Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1493: Suo Lao

Compared with the quietness of Avenue Palace, there is almost no sound except footsteps.

There is something different in Duobao Pavilion.

In the end, it's a quiet thing to be in www.wuxiaspot.com. It's like a library. Everyone takes it easy and immerses themselves in the sea of ​​books.

And here, whether it is exchange for Taoist value, Lingbao, or other things, you always have to speak. Therefore, although everyone consciously reduces the decibel of the sound, it still seems a bit noisy.

However, this is only the first floor, and it will not exist when you go upstairs.

Duobao Pavilion is different from Dadao Palace. Dadao Palace is similar to a free-range state. What do you want to see? As long as it does not affect others and pays the value of Taoism, you can do it yourself.

However, there is a special deacon in Duobao Pavilion responsible for evaluating and redeeming items. After confirming it, the special deacon will go to the treasure house to get treasure.

The first floor is actually a trading hall. Everyone evaluates the treasures to be turned in and exchanged for the deacon, and then selects the treasures they want through the list album. The real treasure trove is on the second floor.

The treasure house on the second floor is just a collection of different types of treasures, such as Lingbao together, Linggen together, various materials together, and so on.

Entering the second floor, the first thing that catches my eyes is a door, which is written on this spiritual treasure room, spiritual root room, spiritual material ...

And in front of all the gates, an old man like Maitreya was lying on the bed with a fan.

Fang Qingshan knew that this man, like the drunk elders of Dadao Palace, was the elder Duobao who guarded the Duobao Pavilion and had a lot of money.

Don't look at the vulgar name, but it is worthy of the name. After all, as the owner of Duobao Court, who can compare with him on wealth, even if he only has the right of deployment and no ownership.

"The disciple Fang Qingshan has seen Elder Qian."

Fang Qingshan met him when he was in the inner door, so he met and went straight to see the ceremony.

Qian Duoduo opened his eyes, of course, it was almost the same as he did not open. I wonder if there was too much meat on his face, or whether his eyes were small, and his eyes narrowed into a slit.

"It turned out to be your kid. Others come to accept the prizes at the end of the contest. Your kid is better, as if he doesn't seem to be the same. After so long, now I remember it?"

"Where, where, the disciples have just been cultivating recently, delaying a little time."

Although knowing that the elders were joking, there was no malicious intention, but Fang Qingshan wiped out a non-existent cold sweat, and quickly laughed.

If this word is passed on, I'm afraid Fang Qingshan will be ready to make a sack.

The secret library freely selects the three treasures that are not on the heart and can not be taken seriously. What else can be placed on the heart and be seen?

"Okay, don't tease you."

Looking at Fang Qingshan's sincerity and horror, it seemed to please a lot of money and was not joking.

"Well, come with me!"

Speaking slowly, he stood up slowly, shook the fan step by step, and led Fang Qingshan to the third floor of Duobao Pavilion.

Duobao Pavilion is not the same as Avenue Palace.

The Dadao Palace has five floors. The first floor is under the mixed Yuan and some common sense. The next four floors are respectively collected, the practice of the mixed Yuan, immortal, **** emperor, and emperor.

The Duobao Pavilion has only three floors. The first two floors have been said before. The first floor is the lobby and is responsible for transactions. The second floor is a treasure house with many treasures. The third floor, now the elder Duobao comes here with Fang Qingshan, is empty. Except for one stone bench and a few old-fashioned old men, there is nothing long.

You know, this is the third floor of Duobao Pavilion. I do n’t know if I thought I had made a mistake, or it has been ransacked.

"I've seen elders a lot."

After Qian Duoduo took Fang Qingshan to the third floor, he came to a few old men who seemed to fall down, and saluted respectfully.

"Well, boy Qian, now you are also Elder Duobao, with a high weight, Xiuwei also reached the peak of the Emperor of God, so don't be so polite."

Several old men opened their eyes and smiled at Qian Duoduo.

Then he ignored him, turned his eyes and fell on Fang Qingshan,

"This guy must be this time that the inside door is better than Fang Qingshan, the first person. Sure enough, it is a hero who is a boy, good !!!!"

"The disciple Fang Qingshan met the elders."

Fang Qingshan heard the words and quickly stepped forward to salute.

Even people with a lot of money have to salute. Obviously these old guys who look sullen must be old monsters of Taoism. Both status and cultivation are top-level beings.

However, just as Fang Qingshan guessed, these people were all senior seniors at Taoist Gate, who were not inferior to Fang Qingshan and Qian Duoduo. I have worked hard for the Taoist Gate, but with the rise of a new generation of disciples, they have begun to abdicate to give virtue. Few people know them now, but they are like Tier 4 treasures and many top natural treasures. The embodiment of the background.

Similar to this kind of old man, not only the Taoist door, as long as there are large forces, and many.

You do n’t want to say that the Emperor is immortal. It ’s hard to imagine the immortal vitality. As long as it is not an abnormal death, it is almost as long as it is with the sky and true with the Tao.

The generations can be imagined from generation to generation, and even if they retreat, it does not mean that their potential is exhausted. Many people still have a lot of accumulation and they are late. Such details can be imagined.

At that time, there were two forces with a ranking of about 150 who did not know what caused the real fire.

Good guys, at the beginning, these **** emperors shot on the bright side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Followed closely, one side sent the older **** emperor, and the **** emperor peaked ten people, and the other side was not to be outdone. , Feel that the other party breaks the rules, and look down on themselves, do you think they are the only one?

So he also sent the old generation of peak **** emperor, and even later took over, directly sent fifteen people.

When the first party saw the other side did not follow the routine, they actually sent five more people, and immediately stopped working, and they also added people.

In this way, you add, I also add, under the fueling tactics, in the end, there are hundreds of people alone in the peak of the God Emperor, which shocked the whole world.

With so many **** emperors at the peak, it is that Emperor Zun dare not neglect. Once he desperately does not want, it is not impossible to pull Emperor Zun to be buried.

Why did Taoist Men retreat from the whole body, not because Tan Lao rushed out of his life, holding a fourth-level treasure, and even if he was dead, he would pull the madness on his back, completely scaring the opponent, although he might not be able to fight the emperor. Respect, but it is inevitable to be hit hard.

There are friends and enemies in life. Once you find that you are weak, there is not much you are willing to help, but I may not want to pit you.

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