Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1532: Devour

"At the end of the crossbow, I am dying."

Regardless of the big commander and the three commander's shots, it still seems to be a big shot, but Fang Qingshan still snorted scornfully.

Originally in accordance with the principle of killing him and cutting off the roots while he was ill, Fang Qingshan should take advantage of the situation, and continue to take advantage of the situation to continue to kill the big commander and the three commanders without giving them resistance and respite. opportunity.

But he didn't.

This is not Fang Qingshan's arrogance and swell.

At the moment, Fang Qingshan was also at this moment because of repeated battles with the Dragon Emperor, breaking through the limit, and besieging the two commanders. Some of the successors were weak, and it was difficult for the whole person to move his fingers.

But more importantly, he was exhausted, and the two chiefs and the three chiefs were just like themselves. They could n’t be better. The most important thing was that they had no hole cards. In this way, Fang Qingshan was certainly not bad at all.

Moreover, although the deity felt his body was hollowed out, did he still have a avatar?

Although Yiqing Sanqing was a supernatural power, it almost became Fang Qingshan's instinct. He didn't need to consume any power at all. As long as he thought about it, the three avatars would kill him.




But I heard three avatars yelling at the same time.

A clone on the left, holding a sword, cut it out with a knife, and the sword is overbearing. It completely uses the sword's domineering power to the fullest. It can be used to cover all sides and has nothing to do, as if it is from all sides. Hundreds of people stabbed their swords at the same time, and at the same time cut to the three-time leader of space and time.

An avatar on the right, a sword in his hand, shakes hundreds of swords of light, sensibly, coldly, stunned, the sword is as fine as a needle thread, condensed like a diamond, as much as a feather, but it is a sword broken with a sword , Also evolved a sword sea tide, sweeping towards the Tongtian sword river under the command of the great.

As for the avatar in the middle, it seemed like walking in a leisurely court, with one flick, firing two black and white alternates, like a snake-like dragon awl.

Reincarnation cone!

Spiral coiled, unbreakable, unbreakable.

Ding! !!

The experience of the big commander and three commanders is not rich, and the response is not unpleasant.

Unfortunately, the front card is consumed, mana is damaged, Yuanshen is tired, and Fang Qingshan is involved in the other two.

Although, every effort has been made to dodge and defend, it has not escaped the attack of the reincarnation cone.

The reincarnation cone seemed to have eyes, hit the two's brows directly, and then penetrated into the mud pill palace of the two with a rush.

"How could this be!"

Both eyes opened and their eyes fell out. Unbelievably full, apparently, they did not expect this result.

At the end of a good hand, he actually took himself in.

The Yuanshen was destroyed, and the true spirit did not exist. Within one and a half moments, the two commanders caught up with the two commanders on Huangquan Road.

In fact, the reason for this is nothing more than strength and luck.

Because of Fang Qingshan's strength, he was able to defend himself under the siege of the three dragon emperors and even drag the three dragon emperors to death.

Therefore, they had to summon the will of heaven and earth to bless.

So he found great commanders and others. Only then did follow-up development.

It is also because of luck, so the leader and others were exposed in advance, followed by the hole cards.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan can use his strength and strength to explode by using the Dragon Emperor to kill the leader in one fell swoop.

Strength and air transport complement each other.

With strength alone and no luck, Fang Qingshan could only die for nothing in the face of the fourth-level Supreme Treasure Sword called by the Second Commander.

With luck and no strength, he could not wait for the Grand Commander and others to do anything, and I am afraid it fell into the hands of the Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, in fact, from the beginning, some things were already doomed.

Blame the big leader and other people Aoyama does not understand, blame them only against Fang Qingshan.


At this moment, Fang Qingshan was completely relieved.

The Dragon Emperor, the Grand Commander, and the two men and women were all under their own calculations, and all died.

Although this battle is thrilling, fortunately there is no danger, then it is time to enjoy the fruits of victory.

The battle between Fang Qingshan and others had crushed the Meteor Dragon's mystery, but it was a bit slow.

But with the fall of the three dragon emperors, the self-detonation of the will of heaven and earth hastened the extinction of heaven and earth instantly.

In addition, in order to slay the second leader, he fully broke out in the late emperor's cultivation.

And in the end, the collision of the three incarnations with the big commander, the three commanders, became the last straw that crushed the camel.

But it can be seen that the whole world starts from the world barriers and collapses toward the middle, and the middle also collapses in all directions.

The five elements are disordered, time and space are intertwined, the good fortune retreats, and the dominator is destroyed.

The heavens and the earth are closing, the geomantic scenes are overflowing, and chaos is repeating itself.

A long river full of endless death and destructive power appeared above the meteorite world.

This is the river of destruction.

Similar to the long river of time and space.

Of course, the river of destruction here is just a collection of the forces of destruction in this heaven and earth.

The heavens and the earth are opened, and creatures are born.

The heavens and the earth are united and destroyed, and this time destroys invincible.

This is the last madness in the world.

"go with!"

Several treasures flashed in Fang Qingshan's hands.

There are the sickle of death, the magic horns of chaos, the red lotus of karma, the gourd of life and death, the camp of eternity, the avatar of the world tree, and the eternal sky boat.

All were thrown by the river of destruction.

Even he himself manifested the true bodies of the heavens, but saw the infinite world floating around his body. Each side of the world is like one side of the field, and each side of the world is turned into a market.

At the next moment, these treasures, the world tree clone, and Fang Qingshan themselves seemed to be incarnation www ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 貔貅, Peng Peng, as far as possible, absorbed the breath and power of death and destruction.

Fang Qingshan's move is precisely to use these treasures, the world tree clone and himself to devour the endless power of destruction, devour the power of the last erupting source of this side of the world, and use this endless source of destruction to enhance Tianzhou Spirit The quality of Bao, as well as the world tree avatar and its own heritage!

Death sickle, chaotic magic horns, karma red lotus, and life and death gourd, needless to say, are the origins that are similar to the power that contains and destroys.

Among them, the chaos magic horn attribute is not chaos, but it is destroyed, so he can be destroyed without destruction, without destruction.

As for the yehuo red lotus, it seems that it has nothing to do with the power of destruction.

But you must know that the red lotus of this devotion is formed, but it swallows and destroys the black lotus.

Since it was able to devour Black Lotus at the beginning, it is also natural to devour the power of destruction at this moment.

The eternal barracks and eternal sky boat don't care what kind of power it is, as long as it is the power of the source, anyway, it can be transformed into the force of the army and the power of eternity.

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