Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 149: 3 things

"Do you know the peace?"

When Fang Qingshan saw himself so clearly understood, although Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were a little shocked, they returned to God and did not hesitate to stand on their side, and nodded secretly.

I talked nicely called Qin lost its deer, and the whole world chased it. The bad thing was rebellion. This was a matter of beheading and killing the door. They didn't even hesitate to see it.


Tong Guanyu and Zhang Fei heard the words and looked at each other.

"But the peace that Shi Fushui saved?"

"Good!" Fang Qingshan nodded. "What do you think of them?"

"Nature is good," Zhang Fei replied without hesitation. "I don't know anywhere else, so I'll talk about She County, I don't know how much they saved, it's a million Buddhas."

"Yes! The imperial court, the people's livelihood is suffering, I have traveled along the way, I often see the people of the peace to help the poor without asking for returns." Guan Yu also added.

"Oh, what do you think?" Fang Qingshan chuckled and shook his head. "Sure enough, you were also blinded by their words of rescue."

"The world is full of benefits, and the world is full of benefits. I don't deny that there are many elders who are selfless and self-denial, but one person is the same? The same is true of a sect?"

"Do you know the strength of Taiping Road now? Looking at the Han Dynasty Kyushu, how many people have received their favor? If they raise their arms, will they repeat the old thing of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang?"

Tong Guanyu Zhang Fei heard the words, and he was shocked. He followed Fang Qingshan's thinking and suddenly went crazy. He didn't want to know this, and he was terrified to think about it.

"What is the brother going to do? Expose them?" Guan Yu asked.

"Why did I expose them?" Fang Qingshan shook his head. "They are the pioneers of the king. I had always wanted to be in the world. It was okay to expose them to be full, didn't they bother?"

"And you don't have a good eye? Everyone is waiting for the opportunity so that you can touch the fish in the muddy waters. The world has been peaceful for a long time. Don't mess up. How can those who have a mind have a chance?"

"And most importantly, Zhang Jiao this person!"

I said here, Fang Qingshan had a dignified face,

"This person is so high, I'm afraid not to say that the world is the best, at least someone must be able to fight, and only he can break the envelop of the dragon!"

I said here, Fang Qingshan could not help thinking of the first time he came to Youzhou, feeling the sword hanging above his head, staring at his eyes.

That is the Han Dynasty's dragon spirit, monitoring the world, coercion of the four sides, the dragon spirit will not disperse, the Han Dynasty will not fall, no matter who it is, once the enemy is against the orthodoxy, the strength will immediately undermine the three layers.

"What will we do next, brother?" Guan Yu asked.

"As far as I can see, the timing of the incident at Taiping Road is not far off." Fang Qingshan said, "It is imperative that we need to do three things."

"What three things?" Guan Yu Zhang Feiqi asked.

"Now, in the world of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Jiao was upset, and the court bought and sold officials all gave us a chance. If we want to find fish in the muddy water, we must first become famous. We should first obtain an official position." Fang Qingshan said He said uneasily, "Youzhou is located on the border, and Gongsun Yun is not developing well. I think it is better to choose Donglai County, Qingzhou."

Zhang Fei heard the words and patted his chest, "How much money does the purchaser need? Although the elder brother said that Zhang still has some family background."

"Haha, thank you Yide," Fang Qingshan laughed, "I have no shortage of gold and silver jewelry."

"The second thing is that when the troubled world is approaching, Bingliang is especially critical." Fang Qingshan solemnly said, "Bing I have trained a fine soldier in the mountains, Zhuang Shang has also trained some private soldiers, and he is short of general leadership. , It was given to Yun Chang and Yi De. "

"Brother is assured." Hearing that Fang Qingshan actually trained the elite soldiers in private, and handed them directly to the two, Guan Yu Zhang Fei couldn't help but be deeply moved, and at the same time determined that he must bring two elite troops to the brother.

"Well," Fang Qingshan nodded secretly when they saw the two of Guan Yu. "I still have a batch of gold and silver jewellery there, and Yide took them all for food. In troubled times, food is more expensive than gold."

"Yes! Feiding can live up to the elder brother's trust." Zhang Fei suddenly promised, and secretly resolved in his heart to return all his family's money to food in order to support his elder brother.

"This third thing is talent!" Fang Qingshan exhaled, "whether it is fighting the world or defending the world, this talent is essential. Although Yun Chang and Yi De help, but It ’s still a little less. Now it ’s okay. In the future, when there is a site, it ’s a bit stretched when it ’s bigger, so I ’m going to recruit some generals. ”

"Even if the elder brother goes, there is nothing wrong with the third brother and I in the county." Guan Yu said.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was certainly relieved. First, let people talk to Gongsun Yun, and handed everything in the village to Guan Yu Zhang Fei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and then took a servant straight to Luoyang and go with.

Of course, Fang Qingshan didn't go to Luoyang. He planned to go to Chenliu, to Xichuan, to Jingzhou, and drop in the servants. After all, thieves rushed out on the road. After all, if the servants were to be on the road with heavy money, I'm afraid they just left. The county will die.

He went to Chen Liu to find Dian Wei and to Jingzhou to Huang Zhong.

Both of them are generals. Fang Qingshan's shots can easily be brought in, especially Huang Zhong's son has a long illness and is difficult to heal. If he saves his life, is he worried that he will not take the horse down?

Of course, these are the two people he thinks are best to recruit. After all, time is running out. It depends on both quality and efficiency. By the way, if you can also conquer other people, such as Tai Shici, Gan Ning, etc., then it is even better. However, his main purpose was Huang Zhong and Dian Wei.

As for going to Xichuan, it's even easier. Ji's Eight Dragons, Chen Qun, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and so on are all here.

There are two literati in the world, one is in Jingchuan, and the other is in Jingzhou.

Jingzhou still has to wait for its strength, after all, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Xu Yuanzhi and others have not yet grown up.

Although Fang Qingshan knew that the literati were not so good at recruiting, he still had a mindset in case it was solicited?

I was speechless all the way. Although I was carrying a person, Fang Qingshan's speed didn't slow down at all. Across states and Yuejun, Fang Qingshan didn't delay halfway, except for the unsightly people.

Chen Chenli, Qichuan, and Luoyang were all in Henan. Fang Qingshan first sent his servant to Luoyang and asked him to buy an official. Then he went to Chen Liu.

Chen Dianwei is Chen Liujiu, with a burly appearance. He is quite famous in the local area. Fang Qingshan knew the place as soon as he asked, and came to the deep mountain where Dian Wei was hiding.

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