Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1519: Withdrawal

To the Dragon Emperor, whether it is Fang Qingshan or the Grand Commander, and whether they are a group or not, they are all enemies.

Because Fang Qingshan was in front of the gongs, they attacked them in the face of the drums, and sent troops to sweep the entire meteorite.

The big commander and others are even more hateful, hiding in the dark, thinking about the fatal blow that may be launched at any time, they feel like a man with a back, like a pinch in his throat.

Fortunately, they discovered them in advance, and Xiuwei also had a qualitative improvement.

So, for Fang Qingshan and Grand Commander, the three-headed dragon emperor launched an attack at the same time.

However, due to the resentment against the Grand Commander and others, and they have three imperial masters, they divided the two dragon emperors into the past.

In this regard, it is the heart of Qingshan.

Since the discovery of the Grand Commander and others, Fang Qingshan began to retreat.

For one thing, although they sent mosquitoes for their purpose, the speed of mosquitoes was not as fast as the eternal sky boat, so it took so long to start from the Taoist gate at the speed of the eternal sky boat. He was afraid of delay.

There is another thing now, although three legs stand up, but on the surface it is that they are in absolute weakness. The most important thing is that they cannot join Liu to fight against Cao.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan intends to retreat strategically first.

This has another advantage. Without himself, the Dragon Emperor can't recover from the secret, and can only deal with the Grand Commander and others with all his strength.

In this way, you can also be like a big commander and others, sitting in the mountains and watching tigers, waiting until the mountains and rivers are broken, and then you can clean up the old mountains and rivers.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan started to move purposefully.

He did not head-on with the Dragon Emperor, but it was a little different from the previous one. He was standing in the same place and staying motionless, determined that he could drag the three-headed Dragon Emperor step by step.

虽然 Although now only a dragon emperor, the pressure is more dignified than the original three.

For this reason, now he is moving step by step towards the exit of the meteorite.

Although the Grand Commander and others faced the attack of the two Dragon Emperors, some Alexander had been there for a while, but in the end they were crowded and their strength was not weak. For a while, the Dragon Emperor could not help them. Therefore, they were always watching Fang Qingshan Over here.

After all, once Fang Qingshan was their target, wouldn't Fang Qingshan run into a bamboo basket to fetch water.

On the other hand, the scene has now formed a weird balance. If one side is broken, the other side will also change accordingly. It can be said that the whole body is affected.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan's purpose was soon discovered by them.

The Grand Commander and others were anxious.

Hey guys, if Fang Qingshan ran away, not only their purpose could not be achieved, but more importantly, in the face of the three-headed dragon emperor, they would probably not be out of the meteorite.

And even if they can run out, I am afraid they will lose a lot. Except for their three leaders, others will never survive.

And even if they escaped, they must have been seriously injured, and Fang Qingshan might not have left the secret place and would go straight away, saying that he would still wait for them outside. By that time, they would become fish on the board and be slaughtered by anyone.

In terms of taking ten thousand steps back, Fang Qingshan left after going out. In case of returning to the Taoist gate, the news was exposed. All the opportunities fell short.

They don't know, Fang Qingshan has sent mosquitoes to report.

As for why they do n’t run first, good guys, they also need a chance.

First of all, because of Fang Qingshan's ambush, and in order to avoid Fang Qingshan's confrontation with the Dragon Emperor, the leader of the Datong group retreated and departed long ago, deviating from the exit of the meteorite dragon's secret place.

I want to escape, not only distance, but also to break through the two barriers of Dragon Emperor and Fang Qingshan.

Besides, because the three-headed dragon emperor hated hiding in the dark and wanted the overlord of the yin and so on, he directly separated the two-headed dragon emperor to come and surround them.

If it was the beginning, the current Dragon Emperor is not the same as before, they are the emperor ’s cultivation in the middle.

Not to mention whether it can cause them great harm, but it is not difficult to just hold them. At least for a short time, they can't get rid of it, unless they are desperate at the beginning.

However, under the premise of hope, no one will desperately die, so it is better to live.

However, once Fang Qingshan escaped, the Dragon Emperor could not get out of the secret realm, and the other Dragon Emperor turned around to encircle, then they really could not fly.

The most important thing is that they originally wanted to ambush Fang Qingshan, and then they wanted to wait for Fang Qingshan and Dragon Emperor to be defeated.

But if this process continues, I am afraid that Fang Qingshan will be cheap in the end.

Therefore, we must not let Fang Qingshan leave.

Whether for their mission or for their safety.

"Fang Daoyou, you first lead away that dragon emperor, restrain him, and wait for us to clean up the two dragon emperors and come to help you."

The commander of the Great Commander and others knew that they could not stop Fang Qingshan from leaving.

But I ca n’t stop myself, is n’t there the Dragon Emperor, and I can still kill someone with a knife.

Anyway, Dragon Emperor did not know that they were not a group.

Sure enough, such a shout, even if the three-headed dragon emperor thinks that Fang Qingshan and the Grand Commander are all people along the way, this behavior is only to divide and disintegrate, and the anger in my heart can be imagined ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Seeing that Fang Qingshan was about to flee to the exit, the dragon emperor who was desperate had to drag him. Of course, the other two dragon emperors are also merciless.


Qi Fang Qingshan could not help but cursed, and at the same time, he became more convinced that these people were directed at himself, otherwise how to know himself?

"Hum, Ruyi's abacus is very good, but I will not be accompanied."

Fang Qingshan grunted coldly.

Qi Fang Qingshan didn't say much nonsense and didn't explain, even if he said that he and the Grand Commander were not all the same, Long Huang and others would not believe it.

In the end, it is not important for Dragon Emperor whether he or the Grand Commander and others are all the way, all are the enemies, just the hostility.

If it is a three-headed dragon emperor, or even two-headed dragon emperors to deal with themselves, although Fang Qingshan still has other means, Shi Zhan must not be a little helpless, at least it is not easy to escape.

But since there is only one dragon emperor, what about even the middle emperor? This gave him hope.


Qi Fang Qingshan drank loudly and then changed.


Almost instantly, Fang Qingshan turned directly into an eternal skyboat, nearly a million feet in size, crystal-clear as a jade, golden and bright, a time-honored atmosphere, constantly escaping from every inch of the boat's body Out, a mighty force broke out.

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