Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1485: Slash

With the phantom of this boxing emperor walking into the body of Pombo, almost instantly, a dramatic change took place in the body of Pumbo.


But I saw that Pombo could not help but let out a loud roar. Jiuxiao Longyin changed, deterring the Quartet.

This roar is even more impassioned and shocking than before.

Then, like Fang Qingshan, the entire body began to skyrocket at an alarming rate, and in an instant, he had grown to the point where Fang Qingshan was on par. If it weren't for the platform and the treasure, it would be a world of their own.

Amazing Qi is emitted from all over the body. It seems that I can feel the infinite power rolling in the body and shuttle through the flesh.

The whole world of blood and qi is to dye the whole world, the temperature of the whole world is rising and rising again, and the heat of qi and blood is not lower than that of Shanghuo Jin's fire card.

Immortal peak, first entered the Emperor of God, the early emperor of God.

Like Fang Qingshan, at this moment, Bloomberg's cultivation is just as easy as it turns out, and he directly crossed the emperor and was promoted to the early emperor.

In this regard, everyone was completely numb. What else can they say? First, I saw the inside story of the disciples who are not weak, and then the same stunts emerged like Jiang Zhiyi, followed by endless treasures. Now even Xiuwei has directly broke through the Emperor of God. The pinnacle of power is no more than that.

I can only express my feelings that people are different from each other. People die more than people die. ?

Regardless of the envy, jealousy and hatred of other people at this moment, Fang Qingshan and Pembo did not know at all, even if they knew it, they would not take it to heart.

Not to mention that they are not the kind of people who are easily disturbed by the outside world. Just because the battle has progressed to the present, they just don't want to be distracted.

At this moment, one person and one treasure are united, one summons the long river of time and space, and draws the Emperor into a body.

However, the strength of the whole body is said to increase sharply. If you move it casually, you can clearly feel that the body contains the almost terrifying terrorist force.

Fang Qingshan and Pombo knew that, with their current strength, they wanted to slay their former self with almost no effort.

However, the blessing of blessing rests, and the blessing of blessing rests.

In the world, in the end, there is no light to enjoy the benefits, but not to pay, to bear the corresponding disadvantages.

This is not the hard-working strength of this deity. Although there is no rejection, it also appears to be extraordinarily overbearing, violent and out of control. Don't say that as if the arms were commanded by the original, that turbulent mana is difficult without hurting yourself.

They are fairly good. The physical strength and the strength of the Yuanshen are all high, and this strength is still within their tolerance.

As before, Di Yi swallowed the blood of the Beast Emperor, and that was really hurting and hurting himself. Even if it wasn't for Zhu Gejin's shot, I'm afraid he would kill himself.

Although the two Fang Qingshan can still control, they can also see that in their huge and extreme body surface, a series of meridians, like crazy dragon shuttle, crazy blue muscles, blood veins like dragons, as if in the next moment, the entire body Will burst completely. The skin was faintly cracking. ?

"Let's make a decision!"

Bloomberg said to Aoyama.

"it is good!"

Fang Qingshan nodded without hesitation.

Although suddenly becoming so powerful and full of strength, it was intoxicating, but Fang Qingshan was not addicted to it.

For one thing, they clearly knew that this was not real power. After one and a half moments, they would be beaten back to their original shape. Then, there was too much power at the moment, but their bodies were overwhelmed. Every moment is a torture to them.

The most important thing is their will, and the state is destined to wake up quickly from the powerful forces.

Since everyone can't hold on for too long, naturally it is necessary to cut the knife quickly and make a quick decision.


Bloomberg didn't say a word, and banged directly.

This punch doesn't seem to be fast, that is, the disciples in the ordinary mixed Yuan realm can see the trajectory clearly.

However, in this seemingly ordinary punch, everyone is looking dignified, including many **** emperors, and even the peak of the **** emperor.

Of course, ordinary **** emperors are astounded by the power of this fist. Others can't see them. Is it not clear that their eyesight is clear?

It was they who fell, and they couldn't do their best without any effort. A little carelessly, I'm afraid they would capsize in the gutter.

As for the handful of people at the peak of God Emperor, they don't care how powerful the punch is.

From the early days of the emperor to the peak of the emperor, although it is only a few small realms, it is actually like a chasm in the gap.

What they care about is the charm of the Emperor Boxing revealed by the punch of Pombo.

Yes, although he is still in the early days of the emperor, but since he borrows the imprint of the emperor, it naturally has a little charm, and the charm of the emperor is naturally not to be missed by those who are at the peak of the emperor.

In the face of Pombo's fist, Fang Qingshan did not shy away, and the same punch hit the past.

However, Pombo's punch is like a rock, like a hammer, while Fang Qingshan's punch is like a sword, like a gun.

The reason for this is because he blessed the chaos magic horns above the boxer. Rather than a punch, the eternal sky boat hit it with all its strength.

The two punches collided, and there was no sudden loud noise, but instead it seemed to be still, and was frozen at this moment.

The next moment, the position of the confrontation was as if it were a black hole, wantonly swallowing two types of boxers and two powerful forces.

Then, the black hole began to grow at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, expanded, and spread toward the entire platform.

Loud sound, elephant looks.

Click, click!

There was a burst of crackling sounds. At this moment, it was not broken in the void, but an overwhelming sound from the platform ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, Fang Qingshan and Pembo also looked like a cracked body. Porcelain seems to explode at any time.

This is because the two men had exerted their full strength, the strength broke out, and the body could not bear it. Coupled with this collision, it can be described as hurting and hurting themselves, and there are still waves falling apart. Under the impact, the oil has dried up. To the point.

Fortunately, this is the Yantai tournament, this is the Taoist gate, and there are also Zhuge Jin and others.


Seeing that Fang Qingshan and the two were about to be hit by the aftermath of their own confrontation and fall, Zhu Gejin took the shot, and like the previous rescue Di Yi, first fixed time and space.

With his frivolity, it seemed as if he had both hands to heal all the ripples. If Fang Qingshan was exhausted, why would n’t it happen.

Then, they shot each other on Fang Qingshan and Pombo.

This is not to attack them, but to suppress their injuries and restore their strength.

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