Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1484: Emperor's virtual shadow

In fact, the humanitarian torrents that Zheng Xuan called previously are only a part of the long river of time and space, a branch.

The power of humane torrents has been seen, and Jiang Shan's two treasures of the fourth-level treasure base were defeated. Then you can imagine how powerful the power of time and space is.

In other words, even if the emperor is involved in time, space and time, he can only tremble, such as walking on thin ice. If it is only a small move, if you want to stir the wind and the rain, if you are a little careless, you may not be able to eat it. Go on.

The stronger you are, the more you can appreciate the power of time and space. It became more cautious.

Because it is said that the long river of time and space originates from the world of Hongmeng, and the place of origin, upstream, can leave the heavens and earth and enter the world of Hongmeng.

From the formation of the heavens and the world, we do not know how many years and how many years have passed.

But the highest can only cultivate to the peak of the emperor, but it can no longer advance.

In order to make breakthroughs, all the emperors tried all kinds of methods to explore various dangerous places, find opportunities, countless merits, and prove the world to fit together, which naturally includes entering the land of Hongmeng along the long river of time and space.

Especially for the emperor who cultivates the way of time and space, there is such a long river of time and space. Is it a shortcut to Zhongnan?

But the idea is beautiful and the reality is cruel.

At first, they wanted to be in direct control of time and space as if they were fit together.

Later, I found that this method is really difficult for some strong men, so I settled for the second, and wanted to follow the long river of time and space, trace the origin, and enter the place of origin.

However, all those who have entered the long river of time and space have never returned, and no one has ever seen them again, but everyone knows that it is not that they have planned to succeed in the world of Hongmeng, but all have fallen.

Sanxing is no more. Before the powerful gods went, they had a life lamp. Soon after they entered, the lamp went out, and the lamp went out meant death.

At first, some people did not believe in evil, and felt that they were lucky and might have succeeded. And for those ancient emperors who have not progressed for millions or even years since the formation of the heavens and the world, if there is a line I hope I will not give up.

But after going forward, after hundreds of emperors had gone, they finally poured on the body like a basin of cold water, which made people completely awake, thus giving up this seemingly promising way.

The rareness and danger of time and space are not mentioned, but it is said that what Pombo summoned is obviously not the true time and space. The true time and space cannot be summoned by the emperor, not to mention the summons. I am afraid that I will be out of luck first, this is obviously a shadow of time and space.

But even so, it's enough, just like the truth of the humanitarian flood summoned by Zheng Xuan earlier.

These, not to mention, said that in the long river of time and space, between shadows and shadows, we can see that while a figure is standing, time and space can not control him, as if immutable and immortal.

The body is very tall, mighty, and the muscles are entangled. At first glance, there are people who resemble Pangu and are people who refine their bodies.

The specific face is unclear, as if looking at flowers in the fog, and looking at the moon in the water.

But no one cares about this, because the moment he saw this body, he had completely forgotten his face.

When I saw this person, the first impression was Tao, an endless avenue. It seemed that there were countless mysterious Tao texts, Tao rhymes, and countless mysterious laws. The chain of God is constantly flashing, and it is uncertain.

The whole body gives a thick, desolate, quaint, heavy ancient atmosphere.

Endless majesty, such as majestic prison, instantly made everyone present, including those who were at the peak of the Emperor Chuan Gong, feel that they were under immense pressure on their bodies. . ?


Seeing this phantom, Zhu Gejin and others took a moment to shake their bodies, feeling a sense of innocence, and murmuring two words in their mouths.

Yes, Emperor Zun, and only in this way, can they rely on a false image and give them a feeling of suffocation in the heart of oppression.

In fact, they are okay. Others, immortal, disciple of Yuanyuan, tried to peek into the figure, but were hit hard by the domineering and war will on him, spit blood. This is still unconscious, a ghost image, if you are facing yourself, what kind of situation should it be, if you dare to peep at the true content, I am afraid that falling down on the spot is just a matter of flick.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan just wants to say that if it is really in the presence of Emperor Zun, you have no thoughts, and your thoughts seem to have stopped completely. Because when he first saw the Storm Sword Emperor, he felt this way.

Even if the emperor ’s coercion has conquered his coercion, as long as you think that an emperor is standing in front of him, it is like the feudal dynasty. Ordinary people see the emperor exactly like it, and they are trembling.

"this is?"

"It won't be the boxer!"

"It's quite possible, after all, Bombo has inherited it."

"Yeah, such a pure fist, it is Emperor Zun, I can't think of anyone other than the Emperor.


After everyone spit out the word Emperor Zun, the speculation of this figure went on again.

In fact, it is very speculative. Judging from the methods used by Pombo before, everyone knows that he has won the mantle left by the ancient emperor of boxing.

Coupled with the feeling of this phantom to everyone, we must know that each emperor is unique.

So guessing his identity is not difficult.

It is indeed as guessed by everyone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This phantom is exactly the imprint of time and space left by the boxer.

I don't know what summoned by Pombo.

The whole body exudes endless domineering and war will. It seemed that no matter what was in front of him, he could punch away. In his body, he can feel endless warfare, arrogance, self-confidence, and that kind of power, which makes people completely unable to rise.

It is said that after the summoning of the boxer emperor was summoned by Bloomberg, it was already amazing enough. But the shocking thing is still to come.

The next moment, but I saw the phantom blinked and seemed to come alive, like a avatar, scared Zhuge Jin and others brushed up and stood up, each alert, some preparations are wrong, immediately retreat, there The preparation for the first step is to be strong. In the end, it is not the true body of the Emperor, and the Taoist Gate is even preparing for the fourth level treasure.

However, fortunately, this virtual shadow ignored them completely, and after taking a step out of time and space, he immediately came to Pembo, and did not worry about Pang's family and Taoist door, and immediately integrated into his body. It seems that this is just a shadow of him.


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