person be unclear. As soon as the trial is over, everyone knows what happened inside.

Because of this, they have a clear understanding of Fang Qingshan's strength.

Moreover, with the progress of the ring race, this understanding is gradually deepening.

However, they still underestimated Fang Qingshan's ability.

Although he knows that he has an eternal sky boat, he knows that his hole cards may be extraordinary.

But no one thought that it was so great that he directly promoted Xiu Wei to the early days of the Emperor.

We must know that some elders in the Taoist gate have not yet reached their strength.

Not only Fang Qingshan, but Bomber also did not disappoint everyone.

"Nothing but the punches."

Bloomberg's voice was calm, but in the calm was full of confidence, conviction, and purity.

The next moment, there was a loud noise.

Immediately, I saw the void in which Pombo was completely destroyed, a black hole formed, as if it were not falling down, and a sky appeared in the sky. The immense amount of chaos was like a river falling and flowing down.

Wondering, missing, winding and rolling.

Familiar scene.

Not long ago, many people experienced this scene. It was when Zheng Xuan and Jiang Shan fought.

However, at that time, Zheng Xuan summoned humane torrents.

But at this moment, Pombo is pulling a long river of time and space.

Long time and space!

Seeing this river, everyone ’s pupils are shrinking. For any creature in this infinite void, the river of time and space can be regarded as a taboo.

Time is respect and space is king.

This is a universal truth.

Not to mention the blending of time and space.

Even if it is true that there is no God, www.wuxiaspot.com can control time and space, reverse the past, and the future, but dare not really turn the river in it. When they enter, they are all cautious.

Because of the long history of time and space, the legend originated from Hongmeng, and the place of origin is the oldest, dangerous fourth-level dangerous place. Natural disasters are even more dangerous. The emperor can also be buried. The Emperor, who preached in time and space, did not dare to be lucky, but because of his understanding, he was even more afraid.

Of course, what time and space is usually broken and reversed, even if you do n’t even say the Emperor, even ordinary mixed yuan can do it. This is not a lie.

It's just that the so-called time-space freeze, fragmentation, retrogression, acceleration, and so on that are usually mentioned are actually only local space-time, at most it is a flood, a shadow of time and space in the chaotic world, or a tributary.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan is very clear, after all, he has seen, but also called.

However, in the end, it is a ghost image, a tributary, and even a tiny wave in the universe of space and time, which represents the whole world, is enough to suppress a **** emperor.

. Wonderful book house

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