This thin seal seemed to burst immediately, and it could be easily broken.

However, the reality is that after knowing that there is a seal here, Fang Qingshan added another force to push the eternal sky boat with all his strength, but it still had no effect.

撞 The collision of the eternal sky boat is that the dragon emperor in the middle of the **** emperor must retreat from the three houses. If he is bumped into the body firmly, it will be severely damaged.

However, this thin layer of barriers bound the sky boat tightly. The infinitely powerful and chaotic magic horns of all things seem to have become soft-footed shrimps.

The seal barrier was only slightly sunken a bit, as if the breeze was blowing across the lake, but the ripples at the starting point were completely harmless. Not to mention breaking the barrier, there was no slight crack.

The flowing river in the Minjiang River will not turn. No matter how strong the storm is, I am as stable as Mount Tai, and my strong defense can be called terror.

If only this is the case, after swallowing, digesting, transferring, and pulling the power of the eternal sky boat, a stronger, more fierce force rebounded from the seal, just like the void that was raised in the beginning , Using strength to fight, but also rebounded with more fierce force.



When Fang Qingshan saw this, he suddenly changed color and spit out two words.

I said time was late, then was fast.

I followed, and I saw, Taixu God Armour, Life and Death Gourd, Qian Kun Ding, Chaos Bell, Yehuo Red Lotus, and the Tianzhou Body all manifested, and the eternal Tianzhou was wrapped in a ball.

A mysterious texture formed a bunch of green lotuses together, and an eternal rhyme splashed out. In the middle of the lotus sea, a supreme green lotus elegantly bloomed, as if the eternal green lotus came. Shows a strong defense.

At the moment when the eternal green lotus bloomed, the rebounding force burst out and hit the eternal sky boat directly.

One share, two shares, three shares ...

These forces are like the forces of a tidal undercurrent.

股 Each strand is like an infinite force, unstoppable, able to split the heavens and the earth and cut off the sky.

Rumble! !!

Almost in the moment of the rebounding force hitting Tianzhou, a terrible scene appeared in the heavens and the earth.

The green lotus sea that enveloped the sky boat group suffered an unprecedented devastation in an instant. One flower, two flowers, one piece of withering, it was like a flash of light and a fragrance.

Under the impact of a huge and dense undercurrent, the entire hull was violently shaking, like a flat boat in the sea, following the current, and it was overturned somehow.

Fang Qingshan's next turn was aggressive.

The biggest disappointment is nothing more than the disappointment of seeing hope.

Squinting to see that he was about to escape the meteoric dragon's secret place, but was blocked at the last moment, this psychological gap is simply.

Fortunately, although the power of Dark Surge is very strong, Fang Qingshan responded in time and released the most powerful defense force of the eternal sky boat. He even joined the chess board of the heavens and united the defense, so he did not suffer an incredible blow. , Not even too much damage.

However, his purpose was not achieved. If he wanted to escape, he might not be able to solve the problem of the three-headed dragon emperor and the big commander in a short time.

Because this seal is too strong, Fang Qingshan did not say that it cannot be broken, but at least it will not work for a short time, and this still needs to be interrupted by no one.

For the big commander and others, the three-headed dragon emperor would obviously not sit idly by and watch his escape. As time goes on, no, don't say a long time, it is a delay, the dragon emperor has to catch up, so how can he still have a chance to break the seal.

"Hahaha, want to go, Fang Daoyou, you are a bit indifferent, and say good to deal with Dragon King together, what do you mean by going first? Let's talk with us against the three-headed Dragon King."

The grand commander and others laughed.

In order to deal with Fang Qingshan, they are quite well prepared.

He also followed in advance, laid an ambush, and shot the three **** emperors together. This seal was also specially prepared for Fang Qingshan, who was afraid he would escape.

Although the situation of use seems to be slightly different from what was expected, it is also harmless.

It was right to drag Fang Qingshan anyway.

Others don't say, at least to ease their crisis situation.

"Damn! I really do not die."

Qi Fang Qingshan did not expect that the big commander and others were so fully prepared, and they still had such a hand.

"Hum, stay here, stay, do you really think I'm afraid?"

Qi Fang Qingshan sneered.

The reason why he chose to leave first is not because he has no courage, fear or something else.

Just because you can use the least effort to achieve the most perfect effect, why not do it?

Now that he is not a fisherman, how can he be afraid of them when he confronts them?

Although it seems that he has only one person, he is an absolute disadvantage among the three parties.

But how, in the end, who knows?

Apparently, the leader and others did not know what Fang Qingshan was thinking now, but only saw his face look iron, and saw that Fang Qingshan was also trapped in the meteorite secret place, but the leader and others smiled. flower.

As their target, if they ran away and trapped them in despair, it would really be a face.

大家 Everyone is the same now, they have a balance in mind, as for the task? Let's deal with the three-headed dragon emperor first.

However, the three Dragon Kings are a little aggressive, and the situation seems different from what they imagined.

They originally thought that Fang Qingshan and Grand Commander were all the same ~ ~ But now it seems that this is not the case.

However, this idea just turned around in their minds, and they were left behind, regardless of whether they were all the way, they are all their enemies anyway.

As long as the enemy, then kill, kill all.

Suddenly, it was only a moment of hesitation, and the attack of the three-headed dragon emperor continued to fall.




For a while, Long Yin was shocked, and his blood was hot like ten days.

The body of the three-headed dragon emperor almost engulfed a little half of the meteorite dragon's secret place, and Zhangkou was a dragon's breath that seemed to be able to penetrate the heavens and the earth, across the ages.

The qi field, qi and blood, dragon yin, law, and mana are all mixed together, resonance resonance, a destructive force is like substance, destroy ripples, smash the void, like erasing the world and reducing it to a white rice paper.

The dragon's claws are like a knife, and the void is like a paper. One claw falls down, as if poured by a **** iron, covered with dragon scales.

The dragon emperor who dealt with Fang Qingshan fell with one claw, and the heavens and the earth were dark. It seemed as if he had fallen into an eternal night, the universe collapsed, all things returned to the market, a solitude spread, the vitality was wiped out, and it came to an end.

Obliterate the Dragon Claws!

This is another magical power dedicated to dragons.

But even if it is not targeted at the Dragon, the power is not weak.

Recommend the new book of the old city god:

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