Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 150: Make trouble for the tiger

Ancient and vast!

When Fang Qingshan came to the mountain range hidden by Dianwei, the first thing he felt was a primitive atmosphere.

High mountains, trees and shrouds covering the sun, covering up the sun, causing the forest to be a little dark. There was a beeping sound from time to time, and some of them even reached the level of supernatural mystery.

"No wonder Dian Wei is hiding here, it is indeed a good place!"

Qi Fang Qingshan looked around and could not help nodding secretly.

虽然 Although the current Han Dynasty is not the same as in history, there are similarities.

Although Wu Dianwei's strength is not weaker than Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he has the cultivation ability above the realm of qi.

But if today is still unified, the spirit of the dragon is high, killing people to pay for their lives, if you want to rely on cultivation to run rampant, that is an absolute dead end.

Not to mention those generals such as Gongsun Yu, Huang Pusong and other army generals may not be as good as him, even if it is an army, once they join the battle, not to mention Bai Mayi's elite soldiers, they are ordinary county soldiers. A certain amount will also cause qualitative change.

Coupled with the opposition to the imperial court, the innate strength will be suppressed three layers, there is absolutely no reason to not escape.

Therefore, no matter whether Dian Wei or Guan Yu killed someone, he either hid in the old forest in the mountains or died.


此时 At this moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly heard a tiger cry.

The tiger was originally the king of the forest, but at this moment, when listening to the sound, Fang Qingshan felt a bit of a sense of arrogance. When he moved in his heart, he followed the sound.

Wu Fangqing Mountain practice has five elements of qi, and in the forest, naturally it is like a fish.

He soon came to a mountain stream.

However, a giant tiger that is several times larger than an ordinary tiger is seen. On its body, it is covered with short black hair like steel thorns, and its tail is like a steel whip. Oppression. Obviously this tiger is not an ordinary commodity, but a demon tiger that has stepped into the mysterious realm.

Han Sensen's fangs were bloodshot and chilling. The pair of scarlet tigers should have been filled with a horrible bloodthirsty taste that made people scary, but at the moment, there was a feeling of great difficulty.

Clouds from the dragon, tigers from the wind!

妖 The demon tiger was fast, and it turned over the mountain stream in the blink of an eye.

It's just that he's fast, someone is faster than him.


But when I heard a sound like a bang drum hitting the bell, the whole forest couldn't help shaking.

He followed, and saw a nine-foot-tall man wrapped in animal skin, carrying a two-handed short halberd like an evil man from ancient times, which came first and stopped in front of the tiger.

"Huh? This should be Dian Wei!"

He felt the wildness in his body completely different from Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and Fang Qingshan's eyes brightened.

However, neither Dian Wei nor Giant Tiger found Fang Qingshan nearby.

This is the realm of heaven and man. Heaven and man are one and integrated with the environment. They are not exposed by themselves and are not easily discovered by others.

"Good guy, 俺 chased you for three days and nights, and finally stopped you, let your fate go!"

I looked at the giant tiger, Dian Wei could not help but grin.

Although he was forced to helplessly, he rushed into the mountains, but he lived in the forest like a dragon.

Not long ago, this inadvertently broke into the tiger's territory and was regarded as a provocation. The tiger naturally would not be indifferent. He wanted to devour Dian Wei, but where did he know that he had kicked the iron plate and had to run away? Dian Wei is doing nothing every day. Naturally, I don't want to miss it when I encounter this kind of thing. After all, tigers are all treasures, especially tigers who become monsters, so they keep chasing them down.

At first, he quickly got rid of Dian Wei at the speed of a tiger. Fortunately, he caught a breath, and then he didn't lose it. After three days, he couldn't take the tiger's cultivation, and finally let Dian Wei catch up. Come up.

The giant tiger seems to know that it can't run anymore. When the beastly nature in the chest is stimulated, the tiger's eyes suddenly become cold, the tiger screams in the sky, the soles of the feet hit the ground fiercely, turning into a whirlwind, tearing the air, a flash Then he came to Dian Wei, a claw covering Dian Wei Tianling cover and shot.

Vaguely, there is a martial arts-like trajectory, the momentum is extremely powerful.

Fang Qingshan was a stunner at first, then nodded, the tiger-shaped fist among human beings was actually learned from the master tiger.


When Wu Dianwei saw this, he gave a cold hum and banged in the past.


The low explosion of spread in the mountain ridge, and the monster's huge body was also shocked by a dozen steps.

He did not wait for him to stand still, Dian Wei took a step forward, and then came over with a punch.

When the demon tiger saw this, he pressed his body and swept his tail like a steel whip, slamming it down.

Swipe, lift, cut!

虽然 Although this tiger has become refined, it can't change the original handle style.

I just had a magical power attached to it.

Unfortunately, he encountered Dian Wei, a fist like a diamond, martial arts, Taoism into bones, raising his hands and feet, is infinitely strong, can break the magical powers, destroy the Taoism.

For a while, but I saw this demon tiger looks like a sandbag, was beaten by Dian Wei's iron fist, and violent wind waves swept away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ extremely shocking.

This is also a demon tiger. If you are a human, I'm afraid I can't stand it.

However, Dian Wei's iron fist was not so good. After ten dozen punches in succession, the demon tiger also bleeds and faltered, as if drunk and shaking.


The demon tiger also knows that if it does not change, it will only be explained here today.

But after seeing him smashed again,

But on his forehead, the place where Wang Ziwen was flashing suddenly, like a flame, shone, and a little mysterious deterrent continued to spit out from the king pattern. With a breathtaking breath.

He then saw that Wang Ziwen's text seemed to turn into a portal, and ghost images came out of it.

There are tigers, leopards, bears, rabbits, and monkeys, but all animals in the mountains and forests, of course, more people.

"This is the soul?"

Seeing here, Fang Qingshan's careless eyes suddenly freeze.

"Fuck for the tiger!"

He thought of a word. In ancient times, people who had been eaten by tigers became maggots after death, specifically to seduce people to eat for tigers. Make a ghost for a tiger.

Yan Song Su Shi's "Fisherman Gossip": "The hunter said: This ghost is also a ghost; a man who used to be a tiger eater;

This is the destiny of the awakening after the monster tiger breaks through the monsters.

Fight and kill for your own use!

At this moment, of course, he does not want to use this magical power to defeat Dian Wei, but he wants to use the sea of ​​man tactics to trap Dian Wei in order to give himself a chance to escape.

But when seeing hundreds or thousands of souls swarming the tide, they generally rushed towards Dian Wei, and the demon tiger took a step to see, turned and fled away.

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