Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1494: Xingxinglou

Therefore, when Tan Lao rushed out and killed him with the fourth level treasure, it was the emperor who did not dare to take risks.

The key is not to commit.

How about killing Tan Lao? Do n’t say if you are injured, there are more than one staring at the meat of Dao Yimen. The monk is more flesh and less, and you are weak. Do n’t say that you are competing for Dao Yimen. You and the forces behind you may be regarded as fat meat at your fingertips. At that time, he lost his wife and died.

Therefore, Emperor Zun rarely shot, not only because of their fighting power, but too much destructive power.

It's because this is a kind of deterrence. The frightening is the biggest only when my fist is in my hand. Once hit, the consequences can be very difficult to predict.

Once the flaws are exposed, it is easy to be taken advantage of.

The only avenue.

It is difficult to break through the emperor, because there are basically not many auxiliary methods.

But one method is universal, and that is the killing sermon.

If you can kill an emperor, then it is enough for a peak emperor to break through the emperor.

Normally, no one dared to die in the heyday of the heyday, but he might not be able to meet the severely injured emperor.

Just like those who have been trapped at the peak of Emperor Zun for many years and cannot enter, they know that when they travel in time and space, the Emperor battlefield will die nine or even ten lives, but they will never hesitate.

Because compared to the dangers encountered, the situation of being trapped in a realm without seeing the slightest breakthrough in hope is even more desperate.

For the time being, after a few words of humiliation, the leading old man let Fang Qingshan stand on the stone platform behind them.

"Go on!"

This stone platform looks a bit unsightly. There is nothing but a gossip outline on the stone platform. If it is not placed on the third floor of Duobao Pavilion, or if it is guarded by a number of **** emperors, it may be placed elsewhere. It takes a lot of effort to look twice.

Actually, there is a teleportation array on this stone platform.

Yes, it is said that the secret library of Dao Yimen is not in Duobao Pavilion, but there is only an entrance here. As for whether this is the only entrance, it is hard to say. Anyway, it is known or the public only knows this one. Through this, you can reach the secret library.

In addition to the head of the secret library, I am afraid that the elders guarding the secret library know that there is a lot of money. As the elder Duobao and the elders guarding the teleportation array in front of him, I don't know where it is.

In the end, the secret library is too important, which is equivalent to the Taoist Gate being not a fourth-level treasure, and the five layers of information are in it. If something goes wrong, I am afraid it is not smaller than the fall of Emperor Zun.

Therefore, no matter how confidential it is, it cannot be overstated.

Fang Qingshan honestly stood on the stone platform according to the requirements and stood in the center of the gossip pattern.

"Get up!"

Then, I saw several elders, including Qian Duoduo, each took out a token, then activated it, and printed a series of complicated handprints.

Yes, in order to start the teleportation matrix, another means is needed. Without the tokens in the hands of the elders, even if you are here, the teleportation array cannot be excited.


However, the token was seen as a key, and several beams of light were emitted on the gossip chart.

Time flies, but Shitai shines. Emitting an invisible swallowing power, Fang Qingshan was ingested on the spot. During this ingestion, Fang Qingshan did not resist, and of course, there was no room for resistance, just like the last time he sent the Storm Sword Teleport, leaving him completely involuntary .

Fortunately, this state of out of control can be changed in an instant.

Huh! !! !!

Before he could adapt to the new environment, Fang Qingshan heard a loud snoring sound like a thunder.

Followed the sound, but not far away, the first thing that caught my eye was a tower.

It looks very spectacular. Divided into nine layers, engraved with countless ancient, mysterious road pattern prohibition, one node, one rune, like a star, refracting the light, shining bright, star shining, very gorgeous.

Seeing this object, Fang Qingshan suddenly felt a particularly familiar feeling. Let him involuntarily think of a unit building in his eternal sky boat, picking the Star Tower.

Picking a star building is a kind of treasure storage, similar to Doraemon's pocket, a lucky cat's jar, and so on.

However, compared to those spaces that are simply storage, picking the star tower can draw the power of a treasure, warm up the treasures in the building, and may even become stronger, and the situation of breakthrough and transformation of grades may occur. It's just that this situation is rare and very slow, unless the treasure itself is almost ready to break through.

In addition to being able to conceive treasures, Zixinglou can be used to store all kinds of precious treasures. Once you want to take them out, under normal circumstances, you need to look at luck.

People with high luck and good fortune sources can easily pick up treasures with high grades, low luck, and bad luck.

But you can also look at fate, in fact, it is the degree of fit. If you have a high degree of fit with a treasure, you can easily pick it up.

Even if you are strong enough to suppress everything, there is no need to repeat these.

Although the Star Tower is divided into nine floors, it is actually not like the Avenue Palace or Duobao Pavilion. The interior space is only a starry sky, only the depth.

The stars in the starry sky are treasures. When various treasures are sent to the picking tower, they will turn into stars of different brightness, large or small, which can hold infinite.

Generally speaking, small, bright stars are on the first floor, that is, the outer periphery of the starry sky, and large, bright stars are on the ninth floor, which is the depth of the starry sky.

Fang Qingshan didn't look away. This treasure is indeed the Xingxing Tower, but compared with the Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat, the grade is incomparable.

Fang Qingshan's picking star building is not even a second-level ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This picking star building is a pinnacle of level three. It is a treasure in itself.

At the door of the tower, there was an old man who looked very timid lying in front of the gate, and it was he who whine. Even drool came out.

In such a tall and solemn and precious place, Fang Qingshan couldn't help twitching when he saw this scene.

Even so, on the surface, it was afraid to show a strangeness.

Don't look at the unsightly appearance of others, but being able to appear here is in itself an alternative reminder.

"Fang Qingshan, a disciple of Taoism, has met his predecessors and received a martial arts award. The disciples came to receive the reward."

"Oh, I said, this is not open for three years, will the opening last for three years?"

It seemed that he was awakened by Fang Qingshan. The old man snoring seemed to be impatient and opened his eyes, and said,

"One by one, do you say it's not good for you to come together to receive the prizes? When this is the market, it's true, it delays the old man's sleep."

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