Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1520: seal

Human treasure is one!

Since the eternal sky boat can be perfectly integrated into Fang Qingshan's body.

Naturally, the Fang Qingshan can be smoothly transformed into an eternal sky boat.

Although the eternal sky boat has the eternal lotus seed and the existence of Lei Di, it is like a magic weapon above the Taoism in the eternal life.

But Lingbao is a Lingbao in the end. Since it is not a living being, it is obviously complete only when it is cast by the host.

Let's put it this way, although the eternal sky boat can exert its power 100%.

But if it is urged by Qingshan above, at least one hundred or two hundred power can be exerted, which is totally incomparable.

Of course, how much power you want to play depends on the fit of the host and the boat, and how powerful the host is.

If the difference in strength between the two is too large, I am afraid it will not play much of a role.

Now, Fang Qingshan Xiu has reached the peak of immortality, and although the eternal sky boat is still supreme level, but because of the mutation, combined with a third-level spiritual root, it is a perfect complement to Fang Qingshan. Power naturally multiplies.

For a while, but seeing the ancient hull, covering the sun and the sky, it was even larger than the true body of the three-headed dragon emperor.

The full twelve-story tower towered up. Don't look at the integration of the third-level Lingen Bliss Lotus, the tower unit only grew to twelve, and the three-story lotus platform was first integrated into the three.

However, it is because each additional tower unit consumes more than double the resources of the previous floor, and each time an additional tower is added, the foundation must be consolidated to consolidate the tower below.

There are dozens of them, and hundreds of them stand in order of icy bronze masts, which are not weak compared to Zhoushan.

There are dozens of sails, hundreds of sails, the sails are hanging high, the sails are agitating, the hunting sounds, there seems to be endless mystery flowing.

Xuan suddenly conveyed an indescribable coercion, which swept out in all directions like a tide, and that coercion conveyed a eternal breath, as if it had lasted forever. In this breath, even in the broken world, the dragon's will seemed to stop suddenly.


Qi Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed, and a look of madness appeared on his face. With a cry, it seemed that he was going out of his life.

Rumble! !!

The sound of Wu Ju Lei Tower's engulfing the energy of Wanjie resounded through Yunxia, ​​and the power of the origin of the meteorite's secret realm seemed to have been forcibly extracted by him, so that the world shook and shook even more.

The eternal thunder pool runs madly, devours, transforms, outputs, the eternal furnace unit, the sky boat body, the deck unit, the sail unit, and every inch of the boat's hull moves. The whole body is shining. Exudes madness. The chaos magic horns shone, flickering with gloom, and then slammed forward. Hit the Dragon King fiercely.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan was crazy.

After this collision, Shi was shocked.

This collision, either you die or I live.

This collision is dead, and you have to pull someone back.

Regardless of who he is, let's hit it first.

If it doesn't work once, then twice, if it doesn't work twice, then keep crashing. To see who has consumed who, to see if Tianzhou disintegrated first, or whether the other party was crushed first.


But seeing the eternal sky boat is like a crazy barren beast, only knowing the brutal collision.

Although it seems like there is no reason, it is faster and more powerful.

As soon as this crazy energy came out, the dragon emperor who was the first to be attacked was suddenly frightened.

虽然 Although he is a dragon emperor, with thick skin and thick flesh, he has been blessed by the will of the dragon and heaven, and has been repaired to break through the middle of the emperor.

But the so-called horizontal afraid of 愣, who is afraid of death.

In the face of the crazy Fang Qingshan, he could not help but give birth to a hint of cowardice, subconsciously showing the meaning of shrinking.

Of course, the main thing is that the previous Fang Qingshan was very great, otherwise they would not let them show their hole cards.

I have been very powerful. Do n’t get up now. Who does n’t want to avoid it?

In the end, everyone is dying.

For this reason, the Dragon Emperor who had wanted to stop Fang Qingshan immediately avoided it. It ’s not good if you do n’t push it away. If you get hit, it ’s only a matter of a few times.

At the same time, he also knew that it would not be long-lasting and soft and unstoppable. This outbreak was actually taking a breath and it was over when the breath was released. In this case, let him go crazy and let him go crazy. After the energy is over, isn't it easy and safe to pack him again?

So, he was waiting for Fang Qingshan to let out his breath.

What a pity, where did he know that Fang Qingshan just put on a look.

However, he has a bright future, an eternal sky boat, and a chessboard of the heavens. As long as it doesn't fall, it can reach the emperor level for the last time as long as it accumulates. Here is desperately with the Dragon Emperor?

After all, after seeing the Dragon Emperor retreating from the three homes, the eternal skyboat that hit madly missed, and turned a corner directly, and ran towards the exit of the mystery?

How is this going?

Is n’t he trying hard?

Why didn't you continue to hit?

This seems to be the direction of the exit!

Seeing this scene, the Dragon Emperor was a little aggressive, and the situation seemed different from what he had imagined.

"Hum, I knew it was the case,"

"Surely still want to escape,"

"Just because he wants to take advantage of the fisherman, he is delusional."

"Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard."

I do n’t think there is any surprise from the leader and others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although Fang Qingshan seemed to ignore it, they didn't believe it at all. Sure enough, time confirmed their conjecture.

"If you want to leave, you have to see if we agree."

The Grand Commander and others pinched a law decision with some pain.


As soon as I heard the words, I could see that at the entrance of the meteorite dragon's secret place, a barrier suddenly rose up, and the thin layer just sealed the entrance of the secret place.


When I saw this scene, Fang Qingshan suddenly hesitated in his heart. He didn't expect that at the last moment, something happened.

However, at this moment, the arrow was on the string and had to be sent. Although there was a seal, it could only hit it.

唯一 The only hope now is that this seal is not strong, otherwise ...


Before the idea in Qing Fangshan's mind had turned, Tianzhou and the seal barrier slammed into each other.

This collision should have been a hard collision, and there was a shocking movement.

结果 However, the result was unexpected.

It was as if Fang Qingshan had previously driven Tianzhou and hit Dragon Emperor.

The only difference is that he didn't hit the Dragon Emperor and hit the seal, but it seemed to fall into the loach, and he was totally incapable. With all his strength, the hero was useless.

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