Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1531: did not expect

Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis is behind!

It was not too late to return to the joy of beheading the three-headed dragon emperor. Suddenly, the two commanders had followed in their footsteps, falling into Fang Qingshan's hands, and the broken flesh splashed them all.

The two commanders, the three commanders, and the three commanders each excited, almost as if they had a spring installed on their bodies. They shook instantly, and left the place far away. When they returned to God, their faces looked like yīn Shen. It's like dripping water.

I don't know if it was because of anger or fright.

"You **** it, you **** it!"

The two growled, as if venting something.

Of course, their relationship is not as good as the three-headed dragon emperor, so they are not sad for each other.

I think they had a winning ticket, confidently came to besiege, and killed Fang Qingshan. Later, after seeing Fang Qingshan fighting with Dragon Emperor, they sat on the mountain to watch the tiger fight and wanted to take advantage of the fishermen.

If, following this trajectory, their task this time should be quite easy. And the harvest is full.

Not to mention the loot in Fang Qingshan's body and in the three realms of the Dragon Emperor and Meteor Dragon.

Just the various hole cards on them are enough to fill them up.

However, they dominated the beginning of the story, but deflected the end of the story.

Lost a thousand miles.

Not to mention so many deviations, this is dead.

The first thing that was unexpected was that they were exposed in advance.

Later, due to the fierce power of the three dragon emperors, they used the hole cards.

At first, this was nothing. After all, the cards of the big commander and the third commander were xìng once, but the card cards of the second commander could be summoned again, but only at a certain price.

But as long as the task is completed, a little price is still worth it. In the end, the second commander will be given more loot.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is so cruel.

They didn't expect life to be so beautiful, but Dragon Emperor was so irritable.

Seeing the death of the other two dragon emperors, he blew up without even thinking about it, and pulled the other two dragon emperors' bodies together with the origin of heaven and earth to explode together.

In order to withstand the powerful ripples of destruction caused by this self-detonation, they once again offered the eight treasure Ruyi Umbrella, the defensive treasure.

This was supposed to be just in case, but didn't expect it to come in handy.

However, even with the Babao Ruyi umbrella, they still failed to protect them.

Lost money!

The grand commander and others did not expect that Fang Qingshan would have such a treasure as losing money. The most important thing is that even the third-level top defense can be dropped.

The battle of life and death, an oversight, may be gone.

Not to mention they didn't expect so much.

I did not expect to be exposed, I did not expect to use my hole cards in advance, I did not expect that Dragon Emperor would explode, and Fang Qingshan had no money.

He did not expect Fang Qingshan to be so decisive. He also did not expect that in addition to the eternal sky boat, he also had the means to evaporate Sanqing and return Sanqing to one.

Therefore, their targets did not die, but their own people fell first.

At the moment, they have two choices.

For one, naturally kill him while he is ill.

Looking at Fang Qingshan's current situation, obviously it is time to run out of oil and light. If you make a shot, the success rate will definitely be great.

The second is to run away immediately.

The so-called is to stay in the mountains, no worries, no firewood.

The entrance to the mystery was previously sealed. At this moment, the world is broken, and the vast void is exposed. If you want to leave, it is easy to come.

It's a pity they are unwilling.

They paid so much. Not only did they not complete the task, but they also damaged the two leaders. If it was passed on, it would be a laughing matter, would they want to lose face?

The most important thing is that if they do not complete the task, even if they escape, their ending will not be better, and they will peel off the skin if they die.

Therefore, in order to save face, the most important thing is to see hope.

Therefore, the big commander only felt a little bit sad, and when they returned to God, they burst out of their full strength again.

Originally, they could summon the Emperor's Sword by virtue of the Second Commander. Although the price they might have paid was a bit greater, they were very confident.

It ’s a pity that the two leaders have fallen. Naturally, they can only take advantage of Fang Qingshan's old force just now, and when the new force is not born, he will cut his sword quickly. Where is it going?


The three leaders took the lead, but saw that he pointed out, but he saw that the sky was falling apart. The world ’s erupted space was broken directly like a cracked porcelain, and it was not broken into pieces, but the fly ash was annihilated. In reversal, time is boiling, time goes backwards, time goes fast, time goes still ...

Collapsed space, wrong time.

It's as if Fang Qingshan is displaying the bridge on the other side and the passing lantern at the same time.

The forces of time and space collide with each other.

If time and space meet, then it is time and space.

But this is not a blend, but a collision between water and fire, light and darkness, life and death.

An unprecedented strangulation force broke out.

For a time, it was Fang Qingshan's gaze ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ time is the respect, space is king.

Although exaggerated, it also illustrates the power of time and space.

The power of space alone cannot be underestimated, let alone the power of time and space united together, especially the collision of time and space, strangling.

The so-called is ChéngRén, while the inverse is immortal.

Mutual integration is already terrible, not to mention borrowing the tension between them.

Of course, the three commanders are not those who practice the laws of time and space, but also the initial cultivation of the Emperor of God. The reason why he exerted such powers of time and space is more borrowed from the magic of warfare itself.

Because of his usual assistance, his major magical combat skills are not powerful killing techniques. At this moment, Fang Qingshan is hanged. The focus is on killing. There is no need to be trapped. Because Fang Qingshan looks like he is not sleepy, he cannot hide, There is no way but to show the supernatural powers that are not good at it.

At the same time, the great commander brushed out his sword and exerted his sword power.

A ray of sword light bloomed in front of him, and the sword light was extremely fast, but there was an indescribable agility, the trajectory was indistinguishable, the mysterious and unpredictable, and it was difficult to judge.

Generally speaking, the sword is light and the sword is overbearing.

But the big commander of this sword is not just a light sword but also a hegemon of swords.

A sword was cut out, bursting with unparalleled majestic power.

The swords are vast and overwhelming, and they are gathered together into a river of heavenly swords, as if rising from immense void and running through the heavens and the world, it seems to be able to break everything and overthrow everything. Direct bombardment to kill.

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